Today we will be addressed by Mrs. Christina Mavroudis on the topic of: "Lest We
Forget:  A Comparative History of DCI and America."

     Christina Mavroudis is an Administrative Assistant at Sony Computer Entertainment
America, a resident of San Jose, California and a mother of a talented thirteen year-old daughter
and three year veteran of the San Jose Raiders Colorguard.  She received her Associate Arts
Degree Magna Cum Laud from DeAnza College, and is currently Staff Writer/Photographer for
Drum Corps World, Drum Corps News and Pageantry Press magazines.  Mavroudis has marched
with several bands and drum and bugle corps including the 1981 Blue Devils, serves as Booster
Parent to others, and is Director of Public Relations for the Spirit of Sunnyvale '96.  

     She has received several writing, service, and costuming awards, is a contributor to
several newspapers and magazines, and has served as a Producer, Assistant Director and
Costumer of numerous school productions in the Bay area.  Mavroudis is founded newsletters
"Data Entries," "Inside Star Trek" (for Paramount) and "Quantum Quarterly," for Quantum Leap,
a television show for which she was recently recognized as being instrumental in saving by
organizing an international writing campaign.  Her Chairmanship of Dean Stockwell's
Hollywood Walk of Fame Committee won him a star in the famed sidewalk.

     Please welcome the address of Mr. Christina Mavroudis.
