About the Author.

Mr. Stuart Rice, presently a health care representative for the Eastern Coast, became the
University of Utah's undergraduate marching instructor at the age of 18.  He is a veteran of over
20 seasons of marching in drum and bugle corps (membership, instruction and choreography);
junior high, high school and college band (membership, instruction and choreography);
professional band (membership); military (training); winterguard (instruction and
choreography), and is a graduate of the USA and George Parks Drum Major Academy training
programs.  Rice is licensed to teach and choreograph marching in Utah Secondary Schools
through a music endorsement allied with a Bachelor's Degree in Music from the University of

He is a recipient of the BSA Eagle Scout Award and listed in the Marquis Who's Who In The
West biographical research compilation, 1997.  His formal education (1983-1996) includes
courses in marching band and marching band techniques, ballet, modern dance, art aesthetics,
and courses individually designed as collaborations on marching with Ronald Crosby, Resident
Scenic Designer Emeritus, Pioneer Memorial Theater, Dr. Steven Roens, Assistant Professor of
Music Theory and Composition; Scott Hagen, Director, University of Utah "Ute" Marching
Band.  Stuart was recognized in 1982 by Senator Orrin Hatch for accomplishments in public
school music, and as a "Promising Young Artist" the following year by former First Lady Nancy
Reagan on behalf of the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts.

Stuart Rice's instruction in the marching arts began under John Opedisano, George Parks and the
United States Army.  His development continued with Tai-Chi Chuan instruction from Tim
Sheehan and Jack Livingston (the latter a student of a student of the legendary Cheng Man
Shing), and his own personal training now in its tenth year.  He is a former student of
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement/ Functional Integration, Rolfing/Structural
Integration and the Alexander Technique, and is progeny of a family military heritage extending
through nearly every major American campaign.

Rice served as a librarian for the Juilliard School of Music, The University of Utah Band and
Orchestra Libraries, and The University of Utah Marriott Library (Cataloging, Manuscripts and
Stacks).  He was a presenter on marching at the University of Rochester Visual and Cultural
Studies Conference in 1995, and has presented the same topic at the RAMD Virtual Symposium
since its inception.  He presently writes for Drum Corps World Magazine, and is currently Editor
of Flatland Press, library and center for the research and promotion of the marching arts.

Stuart Rice was chairman and co-founder of RAMD Virtual Symposium in 1995; founder of
Functional Style Marching and the Upright Method in 1989; founder of Planar Analysis in 1995
(a method of measuring drill movement in quantity, difficulty and sequence).  He was recipient
of Grants from Drum Corps International and IBM for Planar Analysis of the DCI World
Championships, 1995 and 1996.  His favorite pastimes are ignoring demands for his credentials
by people who (1) have already read them somewhere else, (2) are too damn lazy to do the
research themselves, (3) have none, or (4) some or all of the above.

    Source: geocities.com/marchingresearch