Helping Hands by Llinos

This is a lovely set of drabbles which shows just how well our favourite hobbits know and love one another! Each drabble focuses on a situation where a hobbit needs the help and support of a friend, and that help is provided with no words or explanation needed. I love the simple caring in each of these, and the knowledge each hobbit has of the others. Their closeness is so evident!

The dates of the events are very relevant to each drabble and I thought that the situations chosen were just exactly right!

A Partnership in Villainy by Llinos

This story takes place a couple of years before my next recommendation, when Pippin is five and Merry is thirteen. It is Yule at Brandy Hall, and some intriguing relatives come to visit from the Southfarthing, bringing with them an exotic treat. Pippin goes above and beyond to make sure that Merry gets a taste but unfortunately there are consequences for both of them.

One consequence is a good one though! Merry, who has begun to feel that he is a bit too old for Pippin's company, comes to realise just how important Pippin is to him, and the other way around. I can really see from the behaviour of both characters how they came to be the adult Merry and Pippin that have such a strong bond when they grow up.

One thing that I particularly like about this story is Pearl's interaction with Pippin, and another is the hobbit Yule dragon, Thluggul. A brilliant combination of our own Father Christmas traditions and a tradition unique to the Shire, Thluggul is fascinating!

Merry Yule and Orange Pips by Llinos

This tale is set two years later, this time at the Great Smials. The exciting relatives from the Southfarthing are once again in attendance and have brought another new treat. This time Pippin is careful to wait for Merry to arrive to share! It is wonderful to read about what to us is an ordinary fruit through the eyes of a small hobbit lad who has never heard of such a thing before, and Pippin's reactions are realistic and believable.

We get such a great picture of Pippin's character in this story, and Merry's too. I especially love the way that that Pippin interacts with his sisters (and of course Merry), and the way that Merry is so conscientious and considerate with both his mum and Pippin.

I love the way that the bond between Pip and Merry has altered and strengthened just the right amount as they have both grown. Their friendship and devotion to each other is so clear in this terrific story!

Passwords by White Gull

This delightful story is set on the doorstep of Moria, where the Fellowship is passing the time waiting for Gandalf to figure out the password. The conversation between them all is great, and I like this story especially because of the clear bond between the characters, a bond that is obviously continuing to grow as they all learn new things about each other. I really enjoyed this!

Birnam Wood by Inkling

There is but the barest mention of hobbits in this story but that doesn't matter at all! It is a brilliant crossover between Tolkien's Middle-earth and Shakespeare's Macbeth. Ages have passed since the Great Years and ents and huorns still dwell in at least one place! I don't want to say anything more and give away more than I must, so I will just say that this is a terrific story and not to be missed!

How the Eorlings Ride by NeumeIndil

I'd rate this PG13 for adult themes. There is het in this story, but none of it is actually seen nor is it described beyond our own knowledge of what may be taking place behind closed doors.

While Merry doesn't have any dialogue in this excellent tale he is without a doubt the star! The setting is a tavern/brothel in Edoras and Merry, saddened at Pippin's leaving with Gandalf, is whiling away the evening with his new friends the Rohirrim over a pint or two. Unbeknownst to him the Men decide that Merry needs cheering up and Gamling takes charge. To say that the Men are surprised at Merry's unexpected prowess doesn't begin to cover it! I'll just say that he does the Shire proud!

One of the delights of the story, beyond the obvious humour, is Gamling. It is wonderful to see the dour warrior that we know from the book and film being such a good friend to a halfling that he barely knows. It's also fantastic to see Merry depicted as the adult that he is, while losing none of his hobbityness. This story won't fail to make you laugh out loud!

The Road To Edoras by Dreamflower

After nearly a year Dreamflower has finally posted a new chapter of this wonderful story and promises the rest are pretty much ready to post, so no more long waits between chapters! The link above is to the latest update, Chapter 33.

For those of you that haven't begun this story yet, here is the link to The Prologue. The story takes place Post-Quest and there is plenty of drama, angst and humour, with lots of terrific dialogue and character interaction. The basic plot is that a group of hobbit ambassadors are travelling to the South for a year's stay, in the company of some soldiers of Rohan and Gondor, and Legolas and Gimli. The leaders of the hobbit contingent are Berilac and Fredegar, and there are some terrific OC's in the party as well. In this latest chapter the group are not too far from Edoras, and I can't wait until they finally arrive!

Concerning Hobbit's Feet by Grey Wonderer

This is an hilarious tale! I don't want to give too much away and spoil the impact, but Pippin is very upset by something that Sancho Proudfoot has said, and brings the matter up with Merry and Frodo, to their shocked disbelief. The ensuing dialogue will have you falling out of your chairs! I couldn't believe the lengths that Frodo and Merry were finally driven to!

The story is told in Merry's voice, and it is spot on perfect, as is usual in one of GW's stories, and Pippin and Frodo are equally well written. Freddy's not-so-little cameo at the end is just wonderful. Don't miss this one!

