Following The Light by Avon
There is not a hobbit to be found in this story, and I liked it nonetheless. This is a short story from Faramir's pov in the Houses of Healing, and has some lovely insights into the relationship between Faramir and Boromir. I really enjoyed this glimpse of the two brothers!
A Long Expected Departure by Dreamflower
This story is written from a different point of view than most fics set at Bilbo and Frodo's birthday party. We see the party from Rory's perspective, with Esmeralda at his side. Rory has some very good thoughts and memories of Bilbo and Frodo and other members of the family here, and the author paints a wonderful picture of the characters. We see Bilbo's speech and the immediate aftermath, and the story also gives us a glimpse of Merry, and even though they don't appear in person in the story, we learn what Frodo, Pippin and Lobelia are doing. There is some really good family background in this tale!
Circle of Joy by Dreamflower
This is a lovely little glimpse of the small party that Frodo holds for his fortieth birthday. The guest list this time includes only close family members and good friends, and what I loved most about this fic is the wonderful hobbityness of the descriptions and activities. The story is told from Esmie's pov, as she plays her fiddle with the other musicians, including Pippin. There are descriptions of the various dances, and some very nice moments! I could just see the couples as they danced!
Turnabout by Mariposa
This fic takes place at the big Birthday Party. Young Pippin has been into mischief, and unwisely his victim this day has been Gandalf. Pippin looks to Merry to keep him safe, but Gandalf finds them both, and Merry takes charge of Pippin, meting out the proper punishments for Pip's transgressions. The way that Merry tries to sound like his own father is wonderful, and both Merry and Pippin are very well written. I loved what Gandalf said to the two of them at the end, sensing how important the responsibility they felt for each other would be in the future. Merry's epilogue is a really nice touch. A really enjoyable story!
It Takes A Took by Dreamflower
This tale takes place post-Quest. When Pippin has a bad accident his family and cousins rally around him. He is also tended by a healer's pretty apprentice named Diamond. There are so many great aspects to this story! Besides wonderfully written characters there are some good references to the Quest, strong family relationships, and a wonderful plot. It isn't only a hurt Pippin story, or a love story, or an angst story -- the plotline is varied, showcasing each character. I check for updates to this story several times a week!
The Game by Rabidsamfan
This is a great ficlet! The story involves the playing of a brilliantly hobbity game as the Fellowship crosses Hollin. That Pippin begins the game is perfectly natural, and all of the other hobbits, and Gandalf (who is of course an honourary hobbit), are quick to join in. It takes a bit more time with the rest of the Fellowship, but soon most of them are beginning to grasp the rudiments. I won't try to describe the game here, except to say that it is a word game, and requires a quick and clever mind, so it is indeed a very hobbity sort of game, and one that I can envision all four of these particular hobbits playing as they rambled together in the Shire, or while sitting by the fire on a cold winter night. The story is just long enough for the subject matter, and the characters speak very naturally. I really enjoyed this!
Hiding From Daylight by Mariposa
This is a very funny glimpse of the morning after the night before! Merry and Pippin have made a little too merry and can't face a formal luncheon with Esmeralda and the Aunts, but is the alternative any better? The characterisations and plot are very hobbity, and I loved Merry's stash and that Pippin obviously was quite familiar with its location! Esmie is great in this story too! The dialogue is too, too perfect and I laughed out loud!
Those Who Remain by Marnie
What could a hobbit gardener and an Elven lord have in common? This deeply touching story moves me each time I read this conversation between Samwise Gamgee and Lord Celeborn shortly after their loved ones departed for the West.
Black and Gold by North Star
This tale has an "Alternate Universe" designation but is excellently written and told. It presents a "what if?" scenario following Merry and Pippin's capture by the Uruk-Hai. This author is likely new to most of you unless you are also a member of the Decipher LOTR Fan Club board. She will begin posting more of her stories on Stories of Arda soon, and this will give you just a taste.
