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Some of these poems are what I have written in my healing journey and some are from other survivors and some are ones that I found that were helpful to me. I thought they may be helpful to others as well. Take Care as you journey through these poems. Some may be triggering to you. I wish you all the best in your continued healing process.                                                    

Sometimes the road of life becomes unbearable
and it seems easier to give up than to go on.
But you should always remember that there is a
light at the end of the tunnel.
For every tear, you will smile,
for every rainy day; there will be a rainbow,
and for every moment of every day, forever
and always there will be
someone there to love and confide in.
I will always be there for you, to
carry you over the rocky roads
and lead you through the tunnels.
To share with you the smiles, the tears,
the rainy days and the rainbows.
Whenever you need me
I will be there.

Author Unknown

Eloquent pain shimmers and grows,
Breathing life of it's own,
Disabling all that knowledge knows
Beauty, love, flesh and bone
I cry mutely,
Can you hear?
The pilot of anger born of frustration,
fed on neglect, lies drunken in its own
sadistic fascination within me
One silent tear falls
Can you see?
Nothing quells the quiet riot of my thoughts.
They tumble and fall, a mocking parody
of my own sanity.
A constant reminder of my mortality
my heart aches,
Can you feel?
I choke on the continual irons, my body
and soul have been clapped in.
I am a walking vessel caging a thousand
fluttering butterflies, awaiting release.
The nectar of life is bitter
Can you taste?
Written by: Beth Heintz

Like the mighty phoenix
those of us who are
survivors, will rise above
that storm we were in and
come back out of the fiery ash,
on top and soar in the clouds
of victory that we haven't
been defeated by
our perpetrators.

Written by: Marie Waldrep
If you are a survivor and you have a poem or your story that you would like for me to post to this site, Please feel free to send it to me at themightyphoenix1survivors@yahoo.com and I will consider posting it.
I Got Flowers Today

I Got Flowers Today

I got flowers today.
It wasn't mybirthday or any other special day.
We had our first argument last night,
And he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me.
I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said.
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today.
It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day.
Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me.
It seemed like a nightmare.
I couldn't believe that it was real.
I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over.
I know he must be sorry.
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today.
And it wasn't Mother's Day or any other special day.
Last night, he beat me up again.
And it was much worse than all the other times.
If I leave him, what will I do?
How will I take care of my kids?
What about money?
I'm afraid of him and scared to leave.
But I know he must be sorry.
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today.
Today was a very special day.
It was the day of my funeral.
Last night, he finally killed me.
He beat me to death.
If only I had gathered
Enough courage and strength to leave him.
I would not have gotten flowers today.

by Paulette Kelly

As I make my journey down this  seemingly dark lonely path, I have found supportive people to help me, making sure I stay on the right  path to have a happier, healthier life. Some people are there to take hold of my hand, to pick me up if I fall. Some are there to give me words to encourage me to make it through my journey. There are a few more obstacles I will face, grief, my innocence lost to name a few. When I come to each one on this path it will be like a knife that cuts so deep but, I must wrap those wounds and continue on my journey of healing.

Written by: Marie Waldrep
I'm Scared

I'm scared but, I am suppose to be strong. I am scared but I can't show any emotion. I'm suppose to be strong. I, for some reason want to cry now. I am scared and I'm afraid to let it show. I'm suppose to be strong and I am scared. I am crying now. I am suppose to be strong. Maybe I just need to cry. I am scared. Will someone please hold my hand! I am scared. Will someone please hold me and let me know that everything is going to be ok. I am scared. My heart feels heavy, it is pouring out tears with a lot of pain. I am scared. Please don't leave me alone. I am scared but yet  I am suppose to be so strong. Please don't leave me alone. Can you see I am scared and I hate this.

Written by: Marie Waldrep
Still I Cry

Still I cry when I think about that day.
That day my innocents was stripped away.
I had no words; I didn't know what to say.
I felt dirty, I felt shame, and I felt guilty
as if I had done something wrong. Still I
cry, am I so lucky I didn't die. I was a
child, I liked to run and play. I had no
care my life had just begun, I loved to
laugh and have fun. Still I cry and I wonder why this had to happen this way.
No one knows why. STILL I CRY.

Written by: J. Marie Waldrep
Support Links

Through a swirling cacophony of white noise, I wait.
My thoughts reach for the unattainable. I plead pitifully
and writhe in the engulfing flames of my own
inner turmoil.
My spirit mourns for bells rung. Like Alice, my existence teeters on the knifes edge that is sanity.
My mind crcks, a cistern overfull. Surrounded but for all intents and purposes forever alone, I wait.
My soul, an abyss harboring fugitives of light. Sadistic, insistent pain distorts my body in a macabre
parody of life's rhythm.
My pain threatens to drown the spark in deluge. Hold the candle close, no matter how much it burns. I tread
the rim of the active volcano with stifling anxiety.
My heart bleeds. Encased in unforgiving irons encircled so tightly. Still, deep down, in the most secret place, I dream
of the mighty phoenix. I smile fleetingly.
I wait.