The Silent Street by Sophinisba Solis

Note: There is a kiss and mention of a slash relationship early on, and then one slash scene towards the end, which may easily be skipped for those of you that don't care for slash, and without affecting the flow of the tale. It is quite far into the story. To avoid the slash scene simply stop at the line "Please don't talk like that, my dear Merry." and continue on again at the paragraph that begins 'It was only years later, on a lovely spring day at Crickhollow...'

This is an incredible story, set in Minas Tirith shortly after Pippin has found Merry wandering alone after the Battle of the Pelennor. The very beginning has an exchange between Pippin and Merry that had me laughing aloud, for I have often thought it, and I am sure that you have too. But the story quickly becomes more serious as Merry struggles to remember just what he experienced while in his Shadow dreams.

I very much liked Merry's realisation that Pippin was subtly different now, had passed through a change in himself, for the very first time without Merry's guidance, a thought that leaves him unsettled. They both need to come to terms with this change and this need is recurrent in the story. Pippin's thoughts about Merry are so true to Merry's character as I see him, and so are Merry's about Pippin.

Part of the story takes place in Rath Dinen and this was spellbinding. All of the descriptions are well done here, but to me that section really stood out.

The author has a marvellous grasp of these two, and writes them wonderfully, both as individuals, and importantly, as hobbits. That she understands hobbits so well is what makes this story so incredible. You simply must read this!

Recaptured! Chapter 132: L'Amie Inconnue by Llinos

The latest chapter is up! I told you that she would be posting much faster. In this chapter quite a few folks come together; I won't say exactly who, but it's very exciting! There is also a wonderful flashback featuring the three cousins in Buckland, along with an interesting friend of Pippin's. This is a very hobbity chapter, filled with action, and with a surprising twist at the end!

The link given is to the current new chapter. If you would like to start this amazing epic tale from the beginning, here is the link: Recaptured! This is my favourite fanfiction ever, and I urge everyone to give it a read. I promise that once you start reading you will be hooked!

On The Road Home by Ruby Nye

Rated R for mild Slash Content

A beautiful, beautiful story. Filled with grief at Frodo’s departure, on their way back to the Shire Sam, Merry, and Pippin struggle to find some way to cope with and assuage their grief. They have no need of words, and speak none until they reach home, but anyway words would not suffice, could bring them no healing of their spirits. Instead they comfort each other by their proximity, actions, and the giving and receiving of physical, tangible love.

Each night it is a different one of the three that needs comforting the most, and the tone is distinct and just right for each hobbit. The slash descriptions are restrained, and it is instead the reason behind the giving and receiving that is most important, and what shines through brilliantly.

This is no PWP, with slash just for the sake of it. This is finding healing through love of the heart, freely given and gratefully received. This is a stunning piece, not-to-be-missed whether slash is your cup of tea or not.

I encourage everyone to read this, it cannot fail to touch you. It will give you hope that these three can be happy again though Frodo is forever gone from Middle-earth.

Recaptured! is still my favourite work of LoTR fanfiction, and I am pleased to say that she has finally posted a new chapter! I am also pleased to say that the next few chapters are written and ready to go, so there won't be a long wait between updates this time! It has been a very busy and sometimes difficult year, and there has not been a lot of time for Llinos to write, especially as Recaptured! is so complex, but hopefully she will have much more time for writing now, both this, and other fics and poems. I do intend to continue to poke her until the story is finished, so those of you that have been hesitant to start such a long story, worrying that the author will leave it uncompleted (which happens too often in fanfiction, a fact that I find very frustrating) can safely immerse yourself into this wonderful AU. Once you have begun reading it you will not want to stop.

The latest chapter is called Hearts And Minds and features everyone's favourite heroes and villains, from the hobbits, the rest of the Fellowship, Eowyn, Faramir, Dysgwr, and Smag and Bloggin, to Gollum and Majdi Rann. There are some real eye-openers in this chapter! Don't fret if you have lost track of the plot points over time, as Llinos has kindly included a recap to remind you. I won't go into the details of the new chapter here, as Llinos has done so, and those of you already familiar with the story will be going directly to that chapter. I don't want to give anything away to someone that is just starting to read the story!

For those of you who are just beginning the story, the first 92 chapters can be found here, at Recaptured!, and Chapter 93 onwards can be found here, at Recaptured! Continued.

The story begins with a very simple plot change; Merry and Pippin being recaptured by Ugluk, and taken to Isengard. From there the tale evolves chapter by chapter, weaving into a complex design that at one point or another includes (or will include) every character, every location, and every major plot point in the Book, adapted to the AU and written in a way that keeps you on the edge of your seat to see what happens next. There are also numerous original characters that have become so beloved that they have fans of their own, like Dysgwyr, Sniggin and my own favourites, Bloggin, and of course Smagnu.