Free to A Good Home by Ithilien
This is something a bit different, and I admit that I totally passed this hysterical and witty story by when I first saw it posted, and finally read it because Dreamflower loved it so. I was so glad that I did! This is the story of Karen, an avid fanfic writer whose family has reached their limit of patience with her ever-multiplying plot bunnies. Do read this! I especially enjoyed the carload of hobbit writers that stopped by Karen's house, and her best friend's reaction to learning that Karen dabbled in slashfic! All of us that write fanfiction will no doubt see a bit of ourselves here.
A Hobbit's Yuletide In Rivendell by TreeHugger
Just before setting out on the Quest, Frodo gets the idea to arrange a hobbit-style Yule celebration as a gift for Bilbo. Sam, Merry and Pippin all have a hand in the arrangements, as well as all of the elves and other guests in Rivendell. I really liked the special gift for Bilbo that everyone contributed to. There are also some lovely memories from past Yules in the Shire.
Orc Sign by Kit5
I recently came across this story and just loved it. A couple of years after the Scouring of the Shire, a band of renegade orcs come down from the Mountains and make their way to the Shire borders. The task of organizing the defense of the Shire falls to Merry and Pippin, aided by Sam and several Rangers. I love seeing hobbits show their true mettle, and here we see it not only in our heroes but in their friends and family as well. An excellent read.
The Fellowship of the Conkers by Llinos and Marigold
(Recommended by Baylor) Since Marigold would never offer this up as a rec, I'm going to do it for her. This is really Chapter Four of Llinos and Marigold's story "Hobbits Abroad," which is well worth reading on its own merits. This particular chapter, however, can be read as a stand-alone story, and is one of the funniest things I've ever read in fanfiction. The hobbits teach the rest of the Fellowship how to play conkers (don't worry if you're not familiar with the game -- you can learn along with everyone else!) and riotous fun is the result. I laughed so hard I cried the first time I read this.
Mind to Mind by Shirebound
There are some very exciting moments in this story, which takes place on the journey home after the Quest, just before Galadriel and Celeborn take their leave to return to the Golden Wood. There is peril, bravery, mysticism, h/c, lore, wizardry, close calls, and quite a few possible solutions to questions or points that Tolkien never answered clearly enough. All four of our favourite hobbits have a chance to shine, and show what they are made of. The story also features Gandalf, Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, Saruman, and Wormtongue. I'd like to see Shirebound do some more stories like this one!
Pippin's Patent Remedies by Melilot Hill and Llinos
Chapter One of this tale was written by Melilot and betaed by Llinos, and Chapter Two was co-authored by the both of them. I hope that they do some more! Both of these chapters take place in Minas Tirith. In the first chapter, Pippin uses a remedy of his mothers to cure Frodo's headache, and in the second, he advises Gimli on how to cure his broken heart by mixing up a remedy favoured by his sisters. I laughed out loud!
A Conversation in Rivendell by Dreamflower
This story is just what it says in the title; a conversation. Frodo and Boromir speak together in Rivendell before the Quest, two newly met friends getting to know one another. The majority of their conversation is about the weapons training Boromir is giving Merry and Pippin, but there are other insightful revelations as well. This is a very nice moment between two characters that are so often written about together only in stories where there is conflict between them, and this was very nicely done.
Bubbles by Regina
At the big Birthday Party, Pippin receives a most wondrous present brought all the way from Dale and made especially for him. Gandalf teaches the lad how it works while the rest of the family watches, entranced. This is a very nice Gandalf and young Pippin tale!
Lost and Found by Bodkin
Eglantine's thoughts and perceptions about Pippin, and how he was changed by his year of Adventuring. Really nice reflections from a mother's point of view, that reveal a lot about Pippin.
Thyme Heals All Wounds by Lyta Padfoot
Merry and Sam take over the kitchens at the Houses of Healing to make Esmeralda's very special soup, and for a very special reason. A very hobbity tale!
Pippin's Gifts by Anastasia
I was feeling rather glum last week, and happily ran across Anastasia's Young Hobbit Tales, which cheered me up immensely. There are thirteen of them, and all are delightful, and you can find them all HERE. The one I've chosen as my Pick is my favourite of the bunch, in which young Pippin gives some very thoughtful birthday gifts to those closest to him. The love behind each gift and Pippin's reasoning for choosing them is just lovely. And I admit that that I collect those same sorts of gifts for myself, from special places, and they mean a lot to me, as Pip's gifts mean to their recipients.
