The Marblehead Quarry History Site
150 Years of Quarrying at Marblehead, Ohio
Website Published By: David Koran
Compiled from 1992 -1996 Study
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Visits Since 2004
Site last maintained on  01/26/09
Previous maintenance  05/20/05
Marblehead Quarry History
Early Operations Multiple Companies
The Kelley Island Lime & Transport Company 1886-1955
Chemstone Corporation 1955 - 1962
The Standard Slag Company 1962 - 1989
LaFarge Corporation 1989 - Present
Special Research
Map of Quarry and Facilities
The Loading Dock Plant B (Hydrate Plant)
Autocar Truck Research
Map of Quarry Activity 1840-1996
          (Click image above)
This Website is maintained by The Marblehead Quarry and Railroad Preservation Group
You can contact the group directly here.
2004-05 David Koran Marblehead, Ohio