Commodities & Futures

Oil Graph

USD-EU Graph

Dow Graph

Nasdaq Graph

Gas Map Price in USA


USA Economic Indicators (as per NBER)


-->Evidence: Nouriel Roubini (1, 2, 3, some papers)


9/26/08 (Q2 Final)
8/28/08 (Q2 Preliminary)
7/31/08 (Q2 Advance)

4 Indicators

Sales (Retail Sales)
9/12/08 (Aug)
8/13/08 (July)
7/15/08 (June)
Consumer Expenditure Survey Home Page
The Bonddad Blog: Consumer Spending Drops
The Bonddad Blog: Personal Consumption Expenditures Flat
Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2000-2006 (not adj for inflation)

Production (Industrial Production)
9/15/08 (Aug)
8/15/08 (July)
7/17/08 (June)
ISM Mfg Index ( 4/1/08 ) ; (ISM source page, ISM?)
Overview of BLS Productivity Statistics
The Bonddad Blog: Industrial Production and Empire State Survey Show Increasing Weakness

Employment (Payrolls & Unemployment Rate)
9/5/08 (Aug)
8/1/08 (July)
Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment
FedStats: Labor statistics
FedStats provides easy access to statistics and information produced by more than 100 U.S. Federal Government agencies
The Bonddad Blog: Gas Prices Starting to Hit Employment Numbers

Income (Personal Income & Outlays)
9/29/08 (Aug)
8/29/08 (July)
8/4/08 (June)
Overview of BLS Statistics on Wages, Earnings, and Benefits
Econoday Report: Personal Income and Outlays 28, 2008
Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2000-2006 (which includes income) ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙


  • Construction Spending (Econoday Report) ( 4/1/08 )
  • The Bonddad Blog: Housing Nowhere Near a Bottom
  • The Bonddad Blog: Case Shiller Index Drops Record Amount
  • The Bonddad Blog: What Went Wrong In Housing?
  • The Bonddad Blog: Commercial Real Estate Also Taking A Hit
  • Financial
  • The Bonddad Blog: The Financialization of the US Economy
  • The Bonddad Blog: The Problems In the Financial Sector Aren't Over By A Long Shot
  • The Bonddad Blog: What Inflation?
  • The Bonddad Blog: FOMC Statement
  • The Bonddad Blog: A Closer Look At the Financial Sector
  • The Bonddad Blog: Dollar Still Getting Hammered
  • The Bonddad Blog: On the Bear Stearns Situation
  • The Bonddad Blog: Alan -- STFU Already
  • The Bonddad Blog: Gold Crosses $1000/Ounce
  • The Bonddad Blog: S&P Provides Comic Relief
  • The Bonddad Blog: An Overview of the Basic Problem We Face
  • The Bonddad Blog: The Problem With the Fed's Injection
  • The Bonddad Blog: Feds Probe Countrywide; Find Sewage
  • The Bonddad Blog: Bernanke Shows Socialist Tendencies
  • The Bonddad Blog: It's the Leverage, Stupid
  • The Bonddad Blog: They Were Warned and Didn't Listen
  • Energy
  • The Bonddad Blog: The US Says It's Supply; OPEC Says Its the Dollar
  • The Bonddad Blog: OPEC Squeezing the Last Drops of Profit
  • ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙

    Charts (WTIC, USD/EU, Dow, & Nasdaq)

    Reports -->2/10/06 CEPR report on US Trade Deficit for the long-term & short-term effects. See above link for current numbers.

    US Economy 2008 - Recession/Depression

  • UCLA Anderson still thinks (nervously) no recession - 3/11/08
  • Warren Buffet today spoke on the recession being longer & deeper than anticipated.
  • Bernanke Says U.S. Economy May Slip Into a Recession ( Update 5 )
  • Separately today, the International Monetary Fund cut its forecast for global growth this year and said there's a 25 percent chance of a world recession, citing the worst financial crisis in the U.S. since the Great Depression. Also, orders to U.S. factories fell more than forecast in February, a Commerce Department report showed. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told Bloomberg Television in an interview from Beijing that the IMF numbers appear ``overblown to me.'' He indicated a willingness to consider congressional plans to stem foreclosures by expanding government guarantees for mortgages.
  • Recession or Depression? « Meandering Matrix
  • Al Jazeera English - Programmes - The 'R' Word
    • We take a look at the state of the US economy and the impact it is having worldwide.
  • 50 years of market swings - FORTUNE Magazine
    • Fortune magazine’s winter 2008 Investor’s Special focuses on where to invest in the recession economy.
  • Bonddad: FedSpeak (4/3/08 )
  • Us Economy 2008 — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress
  • Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • / Home UK / UK - Transcript: George Magnus of UBS
    • A transcript of the FT’s interview with George Magnus of UBS.
  • Image:Subprime diagram.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Subprime crisis impact timeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • List of entities involved in 2007 finance crises - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Recession of 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Is_The_US_Subprime_Crisis_So_Different.pdf (application/pdf Object)
  • Fed Chief Shifts Path, Inventing Policy in Crisis - New York Times
    • Ben S. Bernanke, who has long argued that a central bank should act on consistent principles, now has to improvise.
  • / View from the Markets
    • All the global business intelligence you need on over 195 countries
  • The Bonddad Blog: Are We In For Long-Term Stagnation in Stock Prices?
  • The Bonddad Blog: Commodities/Dollar Update
  • GDP.pdf (application/pdf Object)
  • Data - Quick Reference Tables
  • Data - GDP and GNI
  • Economics « Meandering Matrix
  • FM: Flash Presentation: US Depressions Timeline « Meandering Matrix
  • Dark Clouds Looming in 2008 USA « Meandering Matrix
    More Resources

    Statistics survey (National) Home Page Programs and Surveys Federal Reserve Board of Governors Statistics: Releases and Historical Data Economic Indicators and Releases



    Day Translation Utility
    Rhythmic Moon day 10
    Year of the White Cosmic Wizard

    kin 123: Blue Rhythmic Night
    I Organize in order to Dream
    Balancing Intuition
    I seal the Input of Abundance
    With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
    I am guided by my own power doubled