Healed by - Rated G

This is one of Shirebound's AU stories, and my absolute favorite story she has ever written! Without giving too much away, mortals, including all five hobbits, are allowed to sail West, but under one condition. Shirebound does a wonderful job writing Gandalf and the elves, and in particular Celebrian. I especially love how Shirebound gives each hobbit a particular gift that flourishes in the West. There is plenty of healing and gentle lessons for the hobbits, and the Big Folk as well. Whenever I feel down I read this story and it never fails to bring a smile to my face :)

defining a circle shape through points by - Rated PG-13 for slash content

This is one of my favorite stories by Dana. It's very lyrical and descriptive, like all her stories are, but I like this one in particular because we go along with Merry and Pippin as they leave Crickhollow at the start of the Quest, to Fangorn Forest, the Houses of Healing and back to Crickhollow by the end. In particular I like the occasions in which Pippin is there to comfort Merry, because so often in fanfiction we see that role reversed. I love how she writes Merry and Pippin :)

The Baby And The Bathwater by Slightly Tookish

This is another lovely Wee!Hobbit story, this one featuring an unsuspecting Frodo offering to give baby Pippin a bath. The fact that the family prefers to bathe Pippin outside when the weather is warm should have clued him in, but it doesn't! I really enjoyed Pippin's enthusiasm here, and Frodo's memory of bathing little Merry, who had a far different approach to bathing. Both Merry and Pippin's individual attitudes about baths are very in keeping with their characters as I see them. I liked Frodo very much in this story as well, and Pearl too.

I Bid You Stand by Storyfish

I have been waiting on this story simply forever, and now it is finally finished it is even better than I knew it would be! This story sprang from a starter that I gave Storyfish for Challenge 22, which I based on a photo of Merry and Pippin from a scene that was cut from the film. Some of you may have seen it; the two of them are on the battlefield before the Black Gate, the fighting raging all around them. Merry has collapsed and is crying out in anguish and Pippin is holding him in his arms. The starter was for Storyfish to explain what had happened, because I was dying to know. And she does a brilliant job!

The story is just the perfect length to really sink your teeth into! It starts out in Minas Tirith, after Merry has been called back from the grip of the Black Breath by Aragorn. Despite his weakness and injury Merry is insistent about accompanying the rest of the Fellowship to the Black Gate, and Aragorn finally relents, even though there is great danger to Merry from the surviving Ringwraiths. Just how much danger you must read the story to find out!

The battle sequences are very exciting, and Pippin and Merry both fight heroically, though not without grave cost to themselves. There are so many moments that I especially loved in the story, but I don't want to reveal too much, I'd much rather that you read the tale yourselves. I will say though that the part with the fell beast and the encounter with the troll were awesome! I really don't want to give the bit with the troll away, but I was shouting “Yes!” when I read it!

Most of all though, I loved the relationship between Merry and Pippin. Their characterisations, interaction, and dialogue are just perfect, so natural and realistic. A very exciting story, that marvellously showcases the mettle and love that these two hobbits possess!


The Three Hunters by Dreamflower

This wonderful story is written from the pov's of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli as they pursue the Orcs that have captured Merry and Pippin. Gimli's chapter has not been posted yet, but I have no doubt that it will be as spot on as the first two chapters.

Chapter One is Aragorn's chapter, and I especially loved here his memories of the hobbits as they fled toward the Ford of Bruinen with Glorfindel. As they chase after the Orcs driving Merry and Pippin, Aragorn remembers with guilt how he himself drove them and how bravely they struggled onward. But for all Aragorn drove them, he knows that the Orcs will drive them harder, and much more cruelly.

The next chapter is from Legolas' pov, and has a wonderful memory of an incident involving Legolas and Pippin in Rivendell. I had never thought before about the similarities that these two characters share! I love when a story brings something like that to light! I hope that Dreamflower updates soon!

A Tisket, A Tasket by Grey Wonderer

This is classic Grey Wonderer fare, full of humorous situations and very witty lines. While on a visit to Bag End young Pippin decides to build a nest for Errol, his stuffed rabbit, to have babies. Already disapproving of Pippin's attachment to the toy, Merry soon grows irritated with his cousin's determination to help Errol have a baby. I won't give away the results of Pippin's little experiment but I will say that this is a wonderful cousin story that displays each hobbit's unique personality as well as the close relationship between Frodo, Merry and Pippin, and Bilbo as well.

Pride Goeth by Marigold

I know Marigold wouldn't recommend one of her own stories so I'm going to do it instead! Not long after the Fellowship sets out from Rivendell the hobbits and Boromir have an important conversation on the stealth and secrecy necessary to the Quest. I love stories about those early days when the Fellowship is getting to know one another and this is no exception. Told in Boromir's POV, we hear his thoughts and voice clearly and watch as his knowledge of and respect for the hobbits grows. All four hobbits are clearly adults here, responsible and cautious and fully aware of the magnitude of the task at hand. Their friendliness and cheer is still there, but these hobbits are not children and must be taken seriously, which is always a treat to read!

