Drift Away
Standing chest high in a jungle pool - tongue stilled - this magnificent Bengal tiger has stopped in the act of quenching his thirst . .   to just stand for a moment    and enjoy the cool water.

Isn't he a splendid sight . . .. Marg C.
Whatever your season - Spring in the northern hemisphere, Autumn in the southern - these  striking purple dahlias will brighten your outlook

There is an extra animated, water effect wallpaper in this theme package WHICH DOES NOT REQUIRE JAVA OR RELY ON OTHER complicated processes to run it. Full explanation and simple installation instructions in the readme file and  here on my website. The matching screensaver - Gentle Rain is available separately - and has the water effect as well as showers of gentle rain.
The matching screensaver - Gentle Rain is available separately - and has the water effect of the theme wallpaper  as well as showers of gentle rain AND A VERY SMALL FILE SIZE .
Something different  . . .  an animated wallpaper without the need for Java or any other like product.   Simple and effective  and still not a huge download. 
static wallpaper
animated wallpaper
See my individual pages for Holiday and Special Occasion Themes.  The Site Map is  HERE
Heralding the arrival of Spring
[although not right here, right now LOL],
this Australian monarch butterfly feeds in a pincushion flower in my daughters garden. This lovely wallpaper is in 3 sizes, 1280, 1024 and 800 and the theme has all my  own  unique-to-this-theme cursors, anis and icons.

My revamped ANIMATED, TRANSPARENT screensaver Butterfly Serenade II is included, AND ALSO AVAILABLE SEPARATELY.
I cannot think of a better or brighter way to leave winters bleakness behind, than with this wonderful - slightly stylised - red poppy wallpaper. Put some colour back on your desktop with Springs Poppy - 1280, 1024 and 800 wallpapers included. My  usual unique icons, cursors and anis.
No screensaver
A whimsical little theme in cool and calming colours, perfect when you want something a little different

3 wallpaper sizes to choose from
These lovely fuchsia coloured tropical lilies are just the thing to add a bit of oomph to your desktop when  you need a bit of a lift.
Nothing sad about these lovely blooms, but they are definitely blue . . . proving that blue isn' t always sad.

Perhaps they will help you to a brighter day as the flowers themselves have done for my daughter and me.

Dont forget that all my themes and screensavers are available here for download . .SOFTWARE FREE!
Paeony blooms are truly splendid and the plant is usually very generous with supply - especially so with this huge moptop one from my uncle' s garden. I hope you enjoy this treatment, since I cannot show you the original LOL Evocative sounds from Morning Has Broken.