Introducing Mario P. Navetta

Today we will be have two addresses by Mario P. Navetta.  Mario's first address
is a compound of two works, one entitled "Dream Memories" on the subject of
Roosevelt Stadium's drum corps Dream Contest, and the other entitled "Back
Then... Autumn and Winter" with historic drum corps stories retold by Mario. 
Mario's second address - "Cloonah" - is on the subject of drum corps personality
and Hall of Famer Carman Cluna.

[Chairman's note:  The latter entry ("Cloonah") is entered in the Symposium's
Marching Band Division.  This fact is not intended to convey any disrespect to
Mr. Navetta or Mr. Cluna (although drum corps association with marching band
seems to get less disrespectful each year).  Rather, "Cloonah" is entered in the
Marching Band Division because Navetta's first address ("Dream Memories/Back
Then... Autumn and Winter") was entered in the Drum Corps Division. 
Presenters this year may enter only one paper per Division.]

Drum Corps in which Mr. Navetta marched include The Skyliners Our Lady of
Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Loretto, and the 1963 and 1964 Caballeros.  He
instructed color guard for Jersey City High School and served as a journalist for
the Eastern Review and Jersey Journal.  Mario presently writes for Bob
Bellarosa's "Heritage Magazine".

Please welcome Mario P. Navetta.