Splendor In the Grass by Grey Wonderer

This is a wonderful story! It is an entry in Merry's journal, written when he is not quite thirty. The story begins with young Merry playing a risky game with little Pippin, leading to their discovery of a truly magicial place. The descriptions of the place, much different in the day than it is in the night, are both beautiful and thought provoking. Is it a place of the elves? What dwells there in the dark, that makes the meadow so dangerous at night?

Not only is the meadow a wonderful creation, the characters of Merry and Pippin are wonderfully written. Every thought of Merry's, every comment, and emotion, is spot on, as is every action of every character in the story. The relationship between Merry and Pippin is written to perfection here, without the waste of a single word. This is a super story!

Something Wicked This Way Comes by Grey Wonderer

I don't want to say too much about this story for fear of giving too much away! It features Merry and Pippin and takes place while they are in the hands of the Uruk-hai. The beginning is certainly drama, but that changes soon!

There are some humourous, non-specific references to slash, which does not involve Merry and Pippin, and I think that the most prim and proper reader could safely read this story and enjoy it very much! I absolutely loved it!

What really makes the story is the running dialogue between Merry and Pippin, and their very different, totally in character responses to a situation well outside their sphere of experience.

Do give this story a try! Grey Wonderer has a lovely knack when it comes to writing humour; as you will see even the story title is perfect!

The next-to-last chapter of The Eastgate has been posted! In Chapter 18, Drugs and Desperation, Merry is getting better but is terribly worried about Pippin. Frodo and Sam stick by his side while Legolas and Aragorn go out to search for the missing Pippin, Gimli, and Boromir. They had better hurry though, because some nasty Orcs have already found them!

Now, here are the Birthday Stories written for me in 2006!

Marigold – A Snippet From Broken World by Llinos

Broken World is a role-play in which Sauron got the Ring and evil is ruling Middle-earth, and is a very exciting story. The hobbits of the Shire have been enslaved and are hard at work in the Mines of Moria.

In this wonderful story, Marigold, a hobbit slave, strives to make life a bit easier for Merry and for Pippin. I was so pleased to have Marigold named after me! She is a wonderful, nurturing character, and Merry and Pippin really benefit from her wisdom and courage! In this story she is instrumental in making sure that Merry is well treated by his Uruk master, and schemes to secure that same safety for Pippin. Lots of excellent Merry and Pippin h/c in this, and the characters are all very well written!

If you would like to read more of Broken World here is the link to the current thread, Dancing With Danger. Just to let you know, the thread itself contains some violence and slash.


And Whither Then? I Cannot Say by Maripo5a

This is a lovely story in Maripo5a’s Merry/Pippin slash universe! Merry has proposed to Estella and Pippin is miserable, thinking that Merry can no longer love him in the same way. But Estella is wiser than that, as Pippin learns, and so is Merry. Love cannot so lightly be cast aside. A very sweet story and I loved all of the characterisations. Poor Pippin’s thoughts and actions are just right, and so are Merry’s responses, and the details are just wonderful too.

I am so happy at the way their relationship turns out in this story!


Bloom of Sunshine, Bloom of Gold by Lindelea

This sweet story features Marigold and Merry! Poor Marigold has a bit of an accident and it’s Merry to her rescue, but things don’t end quite as he had planned! Merry is wonderfully gallant here, and Mari is written just as a sensible Gamgee lass should be. Very good characterisations! Here are the parts posted so far, and there is at least one more to come!

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four


A Pippin Ficlet by Budgielover

This fun story takes place in Rivendell before the Quest and fits in Budgie’s story, Recovery In Rivendell. Pippin has found a very interesting section of Elrond’s Library, filled with some special books! Elrond is amused, Merry are Sam are scandalized, Frodo less so, and Pippin finds a sympathetic friend in Legolas! I loved prim and proper Merry here, and the fact that Frodo is not quite so prim and proper as one might think! Wonderful dialogue!

Thank you so much to everyone that wrote me stories this year, and to those that are working on stories not quite finished! I will post them here as they are sent to me!


Years After and a Sea Between by Dana

I don’t quite know what to say about this story, other than you must go and read it at once. It is absolutely stunning and I had no words to say when I reviewed it, I was that gobsmacked.

This story is an AU and it begins after Merry and Pippin’s retirement to Gondor, and there is some slight slash content, which I would rate at a PG-13 at most, but the story also beautifully incorporates memories of Diamond and Estella. According to Llinos, my source for all things English, it is not an unheard of situation by any means, especially among the upper classes, to have both a happy marriage and a lover, the rule being “just so the servants don’t find out”. For me, when it comes to slashverse, Merry and Pippin share such a great and obvious love for each other that I have no difficulty in believing that their wives were content with this situation, for how could they be jealous of such a profound love. Certainly in this story I did not disbelieve the scenario in the slightest.

