PCA Calculus @ CAL!
Instructor: Mariel
Triggs email: marieltriggs@yahoo.com Phone: (510) 393-4397 office hours: MWF 10-10:50, W 1-1:50 lower Sproul Plaza
TA: Alex Michalka AE: Paul Li Want to learn more about your facilitators?
Course Objectives:
This summer calculus
class will be an introduction to the major concepts and applications of a
calculus AB course. Topics include, but are not limited to limits,
differentiation, integration, exponential functions, integration techniques,
and integration and differentiation applications. These topics will be
explored as tools for problem solving, modeling, and data analysis. Logical
thinking, deductive and inductive reasoning, teamwork, presentation skills,
and creative thinking will be emphasized throughout the course. Hopefully
an appreciation for math and logic as well as an understanding of the basic
concepts that calculus is based upon will result from everyone’s efforts and
positive attitudes. |
help? Getting Help: If something in the class is unclear, please feel free to ask. Otherwise, tutoring is available by drop-in or appointment, as well as through e-mail and/or discussion boards. If absent, it is the student's responsibility to keep up with any missed work, however, the teacher is more than happy to help out, so feel free to contact me. Work late due to absence must be turned in on the day of return. Any late work is 50% off for each unexcused day late. Discussion Boards: http://b4.boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?user=sugargoat |
Monday, June 21st What: Who are you people, rate of change, graphs, instantaneous rate of change How: Groups will analyze how two variables are related, figure out the average rate of change (what is this called?), surmise how we can get an instantaneous rate of change. Individuals will read pages 1-10 and do PS 1-1 pg 5 problems 1 and 2, PS 1-2 pg 10 problems Q1-Q10, and PS 1-2 pg 11-13 problems 1-25 odd. |
Wednesday, June
23rd What: Quiz, instantaneous rate of change/sl---/der-------, limits! Be tolerant. How: Groups will come up with a definition for a limit, determine what is needed for a limit, and apply it to what we learned about instantaneous rates and tolerances. Individuals will read pages 25-27 and do PS 1-5 pg 28-31 problems Q1-Q10 and 1-17 odd. |
Friday, June 25th What: Derivatives How: Groups will brainstorm on what a derivative is. Individuals will read pages 79-87, and do PS 3-2 pg 81-84 problems Q1-Q10, 1-3, 5-13 (odd), 14, 19, and 20, and PS 3-3 pg 87 problems Q1-Q10, 1, 2, 9, and 11 (using the definition of a derivative) In the future: Quiz, shortcuts, anyone? |
Monday, June 28th What: common derivatives and formal definitions Read: pg 96-102 for Wednesday HW: pg 89 #10; pg 95 Q1-Q10, 1-23 odd, 27, 28, 33
Wednesday, June
30th What: position, velocity, acceleration vs. time and what do they have to do with each other and derivatives? Read: pg 102-106 pg 102 Q1-Q10, 1-9 odd |
Friday, July 2nd What: derivatives of sin, cos, and the chain rule Read: pg 107-109 pg 106 all, 109 Q1-Q10 1- 25 (every 3rd...that's 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25). |
Monday, July
5th Holiday |
Wednesday July 7th What: section 1-3, what is an integral Review! Limits, rates of change, irocs, derivatives, position functions and their derivatives, derivatives of trig fxns, the chain rule HW (light): read page 13-16; do pg 16 Q1-Q10, pg 17 1, 5, 9, 11 |
Friday July 9th What: antiderivatives? Derfinite Integrals? Indefinite Integrals?!? but a little midterm first! HW: read 119-121 and 181, 182 do pg 121 Q1-Q1, 1, 5, 9, 13, 15, 21, 24; do pg 182 Q1-Q10, 15 (ha!), 17 |
Monday, July
12th What: Integral Game -- what do you know? Definite integrals, indefinite integrals, antiderivatives, and how they are all tied together HW: pg 186 Q1-Q10, pg 188 7-39 every 4th, pg 193 Q1-Q6, Q9, 22, 24 |
Wednesday July 14th What: fill in holes such as the product rule, the quotient rule, implicit differentation, u-substitution, plus new stuff like e and ln HW: pg 252 1-9, pg 282 1, 3, 5, 7 ,25, 29, 31, 35, pg 194 31-41 odd |
Friday July 16th What: Rolle's Theorem, The Mean Value Theorem, and Riemann's Sums Hw: pg 200 Q1-Q8 1-11odd, pg 208 Q1-Q10 3,7,11,13 -18, 34, 39, pg 213 1,2 |
Monday, July
19th What: Definite Integrals and Related Rates plus a little poetry HW: pg 217 Q1-Q9 odd. 7; pg 224 Q1-Q10 1-33 every 3rd; pg 227 Q2-Q10 even, 1, 2, 6
Wednesday July 21st What: Area between curves and rotation plus related rates again and a tootsie pop HW: special sheet pg 409 1, 3, 6; pg 410 36, 42, 48, 61; pg 420 1, 3, 7; pg 422 45, 50 |
Friday July 23rd What: Whew! Let's bring it all together and relate some rates
pg123 R1, R2, R5, R7, R8
Monday, July
26th What: Review everything (we did a lot) HW: study and final projects |
Wednesday July 28th What: Final HW: finish up group projects |
Friday July 30th What: Last minute preparation of the closing ceremony projects and goodbyes HW: Go to the closing ceremony! |