Prayer Guide |
Prayer is really hard to go up in. To go up levels, you'll need a bury bones. Get bones by killing another person, or most monsters. Each bone you bury gives you about 3.5 exp. That is barely much, so now you see how hard it is. Left click on the bones to bury them. So you want to go up faster, yes, this is a problem for everyone. There is one way to go faster, kill giants and they will drop Big Bones. Which give you 13 experience when buried. You need to be level 31 prayer to enter the Monastery. It may take a while to reach the level, but this prayer guild is pretty much worth it. Brother Jered blesses Holy Symbols of Saradomin. Look at my Crafting Page for more information, when you make it and string, it will be called Unblessed Holy Symbol of Saradomin, take it to this guy and he'll bless it for you. It gives you 8 prayer points, which gives you 9 prayer points total. Monks robes respawn in the Monastery. The shirt gives you 6 prayer points, while the skirt gives you 5 prayer points. The maximum you can get is 20 prayer points, if you don't know what prayer points do, it makes your prayer last longer. It won't drain as fast as when you don't have any prayer clothes on. There is also a monks altar. What exactly is the difference between this altar and other altars? It gives you more prayer points than you can hold. It's useful for letting your prayer last longer. While other altars heal you to maximim prayer points, this altar gives you bonus points, useful indeed. A good way to train your prayer is the Big Bone respawn in the wilderness. At level 25 or so wilderness, there are carcasses with Scimitar Skeletons (Level 32) wandering around the Big Bones. If you are a member there are brand new Dragon Bones. If you use bones with the Ectofunctus (Ghosts Ahoy quest) or the altar inside your player owned house (with lanterns lit) then you get bonus prayer xp. |