In this tale Pippin is drawn to the Sea, in the hopes of seeing Frodo once more. Merry supports him all the way, though the idea is mad, and with blessings and help from their friends they build a little ship and set sail for the Undying Lands, Merry at the helm. There are glimpses of Aragorn, Eowyn, Faramir, Legolas, Gimli and others, and lots of terrific detail.

Whether they get there or not I will leave it up to you to find out!

The story is full of love and angst and clarity and so many other emotions! The wording is just beautiful, and the plot quite believable. Well done Dana!

Elements: Dreams of the Dead, Visions of the Living by Pipkin Sweetgrass

This is a very interesting story and I am really looking forward to another instalment! We are first introduced to an older Pippin with his Faramir, and I love their relationship here. It is very loving, and very caring, and even though he is only in the chapter briefly, I got a very clear picture of Faramir’s personality; like Pippin in many ways, and yet clearly an individual.

This beginning serves as a point to flash back to a time soon after the Quest, when Pippin began to idly carve a figure, which to his surprise evolved into a beloved member of the Fellowship. He shows it to Merry and together they are able to speak of their friend, and to finally deal with certain issues that they had not yet resolved.

The story is well written, in a straightforward and entertaining style and I am eager to read the next chapters!

A Rabbit’s Tale by Errol as transcribed by Grey Wonderer

For those of you who don’t know, Errol is Pippin’s very dear friend and stuffed rabbit. He is also a very talented author, and I love this story from his pov! Pippin has returned from his travels, changed and yet the same, and has moved into Crickhollow with Merry, secretly bringing Errol along. Errol is very insightful and loves Pippin very much, and he is quite concerned when nightmares strike and Merry is not at home to come to Pippin’s aid.

I love so many things about this story. Errol’s voice is just wonderful, and I love his thoughts, descriptions and observations, particularly in regard to Merry himself, and also Pippin’s relationship with Merry. I can clearly see everything as it happens here, and I really liked the glimpses of what it was like back at the Great Smials when Pippin was away. Pippin and Merry are very well written. This is a really enjoyable story and I hope that Errol will write another soon!

First off is a wonderfully funny new story, called Frodo’s Exciting Day Out! In it, Llinos explores an interesting idea that Professor Tolkien for some reason seems to have overlooked, and lucky for us that he did! And lucky for us that Llinos didn’t!

There are so many parts of this story that had me laughing out loud, and I would love to quote numerous bits and lines of dialogue that I particularly love, but that would take away from the whole experience, so you simply must go and read it yourselves! I especially like Frodo in this; his attitude is so matter-of-fact and Baggins-like.

Next is something completely different. Ddraigspelt is a love poem, and it is a beautiful one, if you happen to be an orc! Llinos originally posted this in Broken World, an exciting collaborative AU story in which Bilbo never got the Ring, the Shire was overcome, and the hobbits enslaved. It is a love poem written by an Uruk named Nagash about his one true love, and if an Uruk was to write a love poem, this is what he would write. The language, as with all of the author’s poetry, is perfect for the subject matter, and I think that it is fascinating. I have never read anything like this, and enjoyed it very much.

There is another new chapter up of The Eastgate! The latest instalment, Chapter 17, Singing and Singed! is a bit different from the previous chapters because most of the authors collaborating in the role play had drifted away. Even I was not available! And so, with the exception of Frodo, written by Baylor, and Sam, written by Budgielover, every single character in this chapter was written by Llinos! Whew!

It’s a great chapter too, with a much awaited reunion, a bit of peril, and not only is Merry still not doing so well, poor Pippin is very ill indeed and requires the healing talents of the elves and the help of Boromir. But even if he lives through it, danger is looming! It’s a very exciting chapter! There is only a bit left to go in this adventure!

The Eastgate has been updated at last, complete with reviewer responses by Merry! Here is the link to Chapter Sixteen, Rescues And Reunions!

For those of you not familiar with the story, it began as a role playing game thought of by Baylor, and it turned out to be so exciting that we thought it should be a story, and Llinos has skilfully edited everyone's posts into a riveting tale of adventure! The cast is as follows:

Frodo – Baylor
Samwise – Budgielover
Pippin – Marigold
Merry – Llinos
Legolas – Mainframe
Aragorn – Nilramiel
Boromir – Rachel Stonebreaker
Gimli – Q

If you'd like to start the story at the beginning, here is the link to Chapter 1 The Frantic Fight!

The basic premise of the story is that the surviving members of the Fellowship are separated while trying to escape Moria. Some make it through the Gates, and others do not and are trapped within. The story follows all of the characters through great deeds and adventures and angst and suffering and bonding as they struggle to survive and once more find the others. I think that the story came out wonderfully!

I hope that you like it, we all had a marvellous time taking part, and I loved being Pippin! Chapters Seventeen and Eighteen are good to go, so it will be updated very soon. Please review, as we all would love to see what you think, and the characters promise to answer every single reviewer!

Many thanks to Llinos for all of her hard work!

