I have had a deep love of gardening all my life - with a special affinity for roses, irises and pansies (pretty much in that order too!) and regret that I can  no longer  do the heavy,  physical work in my garden, not only due to age.     Actually, I don't think about  "old" !   It  is a state of mind I just don't entertain.   I came  very late in life to this  world of computers and the internet . .  against my will in the beginning . . .but I have made some  very special friends along the way and  I am enjoying every second!  It has also served to keep me going through some pretty black days. That is my potted (potty?) biography and the last you'll hear of it . . unless you ask.  In the event you have any questions at all . . . feel free!  I will answer to the best of my ability but reserve the right to decline anything I consider too personal.!

This, then, is my little rose-scattered Australian  Oasis  ~ a family-safe, stress-free environment where you may come for some quiet time, some  serenity,  away from whatever may be causing you problems in the real world today.

Last, but not least, so that I may know whether you had an interesting stay,  introduce yourself in my Visitor Log . . . . I promise you won't be signing up for anything. . .and please remember  - you do not need to leave contact information  ... but i ask that you  leave a  name. . .  it doesn't have to be your given name --- perhaps a  web alias if you would rather be  "anony-mouse" - just something to show good faith.

That is all I need say about our environment here, I think. You will be able to find your way around the Oasis without difficulty, by clicking on the navigation buttons at the foot of each page,  or  via the "Site Map" button if you desire to head to a destination not covered  by the quick find buttons.

Thank you for your patience - I hope you enjoy your journey through my  Oasis, as much as I have enjoyed its creation and continuing evolution.

True Blue

C' mon in to my Oasis!
I am so pleased you could make it!
My name is Margert Corsen . .  and I live in Tasmania. .  no, not Tanzania,  or even Transylvania! 
If you are a bit lost, Tasmania is the island State of Australia just south of the mainland  on the map.
Nothing between us and the frozen Antarctic but the Great Southern  Ocean, but we have a
delightful cool temperate climate
I am a widow aged 70 years, with a grown family of 4 who have provided me with 7 grandchildren and 8 great- grandchildren, so far!  I am not embarrassed to say that I dearly miss my soulmate of 54 years, even though I have been missing him now for 11 of those. Treasure your "together"  time, it is not an infinite resource!

I am a 4th-generation Australian of mixed Irish/English/Irish ancestry and I guess that is why I have more than a fair share of "the blarney"  and little or no patience with  affectation in either social situations  or personal behaviour.
Linger awhile where something catches your attention - perhaps download one or other of the files I've posted here - all are free and contain only what you see, no unpleasant surprises . . . but most of all, allow yourself a little "me" time . . something we promise ourselves but  most of us see too little of today.
Contact me by clicking on the mailslot
Click on the entry panel below to open the portal and enter Margert's Oasis
Before you  enter my Oasis proper, here is a small sample of my poetry .
If you think you might like to read  more. . 

please go   

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move your mouse over all the above  to view the alternate pics of my home city Launceston
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