Postdoc in Leipzig
From January 2002 to July 2004, I have worked as a postdoc researcher at the Leibniz Institut für Länderkunde in Leipzig, Germany.
The project I have been working on was called 'Growth poles in the metropolitan periphery and sustainable development'.
The project was sponsored by the
Marie Curie Host Fellowship programme of the European Union.
This programme encourages young postgraduates to work abroad for some years, and stimulates knowledge transfers within the EU as well as between EU countries and candidates for EU membership.
Follow this link for a presentation of the project results:
presentation at AESOP 2004 Conference, Grenoble, July 2004
Get to know the city of Leipzig and some of its most interesting monuments!

For the Dutch readers,
here is a short article on the past, present and future of Leipzig...

And here are some pictures & impressions:
The city centre, part 1: Hauptbahnhof, Nikolaikirche
part 2: Augustusplatz
part 3: Art & going out
Outside of the centre: Alte Messe, Völkerschlachtdenkmal,   Bayerisches Bahnhof, Russische Gedächtniskirche
Much more info about Leipzig can be found at:
In 2004, 2 journal articles were published in Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (vol. 19 nr. 1) and European Planning Studies (vol. 12 nr. 5), giving a more detailed overview of the project's theoretical framework and the results of the first case studies in the Dutch Randstad region.
The project report as well as additional international journal articles will be published in 2004-2005.