Measure of Friendship by AspenJules

This is a lovely little scene with Merry and Faramir in the gardens of the Houses of Healing, and I couldn’t believe it is the author’s first completed piece of fanfiction! It is the day after the Armies of the West have departed Minas Tirith and Merry is feeling lonely and weak. He makes his way to the gardens with difficulty, intending to look into the East after Pippin and his other friends but finds that Faramir is there before him.

Faramir does not know why his father has not been to see him and in the course of their conversation Faramir learns that Merry knows what has befallen Denethor, and asks out of their new friendship that Merry tell him everything.

There is just the right amount of emotion here, and it is very believable. I liked the dialogue too. This story did something special; it caused me to realise that Merry and Faramir are actually very alike in several ways, and from now on when I read the Book, I am going to see those similarities in my mind. JulesAspen has added yet another layer to the many that I have already discovered in my many, many re-readings of Lord of The Rings!

NC 17 Slash Warning Defy The Dark by Beizy

Finally, after lots of poking and prodding (thank you Llinos!) Beizy has finished this riveting tale. This is something a bit different and I have been totally engrossed since she first began posting it. It is a beautiful story, with exquisite language and visuals, and is written entirely in drabbles. It is not precisely a LoTR story; it is set several centuries ago and is the story of a Russian slave named Dominic, and William, the younger son of a wealthy Italian family.

Dominic has been kidnapped and taken to Venice and sold as a slave to a brothel. He cannot remember his past life, but his new one is a misery. Eventually he comes into the service of William’s family. He and William feel a growing attraction and without giving away too much of the story, their relationship blossoms into love. Their circumstances are such that there seems to be no hope for true happiness, but they never give up on each other.

I like so much about this wonderfully crafted story, but most especially I love the gradual reawakening of Dominic’s soul, and the slow recovery of his memories, his love of art and languages, his perceptions of the foreign world around him. Dominic and William are such wonderful, compelling characters that I was completely drawn into their world. I had no trouble imagining RL Dominic and Billy playing these parts and that really added to my enjoyment of the story.

The link above is to Part One, and here are the links to Part Two and Part Three.

With Their Heads Full of Dreams by GamgeeFest
There is a lot of wonderful detail in this story and all of the characters are very personable and ring true. The premise of the tale is that just before the big Birthday Party, some visiting dwarves have cooked up a special meal at Bag End. The food is not quite what the diners are used to and the meal causes them all to have some very odd dreams! I really enjoyed the strangeness of some of the dreams, and the way that they fit the personality of the dreamer.

GamgeeFest has a wonderful imagination and manages to convey a real sense of unworldiness here.

Demand and You Shall Receive by Grey Wonderer
I laughed and laughed when I first read this, and laugh just as much every time I reread it! The first part of this tale is told from Frodo’s pov, and features a quite wonderful Wee!Pippin and a very Brandybuckish little Merry. Frodo has come to Buckland on a visit and isn’t in the door two minutes before sweet little Pip is relieving him of his property. The dialogue in this story and the images the author paints are great! Tiny Pippin making calf eyes and delivering lines like, ‘ “O, peas. Mine, gif it me.” ‘ just make me squee everytime I read this charming tale. The second part is from Merry’s pov and concerns Pippin’s use of the wheedled treasure throughout the years. Grey Wonderer has a real talent for writing humour, and making it hobbity!

The Three Towers by Shirebound.
This insightful and moving story is perhaps a bit more angsty than Shirebound usually writes, but it is leavened with the gentle humor and hurt/comfort that are her trademarks. Frodo decides to return to the Tower of Cirith Ungol in an attempt to recover the lost memories from his time there as a captive. He is accompanied on his journey by the remaining members of the Fellowship (as well as a wonderful OC named Alcaren), each of whom supports and comforts him in his own way. What I especially love about the story is how the author shows the effect of Frodo's return journey on those with him. No one comes away from the experience unchanged, or without a greater appreciation for the strength and courage of Frodo and Sam. It's a beautiful post-Quest gap-filler that, in the end, gives closure to us as much as it does to Frodo.

Okay, NOW Panic! by Boz4PM
Not strictly a hobbit story, and too well-written and carefully researched to qualify as a Mary-Sue (besides, the author promised that it's not), this story shows off Middle-earth from the viewpoint of an outsider who is steeped in the history of Middle-earth. Funny and stinging by turns (that's either satire, or tears in the eyes, take your pick), this tale is also breathtaking in its detail. It has some of the best descriptions of places and people that I've seen in fanfic, and reallly brings Middle-earth to life. The hobbits (when the story finally gets to them) are very much in character, and the first chapter had me weeping for a character I'd never given much thought to, before. Be aware that the hobbits are often called by the names JRRT called them in their "untranslated" form: Bilba for Bilbo, Maura for Frodo, Kali for Merry, Ban for Sam, Raz for Pippin, Suza for Shire, kuduk for hobbit, just as if you were sitting in on their actual conversation. This story is a sequel to "Don't Panic", which can be found at the same site, but can be read alone if you're familiar with LOTR. (Though why you'd want to skip the first story would be beyond my reckoning.)

