"A Journey Into Where We're From And Where We're Going" |
You have just entered into a journey of learning and growing brought to you by Marie S. Hall. As the world is ever evolving, so are we. We are constantly learning and growing. In this website you will see how I have evolved into a teacher. This website chronicles my journey through my student teaching experience. The path that I have chosen has not been easy, but it has opened my eyes to the way that children think and correspond with teachers and their peers. This website embarks on a belief that All Children Can Learn. My hope is that you will see my website as a tool and a mechanism which will ignite your own beliefs and inspire you to do your best in all that you endeavor. Clark Atlanta University has truely instilled in me that I AM A CHANGE AGENT. I will make a difference in a child's life and that it is up to me to stand strong and endure for the long run. Enjoy. Let the Journey Begin!! |
This website uses Adinkra symbols. Adinkra is one of the highly valued hand-printed and hand-embroidered cloths. Its origin is traced tot he Asante' people of Ghana and the Gyaman people of the Ivory Coast. The clothes were made and used exclusively by the royalty and spiritual leaders for very important sacred ceremonies and rituals. Each of the motifs that make the Adinkra symbols has a name and meaning derived either from a proverb, a historica event, human attitude, animal behavior, plant life, forms and shapes of inaminate and man-made objects. I chose to use these symbols as a representation of who I am, what I believe in and what I stand behind. The Adinkra symbols I have chosen for my website describe the classroom and personal responsibilities that I possess and will incorporate into my teaching.At the top of my website you will find my theme Evolving To Heights, the Adinkra symbol in front of the theme means humility and servitude. I strongly believe that in order to be an effective and affective teacher you must be humble and you must be a servant. Our job is to serve the students, guiding them to become vibrant leaders and great citizens in a society that will need them. My theme is came from my own teaching experience and realizing that I had finally arrived where I am most happy, A TEACHER.. (For more information on Adinkra symbols you may visit the following website: Adinkra Symbols |
The Akoma Adinkra Symbol represents patience and tolerance. When you enter into the teaching profession, one must always be patient and tolerant of the children. I believe that with these two key ingredients I am able to withstand and endure those days that may be tougher than others for the reward will be much greater in the end. |
My colleagues: Natasha, me, Angela, Adondra and Khadidah. Taking a break from our internships and sharing information with one another. |
NEA-SP Student Leadership Conference In Los Angeles June 2001. |