Telling Stories by Meg Thornton
In this story, told from Frodo's point of view, he ponders how to tell his tale, and the tale of the Quest. How does he dispel the rumours, explain the true hardship, and give proper credit for deeds done when he was not always with the companions who did the deeds? How should he convey the changes and growth in his companions? This is a very thoughtful story about the monumental task that Frodo has before him.
A Love To Die For by Eyborg
In this story, a thoughtful Merry is taking a breath of air during the wedding feast of Aragorn and Arwen. Arwen also takes a little walk and they spend some time speaking of love, and Merry wonders if he will ever have the sort of love for a hobbit lass that Arwen has for Aragorn. This is the author's first story in English, and so I have forgiven her one mention of a female hobbit as being a "woman," which is one of my peeves, lol. Other than that one little slip I enjoyed the story very much indeed! It continues a bit into later years, when Merry realises that Arwen's thoughts about Merry finding the love of his life were true.
Upon The Tide of Ruin by Rose Gamgee
This is a movieverse tale beginning the night before the Battle of the Pelennor. Merry and Eowyn talk about hope, and Merry extracts a promise and makes a vow to himself. I loved the characterisation of Merry in this, and his thoughts are just what I would imagine them to be.
The White Lady's Champion by Rose Gamgee
This story takes place after the battle, in the Houses of Healing. Merry goes to take his leave of Eowyn, who is not best pleased to be left behind. Again, the characterisations of both were spot on, and I could see the story unfolding as I read.
Waterfalls by Nickeyb
Slash warning. This is an R-rated Merry/Pippin story that takes place in Lothlorien. It's Nickey's first attempt at going beyond hinting of slash and she has done a lovely job. This is from Pippin's point of view, suddenly becoming aware of the true feelings that Merry had for him all these years, and realising that he feels the same. The descriptions of Pippin's thoughts are very well done, and through them you get a beautiful sense of Merry's personality. I say we all gang up on Nickey and have her write one more, from Merry's pov!
Recollections by SilverMoonLady
A lovely tale of Merry and his favourite granddaughter, who shares his love of study, written from the child’s pov. Together they read the Red Book, and she learns that the tale is real. Most definitely NOT a Mary-Sue.
Shining Through by Dana
Pippin sits a vigil over Merry on the anniversary of the slaying of the Witch King, calling him back to the light and keeping him from the Shadow. The tone of this story is just wonderful, and their love and devotion for one another really shone through for me.
Herb-Lore by Songspinner
This one should please all you h/c folks out there. This wonderful little story takes place in three different time periods and describes some of the events in Merry's life as he is collecting and using the information in the book of Herb-Lore he wrote after the Quest. It is exactly the right length and I was in tears by the end of the third chapter. It is quite beautiful.
Caretakers by Grey Wonderer
This is a WIP that covers the time when Pippin is healing in Ithilien, but it is a bit different from the usual take on that scenario. In this tale, Pip is not the most appreciative patient, and an overtired Merry and he fall out. Frodo pulls rank as the elder cousin, and the result is an enjoyable story in which all of the surviving Fellowship appear. There is a warning in the A/N that an OC is not a Mary-Sue, and she really is not, so far as the story has gone now.
Night in Hollin by Nancy Brooke
A story about the Fellowship bonding in Hollin. During sword training, Boromir has tried to give little Pippin an edge over taller opponents. Aragorn finally recognises Pippin’s tricksy move, and that leads to an enjoyable time had by all -- and no, I am not referring to anything slashy. Just some good, old-fashioned fun that shows the Companions the differences and similarities of a familiar activity. I really like the images this story conjures up! The characterisations are good, and the dialogue is enjoyable. I like stories that give us glimpses of what may have happened along the trail.
The Road Not Taken by Gayalondiel
This story reads very much like Tolkien, in part because the author has incorporated bits of the book text into the story, but also because she has taken care that her own writing is carefully matched to Tolkien's words. It is an AU story in which Frodo makes a different decision at Parth Galen. He decides to go first to Minas Tirith, planning to strike out for Mordor from there. Events in this fic may be the same as the book, or take a different path, but the fact that bits of the book are incorporated into the story makes for an interesting read! It gives you the distinct feeling when you are reading that it is an alternate version that Tolkien might have written. The story is a WIP, already at six chapters, so it is long enough to really sink your teeth into.