Hair Today by Piplover aka Pipfan
In this story an accident causes Merry to be embarrassed about being seen at a major social event at Great Smials that Estella will also be attending. Pippin comes up with a drastic plan to put Merry at ease that shows just how very much he loves his cousin, and it turns out he isn't the only one! I loved the clear sense of familial love and solidarity in this very hobbity story, not only between the cousins, but also between Merry and his mum. I liked Estella very much! She is definitely worthy of our Merry-lad!

Lullaby by Piplover aka Pipfan
When Pippin has trouble sleeping one night at Crickhollow, a most interesting lullaby finally sends him into a deep slumber, and in the morning he finds something that makes him wonder what was real and what imagined. The descriptions in this story are lovely, and I could really feel Pippin's frustration, and feel the warmth of the comfortable bed and the chill of the air in the room.

One Week and Nine Ales by Maripo5a
Slash Warning: The author has rated this a mild NC-17 to be on the safe side, but I think that it would get by with an R, and that even non-slash lovers will laugh themselves silly if they give this story a try! The slash is more suggested here than graphically described, and is primarily used to set the scene for the hilarity that follows. This story comes from a scene that popped into my head one day and which I begged Maripo5a to write, knowing that she would really do this particular bunny justice. Most slashy fics depict wonderfully romantic physical encounters full of declarations of undying love, and of course I do enjoy reading those sorts of Merry/Pippin fics. But in Real Life there are times when things just don't work out the way that the folks involved might like, and this is one of those times for poor Merry and Pip! It's one luckless thing after another, and each mishap more disastrous than the last! Their evening looks doomed, but in the end love conquers all. Maripo5a has written this with such humour and attention to detail that I started laughing aloud almost from the beginning and didn't stop until I had reached the end! This is truly love, Merry and Pippin style!

The Remains of Power by Pearl Took
This one has a wonderfully ominous feel! It is told entirely from Saruman's point of view after he is left in his Tower, and is mostly his dark thoughts; his contemplation of what Orthanc has become, Gandalf’s breaking of his staff, his plans for the future, his contempt. His inner voice seems to me to be very much spot on; it is sinister, contemptuous, and put-upon and has just the right amount of self-righteousness to it. His conversation with the Nazgul about the Halfling in the palantir was my favourite part, especially the way that Saruman thinks of Pippin as one of Gandalf’s "dangles". This story seems to have a different feel to it than most of Pearl's stories, and while I enjoy her work, this story seems to stand apart from the others in some way that I can't really explain. But I mean it as a compliment!

That Which Cannot Be Put Into Words by Pearl Took
This is a beautiful short story, in which Pippin comes across a fair Elf lady in the woods of Lothlórien. They do not speak each other's language but Pippin instinctively knows a way for them to communicate. His resolution seemed to be perfectly Pippin to me! It is really interesting the way that Pearl has everything that occurs in the story being seen through Galadriel's mind's eye. I imagine that she does know pretty much anything she cares to that goes on in her land! I also liked Pearl's descriptions of the ways some of the other members of the Fellowship are seeking to assuage their grief.

Where There's A Will -- There's Merry by Dreamflower
I enjoyed this so much! I loved little Merry's strength of mind and his utter devotion to Frodo in this story! This is definitely the bright and determined hobbit that accompanies Frodo on his Quest later in life. In this tale Frodo is sick with a cold and Merry is being kept from his side so that he doesn’t catch the cold himself. He refuses to let Frodo down though, and his sincere determination to win through to Frodo's room is a delight to read. I could really picture Merry in this, I could see him perfectly! His final solution is a totally believable one for such a clever little hobbit! I also liked very much that Dahlia was comfortable enough in her position with the Brandybuck's that she invites her friend in to tea. I thought that was a very nice touch that gave a lovely insight to the family. Everyone was very much in character in this story! I will definitely read this again!

Usurpers and Adventurers by Baylor
This is a wonderful story! During a visit to the Great Smials, tween-aged Frodo has a bit of a hangover, and the new baby won’t let him sleep. Finally unable to take any more he goes into the nursery and finds himself alone with his tiny Cousin Peregrin. After Briony, the much-feared Nurse to the Took children fails to rescue him, Frodo accepts his fate but little Merry soon takes exception to Frodo’s acquisitiveness. I love the tone of this story, and as always Baylor's characterisations and descriptions are so enjoyable! Those of you that are new to the fandom and haven't discovered her stories yet must go and read all of them at once! You can find them in chronological order at her site, A Shortcut To Mushrooms. I have the privilege of having betaed almost every one of Baylor’s stories, including this one, and wish that she might find the time to write more very soon! I do have the promise of a story for my Birthday, and I am looking forward to that!

