Hill of Three Oaks
On the morning after the Equinox, when the Oaks were hung with stars and moons from the previous night’s celebration, a fine hoar mist in the air above the early spring-green slopes of the Hill.

Materials: oak leaf, small white shells from ancient oceans dug up from under the bridge, snake charm, Druid maiden, shard of green bottle with bottle cap still in place, rugby team armband.
About the Hill of Three Oaks
From the Hill of Three Oaks, in southern Minnesota, one can see woods and town, fields of corn and wheat and rugby, colleges and sky. It was the topographic center of sixteen years of my life. During the second half of the twentieth century the Hill was, from time to time, the ritual home of the Reformed Druids of North America and various other congregations of celebrants.
“…green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves
Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold…
Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas

Materials: Found objects collected over two days in late spring on and around the Hill—heart sequin, wheat button, drink carton cap, popped balloons, cross emblem; bicycle ball bearings, “Fabergé” egg, rugby field, frisbees, zipper.