There and Back by Lindelea
This is Lindelea's very first story! It takes place during the period of time between the battle at the Black Gate, and the day before Frodo and Sam awaken in Ithilien. It jumps between the perspective of others and Pippin's unconscious thoughts until he at last awakens, and then we are treated to glimpses of he and Merry in the encampment, surrounded by fellow soldiers from Gondor and Rohan. There are appearances by Beregond, Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli and Legolas as well.
Since she posted this tale, she has become one of the most prolific writers out there, and has constructed a detailed universe in which to set her many stories. For those of you that might wish to read her work chronologically, here is a link to the story list and the actual tales can be found HERE. I look forward to all of Lin's stories, and make it a point every week or so to catch up on any chapters I have missed!
A World Without by kaydee falls
PG13 for implied slash. Throughout his life, Pippin contemplates what the world would be like without Merry in it. Sometimes he thinks that would be a good thing -- until he nearly loses him. Though this has an implied slash warning, in my opinion it can also be enjoyed as a story of the various stages of their friendship. It is beautifully written, and captures each of Pippin's ages and moods perfectly. Thank you, Baylor, for pointing me to this fic.
The Taste of Strawberries by Piplover
A lovely story about Frodo, young Merry, baby Pip, and a bowl of strawberries, which moves ahead in time to Pippin's recovery in Ithilien. I was very touched by the way a sweet childhood action is repeated in adulthood, at another point in Pippin's life when he needs to be especially cared for.
Adaptation by Pervinca
Legolas struggles to comprehend mortality when Gimli finds Pippin upon the battlefield before the Black Gate. Pervinca has really captured Legolas' voice in this story.
A Letter Home by Llinos
This story was written for a challenge elsewhere last year, and has been hidden away there ever since, which is a real shame! It happened to come up the other day in a conversation about the nature of hobbits, and I was very glad to be reminded of it. It is very hobbity! In Minas Tirith, after the Quest, Pippin writes a letter to his parents. Very nice, and the content is true to Pippin and hobbits in general!
Snowfall and A War of Sorts by Pervinca
Bilbo has invited young Merry and little Pippin to spend Yule at Bag End with himself and Frodo. To make the occasion even more memorable, Gandalf has turned up out of the blue! A fun day spent by everyone, including Sam, playing in the snow, results in sneezes all around, and that night Gandalf tells stories by the cosy fire. The characterisations are very nice, and I particularly liked Merry declaring that he will protect Pippin from Gandalf! This is a story rich in all good, hobbity things!
Things That Go Bump In The Night by Angela for Arien
This is a nice little Bilbo and Frodo story, set in Bag End. After a day of playing in the snow with Sam, the other Gamgees, and the Cottons, Frodo is quite content to be able to spend some quiet time in the smial with Bilbo during a snowstorm. Everything is cosy and peaceful until Frodo goes to investigate some strange sounds in the middle of the night and finds more than he bargained for! There is one thing that I think must be a typo, where it tells us how long Frodo has lived at Bag End, as it makes him too old for what his age should be in this story, but just look beyond that one discrepancy and you will quite enjoy reading this. I don't enjoy many Bilbo fics but he is great in this story, and I was reminded of his deeds in The Hobbit. Bilbo and Frodo have a great rapport here, and it's a nice glimpse of their relationship.
Protecting His Own by Kit5, written for Aratlithiel
This story takes place the night of the big Birthday Party. Merry is concerned for Frodo after Bilbo disappears, and spends the evening helping his cousin get things sorted at Bag End. After Frodo retires for the night, an unexpected visitor finds young Merry more than capable of protecting Frodo and his interests. I love how Merry is portrayed here: smart, canny, knowledgeable about business, and fiercely protective of someone he cares about.
Time to Make a Change by Pervinca
Lovely, but bittersweet, this story, or rather stories, as each can stand alone, tells how each of our favourite hobbits, Bilbo, Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Sam might have lost their beloved fathers, or in Frodo's case both of his parents. The epilogue is about Merry, Pippin, and Samwise bidding their own children farewell as they leave the Shire forever. Not as sad as you might fear, and very well done.
