A Pair of Swings by Slightly Tookish

This is a very sweet tale about a set of swings at Brandy Hall and the young hobbits that use them. The characterisations are lovely, especially Merry's in the second, and Pippin's in the last, and the scenarios are spot-on. I liked them all, but can't decide if the one with Frodo and Merry is my favourite or the one with Merry and Pippin!

I particularly enjoyed the feeling of continuity and could easily imagine Merry's children someday playing on these same swings!

Friendship and Fear by PipMer

This story is the first one posted by this author, and it is a more in-depth look at what transpired between Merry and Pippin after Pippin looked into the Palantir. I really like the way that this story gives insight into their relationship and I thought that the characters were captured very well. Their conversation here is believable and well written, their emotions well done. I am looking forward to more stories by this author!

Little Brothers by DinaLori

This little tale juxtaposes Boromir's observations of Merry and Pippin bantering with memories of himself and Faramir as a boy, giving good insight into why he felt so protective of the two young hobbits.

My favourite bits of course are Merry and Pippin; as usual Merry is being his bossy and maternal self, looking after his Pippin. Pippin doesn't really need Merry's attentions here, but he knows that looking after him makes his Merry happy so he submits, though of course with an appropriate stream of loud complaints about poor treatment! A very enjoyable story!

Antiphon to Light by Thevina

This lovely tale is told from Gimli's pov, as he contemplates Galadriel and all she has become to him. Pippin and Legolas also appear and all three characters are written very well.

My favourite part of this is when Pippin comes upon a reflective Gimli in the woods of Lothlorien. Pippin is in wonderful character here, and the conversation between the two is natural and appropriate to each race. I particularly thought that the way that Pippin finally shrugs off his confusion by suggesting a meal was just right!

All In The Research by Slightly Tookish

This is a really entertaining vignette featuring Merry and Pippin getting into a bit of training for the Quest. Pippin is of the opinion that they should do a bit of research along the way!

I really like this idea, that they would do some long distance walking to get themselves into shape for the journey ahead. After all, Merry was so thorough in the rest of his preparations; I can't see that he would fail to consider their physical conditions as well. It's just good sense, and Merry is very sensible! There is some wonderful cousinly interaction here, and the dialogue is spot on.

To Learn His Letters by GamgeeFest

I really enjoyed it this story! It features Halfred Gamgee, among others, and it was wonderful to get such a fine glimpse of Fred, a character that I haven’t seen much in fanfiction. I like him very much. I think that he shares his tenaciousness with Sam; Halfred applied it to enable Sam to learn his letters, and Sam applied it to get Frodo to Mount Doom.

Sam very clearly adores this older brother and with the care and concern he has for Sam it is easy to see why.

I found everything about this tale to be plausible and logical, which increased my enjoyment. An excellent and well thought out explanation as to the whys and wherefores of the stubborn Gaffer allowing Bilbo to teach Sam his letters!

Tomp Tomp by Lily

This story is one from the series Lily is writing featuring Merimac, called The Many Aspects of Merimac Brandybuck. "Tomp Tomp" is a very sweet little moment with five-year-old Frodo and his older cousins, Saradoc and Merimac. It is quite a short story, but I think that is part of what makes this one so charming, because life is made up of small moments like this. I like this sort of glimpse into everyday life, and the relationships between various characters, and I enjoyed seeing these particular characters interacting when Frodo is so very young.

A New Way to Savor Mushrooms by Elemmire

This is a very nice short story with all of our favourite hobbits gathered together to celebrate Merry's birthday. For years Esmeralda has been making a very special mushroom dish for Frodo alone, not telling him the origin of the recipe. Of course, just because Esmeralda only makes them for Frodo doesn't mean that he will be allowed to eat them all! Then Pippin causes a happy accident that makes that special recipe even better.

Cousins by Budgielover

This is a delightful ficlet in which a very young Pippin, distraught that he is often left out by Merry and his other cousins, goes to Frodo for comfort. Frodo manages to console Pippin as well as help teach Merry a lesson about the importance of including others, especially young ones, in his games. This is a very sweet cousin-fic, and you can see the wonderful bond between Frodo, Merry and Pippin that is present even as children (and tweens).

