Before joining you might want to look at the Benefits and Rules / Code of Conduct first
Blackcapes' Home
Blackcapes' Application Form
I aggree to the rules
You also might want to check if your friends are on our Kill On Sight list
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Home of the Blackcapes
TO FILL OUT APPLICATION: Hover mouse on far left of text area, click when you see a text cursor (vertical line), use tab to move from box to box.
Without a valid Email you will not be considerd for membership
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This is case sensitive - please make all capitol letters the same as your Runescape Name
REQUIREMENTS: We are not accepting new members with less than 80 combat unless they are reccommended by a current member; or if you can fish lobs, mine rune or smith adam or better, you can be considered for a non - combat position..
Indicate here if a non - combat position is desired - or if your involvement with another clan might interfere with being a Blackcape
The clan has disbanded, so we are not taking any applications untill further notice