Recaptured! by Llinos
I have been waiting, as have many of you, for this latest chapter forever it seems! It has been a difficult and busy year for Llinos and she wasn’t able to get much writing done. Things are getting back to normal now, and chapters should be coming along on a much more regular basis. She has already begun Chapter 131 so it shouldn’t be long until it is posted. Thank heavens, because things are at such an exciting place that I can’t wait to read the next bit! This chapter is called Collision Course, and it is Chapter 130! In this exciting chapter, Merry, rescued but battered and traumatized, is now travelling through Mordor with Pippin on Shadowfax. Together with Smagnu and Bloggin/Gandalf they are rushing to Mount Doom with Pippin’s half-Ring, hoping to rendezvous with Frodo and Sam and the other half-Ring in order to bring the halves together and destroy It. Chasing after them all are Majdi Rann, Vimta Ludd, the rest of the Mouth of Sauron’s evil crew, and demented Gollum lies in wait, intending to kill Pippin to regain at least half of his Precious. Whew! Also in this chapter are Frodo and Sam, Legolas, Gimli, Éowyn, Faramir, Aragorn, the Dark Lord, and various orcs and evil minions! Please review so that she updates quickly! I may explode if I have to wait too long for the next chapter! If you haven’t yet discovered this fabulous, epic tale, you can find the first chapter HERE. Don’t let the length put you off, it is a fantastic story, and after all, you only need to take it one chapter at a time. You just need to make a start! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do!

An Army of Tooks by Mariole
This is a wonderful gap-filler! Here we see what happened when Pippin rides to Tookland to gather some troops before the Battle of Bywater. So many questions are answered in this story: how does Pippin’s family react to his return and his changed appearance? How are Paladin and Eglantine faring under the stress of being cut off from the rest of the Shire and trying to protect their people, all the while worrying about their son? How do the Tooks respond to Pippin in a leadership role? I love the relationship between Pippin and his parents here, which is so loving and full of trust. Paladin believes in his son and Pippin is so determined to do right by his father and by the Tooks, and the Shire itself. Reading this gave me such a clear picture of how Pippin would serve as Thain, and I absolutely adored seeing him so mature and so changed in a positive way by his experiences in the Quest.

Slash: PG 13 for a few kisses and words of love
Whispers In The Dark by Marigold and Slightly Tookish
Yes, I am reccing a story that I co-authored. This is a sequel to Slightly Tookish's story that I recommended a few weeks ago, A Vague And Secret Wish. I enjoyed that story so much that I was inspired to write a later conversation between Merry and Pippin in Fangorn. I sent it off to Slightly Tookish, she added some lovely bits to it, and this is the result of our first collaboration. Hopefully it won't be our last. In this story, Merry and Pippin talk about a lot of things; their relationship, what the future might hold, and what transpired at Parth Galen while Pippin was unconscious. What I like best about the story is the clear love that exists between the two, their devotion to one another, and their loyalty to the Quest. In this universe Merry and Pippin put the success of the Quest ahead of their own wishes, which I think is something that is totally in character for these two.

The Day Before by Thundera Tiger
This is not a hobbit story, but I loved it anyway, and thought that it was written very well. This is a companion piece to the author's story, The Day After. In that story, Gimli ponders how Legolas's perception of time has changed since becoming so close to mortals, especially Gimli himself. In the new story, it is Legolas who is pondering the changes in how Gimli now perceives the passage of time. Legolas worries that Gimli now does not see time as being something that has an end, that he perceives it as an elf does, and that there will always be enough. Things that Gimli used to see as imperative he now puts off till next year, or the year after, and Legolas fears that his friend's time will run out, and that he will fail to accomplish all that he might. And that then he will blame his friendship with Legolas.

It's Nothing Really by Dreamflower
I really enjoyed this story! There are lots of wonderful details, and I think that the relationships between Merry, Pippin, and Frodo are depicted very well. While walking to Bag End, Merry and Pippin run into a spot of trouble. Merry hurts his ankle and can't go on, and it is up to young Pippin to take care of him until their elder cousin comes to their rescue. Pippin is so competent here, while still clearly very young and not necessarily sure of himself. But he doesn't let on to Merry and manages to keep things under control. One of my favourite parts of the story is Frodo trying not to call Merry by his childhood nickname in his worry, and I also especially liked the empathy that Frodo and Pippin felt for Merry's pain. A very hobbity tale!

Chance Encounter by Dreamflower
Some of you may have read this story on LJ when Dreamflower first wrote it. Then it was posted as a serial, in short entries, and written quickly. This is a new and improved version, and has been gone over carefully for any errors, the plot has been fleshed out, and some alterations to the story have been made. It is a sequel to Dreamflower's wonderful story Life of A Bard. In this tale Menelcar the Minstrel is reunited with his friends, Pippin, Merry, Frodo, and Sam. The story is largely about the hobbits and how they are getting by the first few days that they are in Minas Tirith, but there are also some lovely bits with Éowyn and the rest of the Fellowship figures prominently as well. I particularly enjoyed Pippin's encounter with some unscrupulous characters that will be coming up in a soon-to-be-posted chapter!