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Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil for Playstation 2 PS2

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Playstation 2 - Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - PS2
Klonoa, our long-eared pal, has stumbled on yet another mystical
adventure. The enchanted realm of Lunatea has been threatened by
the secret of a dark forgotten kingdom. Join Klonoa in this
adventurous quest and unveil the mysteries of this magical world.
Experience the incredible combination of a 3D environment with the
control system of a 2D action platform game. Explore 24 captivating
stages. Brand new features include Hover-board gliding, perceptual
changes, and treacherous foes.
Cinematic interludes now appear in gameplay
proper as much as they do between levels. In
addition to the many dialogue cutscenes that
guide you through the story, gameplay proper
is occasionally spiked with cool realtime
cinemas a la Sonic Adventure. You're never
taken out of control for more than a couple of
seconds, though. Every so often, the game
just treats you to a neat display of the 3D
artists' skill, like a close-up pan around
Klonoa as he sails on a cannon-driven trip
through the air. Sometimes, scenes like this
segue directly into gameplay, too. Certain
types of enemies will rocket you up to
another section of the level, but you have to
control your ascent and descent yourself, or
risk landing in hazardous areas.
The Crash-style forced-scrolling chase areas
we encountered in the demo aren't as
prevalent as we'd expected -- besides the
surfing sequence before, we've only
encountered one more. The lion's share of the
action is still classic 2D platforming, with
plenty of gimmicks to encounter and use.
There are bounce tiles, ramps to jump off
while surfing, little cyclones that launch you
up into the air, and naturally, the old
monster-assisted jump.
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Klonoa 2 for PlayStation 2
Namco has officially announced Klonoa 2
Klonoa : Empire of Dreams - Game Boy Advance
Klonoa 2 : Reviews, Preview, Cheats, News, Screenshots, Movies
PlayStation 2: Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
Klonoa: Empire of Dreams. Klonoa: Empire of Dreams
Klonoa 2 : Lunatea's Veil (PS2),
Computer & Video Games: Klonoa 2