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Mary Carroll-Bower |
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President of the following: THE CARROLL FOUNDATION, Soutwest Missouri Tenants Union, We specialize in medical and legal research in the fields of environmental hazards, biological hazards and airborne toxins. Our research comes with 15 years experience in Paramedical fields, Paralegal and Court appointed investigations. We are your research source on the web for court, for personal, medical or legal cases. In addition we work to secure you inspection for toxic mold, carbon-monoxide levels, and faulty construction. Mary Bower has extensive training in CPR, Disaster survival, rescue operations, and chemical and biological research. We specialize in referrals for indoor air quality in the home and workplace. Mary Bower is in constant association with Israeli victim Terrorist Association, Melinda Ballard, The sick building , toxic mold home case that awarded her damages of 32,000.00 million. Mary Carroll- Bower is President of S.W. Missouri Paralegal Association, . We know the complaints and symptoms, call or write if you need help. For further information contact us at |