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I have registered and should have the site up and running in a few weeks. It won't be much different than this however. I also just set up an e-mail list. Sign up for it by e-mailing

VDARE now has an archive of my work there, I should be writing much more often for them in the future.

I am speaking on the The Bricker Amendment Failure of American Conservatism at the Ludwig von Mises Institute's Austrian Scholars Conference on March 20 in Auburn, AL

I will also be speaking on the Libertarian Case for Immigration Restriction at an America's Future Foundation panel on April 20, in Washington, DC. Details on that are pending, and should be online eventually here.

The Remnant, the Conservative Newspaper at William and Mary that I edited (I'm no longer involved with it, though I occasionally write an article or two) now has a website. Several of my articles are posted there. A few articles I wrote on the Affirmative Action bakesale at WM are here, here, and here.

I am no longer posting on the Lew Rockwell blog.

My LewRockwell archives

I've also been posting, though not very often, at the blog

Immigration at CPAC (VDARE, March 9, 2005) My report at signs of immigration reform at the Conservative Political Action Conference

Racial Quotas in Sports Absurd (The Washington Examiner, March 7, 2005) An op-ed on how affirmative action has creeped into sports.

His Legacy Lives On (VDARE, February 26, 2005) My obituary to Sam Francis.

In Defense of Thomas Woods (, January 23, 2005) I defend Tom Woods' Politically Incorrect Guide to American History against the NY Times.

The Jews And Immigration: Steinlight Soldiers On (VDARE, June 19, 2004) A report on Stephen Steinlight's views on Jews and Immigration reform

No Cookies for Conservatives, an article on the affirmative action bake sales appears in the June 7th issue of the American Conservative. The piece isn't online (so subscribe!),

The Price I Paid for Civilization(VDARE, May 17, 2004) A piece on Zora Neale Hurston on race relations in America.

National Review Flip Flop (, April 20, 2004) A critical look at National Review's new found "realistic" foreign policy, and how it contradicts their post 9-11 warmongering.

A review of Merle Haggard's Haggard Like Never Before appears in the March 15, 2004 issue of the American Conservative. The piece isn't online (so subscribe!), but you can buy an online edition of the issue from

Free Trade Does Not Imply Immigration— John C. Calhoun(VDARE, January 20, 2004) An article on John C. Calhoun on the National Question and Free Trade.

Don't Sue Gephardt (, January 16, 2004) We should complain when politicians show up to work, not when they miss it.

More MALDEF Madness—But Federal Judges Aren’t Immune (VDARE, January 15, 2004) An article on MALDEF's lawsuits against Virginia Universities, (including William and Mary, where I go to school) for not allegedly accepting illegal aliens.

Indiscriminate Anti-Discrimination Enforcement: Why Is It Illegal To Check For Illegals? (VDARE, September 19, 2003) An article on the absurdity of anti-discrimination laws for illegal aliens and non-Citizens.

Title IX (, September 8, 2003) A review of Jessica Gavora's Tilting the Playing Field: Sex, Sports, and Title IX

A review of Zora Neale Hurston: A Life in Letters by me appears in the June 30 issue of the American Conservative (not online) under the title "Harlem's Old Rightist." One caveat I have about the title is that while she lived in NY and participated in the so-called Harlem Rennisance, she was born, and did most of her political writing in Florida.

Buckley Fiction (, March 25, 2003) My Review of Bill Buckley's Getting it Right

Letter to a Middle Age Neocon (, February 19, 2003) My review of Dinesh D'Souza's Letters to a Young Conservative

The Myths of Martin Luther King Jr. (, January 18, 2003) I look at the many myths made by left-libertarians and neocons about King and show he was in no way a conservative or libertarian. This article has gotten probably more attention than any of my others. Here's the hissy fit they had over it at Free Republic

Libertarians and States Rights (, January 9, 2003) Why States Rights is an important part of libertarianism.

Jonah Goldberg's view of Freedom (, November 22, 2002) Jonah Goldberg claimed that Americans have more freedom now than they ever had in their history, and then challenged anyone to show otherwise. Here's my response. Goldberg informed me that he found my arguments were "all wildly unpersuasive." You be the judge.

CIA Conservative (, September 4, 2002) A review of John F. McManus' Bill Buckley: Pied Piper of the Establishment

Left, Right, Vital Center ( August 27, 2002;) Explains how the "far" Left and Right are not similar, but the neocons and the Left are.

John Walker vs. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade (; August 5, 2002) Compares the "crimes" of John Lindh to the beloved communists in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

The Politics of Zora Neale Hurston (; February 16, 2002) Despite the current adulation from multiculturalists and femminists, Zora Neale Hurston was an Old Right individualist, who spurned victimology and collectivism.

Privatizing The Audobahn( Strike The Root,; February 11, 2002) Looking at the Cold War and the current War on Terrorism, I explain why libertarians are both principled and realistic, and conservatives are compromising idealists.

The Statist Bowl ( Strike The Root,; February 7, 2002) How the government and publich health zealots turned this once great public institution into a division of the Ministry of Truth.

The Upside Down Flag (; August 25, 2001) Why patriotism isn't good for the sake of patriotism. I've had a change of heart since I wrote this and now feel that patriotism should be based on blood and soil rather than any abstract ideological concepts.

Sex in the Staxxx ( Accuracy in Academia; February, 2001) Porn and Political Correctness at Yale


The Mises Institute
Strike The Root
The Foundation for Economic Education
Future of Freedom Foundation
Libertarians for Life
The Independent Institute


The New American
American Cause
On to Restoration
The American Conservative
Right Now
Middle American News

The National Question
American Rennisance
Tongue Tied
Stalking the Wild Taboo
Project USA
The Social Contract Press
The American Immigration Control Foundation
Issues and Views


Counter Punch
Gore Vidal
Z Net
Media Transparency

Anti War
Citizens Against World Empire
Free John Walker
Center on Peace and Liberty
On Power
Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy

Ron Paul
Steve Sailer
Joe Sobran
Sam Francis
Dan Flynn
Hans Herman Hoppe
James Bovard