Where It Belongs by magickalmolly
Merry is lonely now that he has been separated from Pip. He finds comfort in a one-sided conversation as he shares a memory with Derhelm, who proves a sympathetic listener, even though a mostly silent one. Merry's loneliness is well written, and so is his memory of helping little Pippin learn to make his letters. I love the token that Merry carries with him!
Pippin's Bad Poetry by Chigger and Coriel
Pippin decides to wax poetic on the slopes of Caradhras! His companions are not particularly impressed by his efforts, and their reactions are nicely written. A cute, short tale, meant to be a bit silly, I think, and Pip's poem has since been plagiarised by a familiar poet!
Thinking of You by Grey Wonderer
This is a story in which young Pippin is injured while visiting Bag End. He is cared for by Frodo, Merry and Sam, and Gandalf, Esmeralda, Pearl, Paladin, Eglantine, and Pimpernel also make appearances. There is also an original character, a female healer, that is NOT, amazingly enough, a Mary Sue! She is a well-written character that simply does her job competently and does not overshadow the story. I like many things about this story. The author writes descriptions well and really understands the appropriate emotions for the characters -- for example, Merry's reactions when Pippin is first hurt, and Pippin's frustrations as he fails to get better right away. It's very believable, while staying in the realm of LoTR and I really like that in a fanfic. I don't necessarily agree with the author's interpretation of Paladin and Eglantine here, but they are well written as well, and fit into the author's universe. A very nice story.
The Apprentice by Pippinsqueak
I stumbled upon this just last night, and enjoyed it so much I thought I would add it as an extra recommendation today. It is about Bilbo and Samwise having tea. Sam is all of eight years old, but without realising he is doing it he manages to make Bilbo understand that he is lonely, and has no one to continue what he has begun, and that Frodo might be lonely too, and need a better home than Buckland, a home more suited to his temperament. We learn a lot about the Gamgees here too, and the dynamic between Sam and his father, and Bilbo makes the decision to teach Sam his letters. A good character study of Sam and Bilbo, set within an entertaining story, and with an appearance by the Gaffer.
Where The Shadows Lie by Lizmybit
Set in Minas Tirith after the Quest, Frodo thinks that no one else can understand the touch of the Shadow that still darkens his dreams. Merry has a heart to heart talk with him and helps Frodo to understand some important things, and Frodo learns some things about Merry. Very thoughtfully written, and I really like the image of the two of them sitting and having this quiet talk.
Double Vision by Shirasade
NC-17 Warning. This is a really interesting RPS fic, with not only a Dom and Billy pairing, but also a Merry and Pippin pairing, at the same time. How does that work exactly? The actors remain in character and costume for this encounter, which takes place after a day of filming, but we also see what happens through Dom's thoughts as he participates. It's very clever, and very well done, and really very believable for that matter. A really original concept, and brilliantly executed. I am poking at Shirasade for a sequel that focuses on Billy's thoughts in a similar situation, so back me up if you like this story!
A Little Indigestion Between Friends by Aratlithiel
Also described as a FrodoHealers' fic gone wrong, this was written for a holiday story exchange as a gift for Febobe. It's a very entertaining story, and even folks who don't care for sick Frodo will like this one. Frodo has made a bit too merry at a banquet while in Minas Tirith, and while he just wants to be left alone to suffer, others are determined that he get all the care that the Ringbearer deserves. They finally ask Merry to reason with Frodo, and the last half of the story is a lovely conversation between the two and it is touching and sad and funny all at the same time. A really good little fic that also has Sam, Arwen and Aragorn.
Love, All Alike by Mimesere
I won't usually read fics where Pippin and Merry have gone to Gondor for their final days as I like to remember them in their youth. And most fics take such a story too far, and end in the death of one of my most beloved hobbits, which I just can't bear. This fic however, does not do that. It ends at just the right place, with just a slight hint of foreshadowing. Merry and Pip's relationship and lifelong friendship is very well written in this short piece, and there is a brief appearance by ƒomer and Aragorn as well.