Introducing Jonathan Ritter.

Addressing us on "The Summer Music Games: Drum and Bugle Corps As Ritual"
will be Jonathan Ritter.

Jonathan Ritter is a doctoral candidate in ethnomusicology at the University of
California at Los Angeles.  He received his M.A. in Ethnomusicology from
U.C.L.A., and graduated summa cum laude in American Indian Studies from the
University of Minnesota.  Ritter is the recipient of numerous scholarships and
fellowships including an ISOP Fieldwork Fellowship (UCLA), a U.S. Department
of Education National Resource Fellowship, and a Fulbright IIE Fellowship for
study in Peru during the 2000-2001 academic year.  He has conducted research
throughout North and South America on a wide variety of musical traditions.

Jonathan is the author of numerous publications and translations, and his papers
and lectures have been delivered throughout the United States and Canada.  His
articles are published in Percussive Notes, Bulletin of the Society for American
Music, Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology, and Selected Reports in
Ethnomusicology (forthcoming).  He is also the author of "A Work in Progress:
Autonomy on Nicaragua's Atlantic Coast (1995).

Jonathan's musical experience is derived from membership with various
orchestras and wind ensembles, and folk, rock, and jazz bands and
ethnomusicological ensembles.  He has served as a guest artist and percussion
instructor, and marched with the Colts (1989) and Cavaliers (1991-93) Drum and
Bugle Corps.

Please welcome Jonathan Ritter.
