
Distinguished Service Award:  Sherry Brourman

Scholar Of The Year: 
Brad Strand

Children's Literature Award:  TBA

Special Awards

Casavant Performance Award: 
Magnificent Desolation:  Walking on the Moon (IMAX)

Scoop of the Year: 
Scientists Unearth Humans' Oldest Walking Ancestor


Becker, Kerstin H.  Through These Doors:  The History of the University of Massachusetts Marching Band, 1863-2003

Cheek, Lawrence W. and Cheek, Larry.  The Navajo Long Walk (Look West Series)

Hunt, Linda Lawrence.  Bold Spirit:  Helga Estby's Forgotten Walk Across America

Keefe, Joseph. 
Noise Exposure Associated with Marching and Pep Bands

Lang, John and Lang, Jean.  Stories of the Border Marches

Leahy, William.  Elizabethan Triumphal Processions

MacDougall, Hamish and Moore, Steven T. 
Marching to the Beat of the Same Drummer:  the Spontaneous Tempo of Human Locomotion

Macquees, Gailand.  The Spirituality of Mazes and Labyrinths

Montalbano, Dean A.  Walking the Labyrinth

Poling, Daniel A.  Youth Marches

Ryder, Dan.  Techniques of Marching Band Show Designing & Workbook (2 volumes)

Honorable Mention

Crewe, Sabrina and Scott Ingram.  1963 Civil Rights March

Matthews, Michele L.  Living, Sleeping and Eating Band:  My Memoirs of Marching Band

Ortega, Abel.  Courage on Bataan and Beyond
The Association for Research in the Marching Arts and Sciences
The Eleventh Annual

Marching Virtual Symposium