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Master Positions  Details
The Master Archer's required lvl is 40. The duties would consist of; teaching newbie members how  to range, taking Bow or Crossbow on PK missions, & using it on any party that we attack or that attacks us. To apply for Master Archer click here.
Master Archer
Master Cleric
The Master Cleric's required level is 31. The duties would consist of; teaching newbie members to bury bones if they don't want to be pure, showing newbie members the big bones in wild, and having Brother Jared bless the Holy Symbols of the members who cannot go into the Monastery 2nd floor. A few prayers for successful PK missions wouldn't hurt! To apply for Master Cleric click here.
Master Wizard/Witch
Preferrably a paying member, the Master Wizard/Witch's required lvl is 55. The duties would consist of; teaching newbie members to cast spells if they don't want to be pure, showing newbie or forgetful member's where the runes respawn, taking runes on PK missions & using magic against any party that we attack or that attacks us. Also enchanting amulets & high alchemy services for members who provide the nessisary runes. To apply for Master Wizard/Witch click here.
Master Chef
Preferrably a paying member, the Master Chef's duties would consist of; teaching newbie members to cook, especially foods like stew & anchovie pizza that requires multiple instructions, & cooking newbie members food if they provide the ingredients. Donations of food to the treasury would be appriciated! This position has been filled by Jumister5889.
Master Fletcher
The Master Fletcher's duties would consist of; Teaching newbie members to fletch, & fletching for newbie members if they provide the ingredients. Donations of bronze arrows to the treasury wouldn't hurt! To apply for this position click here.
Master Fisherman
Preferrably a paying member, the Master Fisherman/Fisherwoman's required lvl is 40. The duties would consist of; Teaching newbie members how & where to fish, knowing where the nearest bed compared to all the fishing holes is a must. Donations of Tuna or Lobster to the treasury would be appriciated! To apply for this position click here.
Master Jewler
Preferrably a paying member, the Master Jewler's duties would consist of; teaching newbie members how to craft, & crafting for members if they provide the nessisary stuff. To apply for this position click here.
Master Blacksmith
The Master Blacksmith's required lvl is 33. The duties would consist of, teaching newbie members how to smith & providing free smithing services to members who provide the nessisary ores or bars. To apply for this position, click here.
Master Miner
The Master Miner's duties would consist of; showing members where specific ores are to be found, and knowledge of the closest bed compared to the different mines is a must. To apply for this position click here.
Master Apothecary
The Master Apothecary's duties would consist of; Showing what monsters drop what herbs, identifying herbs for members, making potions/poisons for members who provide the nessisary ingredients. To apply for Master Apothecary click here.
Anyone who gets one of these Master Positions will find their name on our main page, under our officers. If there are multiple qualified applicants there may be a vote to decide the outcome.
Preferrably a paying member, the Questmaster's duties would consist of showing & helping members with their quests.To apply for this position click here.
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Master Acrobat
The Master Acrobat's duties would consist of; Teaching members how to take advantage of the agility skill. To apply for Master Acrobat click here.
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The Man at Arms is our master of combat, so the prerequisite level in combat should be over 75. The Man at Arms duties would consist of making yourself available for PK missions & possibly giving some tips on combat to the newbie members. To apply for Man at Arms click here.
Man at Arms
Master Theif
The Master Theif's duties would consist of; Teaching members how to take advantage of the Theiving skill. To apply for Master Theif click here.
    People have been asking me if they could get promoted to officer status, & so I felt it nessisary to detail what I would like to see from potential hopefuls. If you want to be an officer in the Blackcapes then you need to display leadership qualities. There are two main ways that ppl will be considered for a promotion: You can recruit current members or new ones that will follow you on pk missions & then send me a report (preferrably with pics) for the newspage. Also if you are recommended for a promotion by others - I will be more likely to consider the request. I want leaders who are friendly, dependable, willing to take the initiative, while still following orders; those who engender loyalty by being willing to share some food or strength potions with their PK squad. Also, as a policy - officers are not allowed to hold a master position - these were designed to generate more clan participation; & officers already participate in clan activites by being officers.
Master Hunter
The Master Hunter's duties would consist of; Teaching members where the hunting grounds are & how to take advantage of the Hunting skill. To apply for Master Hunter click here.
Master Builder
The Master Builder's duties would consist of; Teaching members where the construction supplies are & how to take advantage of the Construction skill. To apply for Master Builder click here.
Master Summoner
The Master Summoner's duties would consist of; Teaching members where the summoning obelisks are & how to take advantage of the Summoning skill. To apply for Master Summoner click here.