Mold in it's worst form is the producer of Toxins that  can devastate and cause havoc and terror in lives of it's victims. Mold is not selective, it likes rich people and low income.  It's devastation can cause even the rich to weep when they find their lack of coverage, non-coverage, and cancelation notices in the mail.

Our Coalition is made up a  member panel and board for arbitration and resolution results. We have directors  and board members signing up in each state.

NEWS UPDATE: CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT : if you believe you are eligible to join our class action forming against insurance carriers who refuse to pay claims in a timely fashion, discourage filing of class, turn away claims, deny coverage, or deny payment, falsify documents or medical reports, contact us at our email address:

You must have a claim filed and you must not have settled your case. Some exceptions will be if you settled only property or medical but not both. We will need your name, phone, email, claim number, status of claim, and claim representative and phone.
Insurance carrier name and address also.

We are establishing a Disaster and Rescue Team for each state called CRDT, Code Red Disaster Team.

We already have volunteers, if interested in volunteering,  contact us at :

We  have a lab in the making for testing and are working on an ENVIRONMENTAL CLINIC and testing facility in the Ozarks.

We are scheduling a Toxic Mold Retreat for anyone who wants to attend in August at Indian Point Campgrounds in Branson, Mo. Contact us for details.

We have many new members. Thanks to all of you.

We welcome Professionals in the field to post with us on our resource page for a small monthly fee. Our website links can also be a source for awareness. 

We are proud to be associated and in constant contact with some of the best in the field of environmental safety and health.


We have our new T shirt logo's the yellow hasmat suited man with respirator, and slogan available for order. ALL sizes in SM., Med, Large. $15.00,  add 2.00 S.H and allow 2 week delivery. Rush orders must be requested and paid for in advance.

As President and Founder, I have my own story, but my heart has gone out to all of you victims of Toxic Mold Exposure and your children. It is for this reason that you, have given me the courage and integrity to fight for consumer laws that protect us all from new and future exposures.

We still have openings for board members, one year terms, on all three boards, arbitration/resolution, Coalition and Foundation.  If interested in volunteering contact us or for job detail information email and we will get back to you.

Memberships available $32 yr. Coalition or both $32.00 send to: NTMC
P.O. Box 923
Ozark, Mo. 65721

Donations to the Foundation can be sent to:
National Toxic Mold Foundation Victim Services or NTMF, P.O. Box 923, Ozark, Mo. 65721

My Favorite Links:
Clan Carroll
President and Founder
Name: Mary Carroll-Bower