Written by: Beth Heintz

One Day
One day I will find courage to face my fears, I will not be scared and I will not shed a tear.
One day I will find my strength and be able to stand with armor on my chest and a sword in my hand.
One day my life will be plentiful and free from all the awful things that happened to me.
One day my broken spirit will heal and I will take my wings and rise above these storms in my life and I will fly, be free and live.
One Day!

Written by: Marie Waldrep
As I Walk To The Light

As I walk down this narrow path walking closer and closer to the light. I come to the end of the path and everything opens up so beautiful and bright. I see my Savior standing there with a smile so bright, holding out his arms to put arond me and hold me so tight. I know he is here guiding me and telling me things are going to be alright. Dream of that day my child when you will see me and I hold you in my arms so tight. That will be a great day, a wonderful delight. So take a deep breath now, don't give up this fight. I know Jesus is with me as I walk to the light.

Written by: J. Marie Waldrep
Is There No Shame
Who's to blame, does anyone have any shame?
Do you think I should go on and live the same, before all this took place. I had a different voice, a different face, a tender body, and no disgrace.
My innocence was stripped away in an awful kind of way. I was forced to be grown; now my childhood is gone. Are you ashamed?
Do you have anything to say?
I learned to trust and that trust was misplaced by someone I thought who was supposed to protect and lookout for me, but that's not what happened you see. YOU my brother RAPED me!  ARE YOU ASHAMED?
Written by: J. Marie Waldrep

Why are you still here.
Why somethings time cannot
seem to heal.
My wounds still bleed.
These wounds still hurt.
All these years,
You still suppress me.
You are still here.
Why are they somethings time
cannot heal.

Written by: Michael Waldrep

Poison of being molested
Runs deep into a child's veins
We struggle with fear, nightmares,
Being alone and shame to name a few
The poison is so hideous, venomous,
So strong and toxic
We struggle with our being,
We become lifeless
We feel the need to give up
We wonder what the point in continuing on is
We know it is going to happen again
Just unsure of what moment,
We need help
But are unsure who we can turn too
Our trust has been broke
How could he do this?
Our world is not as we once knew
We must figure out a way to stay alive
We must find someone we can trust
That we can talk too
Anxiety and depression are some of the toxic poisons;
The perpetrators left when
They molested and raped us
Cutting or hurting ourselves is not the answer
To this poisonous turmoil
Help me please
This poison is sucking the life right out of me
I struggle and I fight to not let the poison
Of those men that raped me take the rest of my life.

Written by: Marie Waldrep
Healing With and Through Music

The Darkness to Light Show: Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence, hosted by Kathleen Brooks, Ph.D.
My guest was singer/songwriter, Alice Marie, a recording artist whose CD, ANGELS NEAR, we listened to excerpts of. The CD is part of her healing journey through CSA. Bob Leane of the Songwriters Hall of Fame says, "Alice Marie offers the best of both worlds, intelligent yet ethereal songs that have memorable hooks and aren't afraid to explode."
in the corner you'll find her,
curled up so tightly, tears falling.
Whispering the word that never helped
the word that should have saved her innocence.

"no" the word echoes in her mind
"no" this word engraved for all time.

his shadow towers above her tiny body
The gleaming blade shimmers in moonlight
He hears her protests but laughs quietly
She closes her eyes, no not this...not now...

"no" this word echoes in her mind
"no" this word engraved for all time.

a tear silently trails down her face
what can she do to prevent this?
what can she do? what can she say?
"Goddess, save me from this destruction! "

"no" the word echoes in her mind
"no" the word engraved for all time.

"Please no" it should have made it stop
"please no" it should have saved her innocence.
he only turned his head, to show a deaf ear.
her cries suffocated by his laughs.

Celeste Barnes
my reality
in a dark room, watching a white wall
watching painful memories being played
My eyes glued to the horrible images

My mind whispering every word with it.
Tears silently fall as I relive each moment
I feel the pain, I hear your voice...
I know this is a dream but I cant awaken.

Held down, I feel the ropes,
Mouth taped over, I cannot scream
Music so loud, my screams are deafined.

I lower my head, I cant stand to see this.
I hear his laugh and my heart breaks.
This is my life...this is my reality.

Celeste Barnes