All In Good Time by Slightly Tookish

To say too much about this lovely little story would give away the plot, and I don't want to do that, so I will just say that for several months since Frodo left for Valinor, Pippin has had an unusual problem with his watch. He and Merry take the watch to Berilac and Glory, clockmakers (borrowed for this story from Glory Underhill), who do their best to see what makes it tick (sorry, I couldn't help myself!).

Pippin has his own idea about the way the watch is keeping time, and Merry comes to share his opinion! A very clever and enjoyable plot, and a good read!

The Morning After the Night Before by my-fool-of-a-took

I laughed out loud at this! Frodo wakes up having made a bit too merry the previous night. This is much to Pippin's delight as he had remained completely sober and didn't miss a moment of the revels, a fact that he wickedly taunts Frodo with. Merry also makes an entertaining appearance in the story, and there are mentions of Sam and Fatty as well. It was a very good party!

I really enjoyed the believable banter and obvious camaraderie between the cousins here. The dialogue is fun and the descriptions are very good! I especially liked all of the titbits (that's British for tidbits!) hinted at that we didn't actually see, such as the reason Pippin hadn't indulged, what went on at the party, and the description of what Pippin does to Merry in the bathing room. No slash, and suitable for hobbit lovers of all ages!

Two short and sweet Wee!hobbit fics today, both by Slightly Tookish! The first one is And The World Sleeps, in which Pippin has some important questions to ask of Merry, who of course has no problem in supplying the answers. Very sweet glimpse of the cousins, and with nice descriptions.

Breakfast is the next little tale, and in it Pippin and Bilbo are hard at work making an extra special breakfast. I really enjoyed their closeness in this story, and how comfortable Pippin was with Bilbo. This little tale has some lovely descriptions as well.

What Friends Are For by Mariole

This is a wonderful tale about the forming of the Conspiracy and the readying of Crickhollow for Frodo’s arrival! It is told from Merry’s pov and I was quite caught up in the story. The characters are well written, and I especially enjoyed seeing how the author portrayed Fredegar, willing to help to a point, but a typical stay at home gentlehobbit who has no intention of leaving the Shire. There are subtle levels to his character that I really felt were well done. Everyone is in wonderful voice here, and I enjoyed the dialogue and descriptions very much.

Merry is very much in character, worrying and planning, and taking charge, Pippin is determined and excited, and Sam feels both guilty for revealing Frodo’s plans and grateful that he will have help to protect his master.

Because the story is so well written the Americanisms do stand out, especially “Fall” for “Autumn” and “traveling" instead of “travelling”. Mariole is very close to capturing Tolkien’s style here, and because of that those really do stand out. The story is an excellent one though, and I highly recommend it!

The first is A Shire Sketchbook by Baggins Babe. This story takes place in what Baggins Babe calls her “Reunion ’verse”, an AU series begun in her story “Reunion in Minas Tirith”. In this AU, Frodo never sailed West, but remained to find healing in the Shire. Living at Bag End with Sam and Rosie and surrounded by loving friends, happy, thriving children, and various pets, each complete-in-itself chapter of “A Shire Sketchbook” is a pleasure to read. Rated G, lots of fluff, joy, and fun. Although this ‘universe’ is AU, Baggins Babe tries to stick as close to canon as possible.

The second story is Slightly Tookish’s delightful Healing the Healer. Somewhere on the Quest, Aragorn develops a tiny cold. The hobbits, grateful for the attentive care he’s shown all of them, nearly smother him in Shire remedies and advice -- to the amusement of the rest of the Fellowship. In this gentle yet perceptive one-chapter story, Aragorn learns some very important things about the hobbits he never knew before. Very cuddly and loving, full of TLC and sweet humor. Rated G

KnittedPippin’s Birthday Story by Angie T

KnittedPippin recently celebrated his Birthday and in honour of the event Angie T wrote him this lovely story! He was very happy! The story features KnittedPippin, with an appearance by KnittedMerry. On his Birthday, KnittedPippin receives a most Magnificent gift from KnittedMerry! Or does he? Read this very sweet tale and find out!

Angie writes in a couple of different genres, and I especially love when she writes sweet tales like this one!

Contentment by Elemmire
This story gives us a glimpse of how and why the decision was made that Bilbo should adopt Frodo and take him to live at Bag End. There is some lovely and quite detailed background about Frodo here; his grief, his personality, his behaviour, how the deaths of his parents affected him. Many of Frodo’s relatives, including Bilbo, Esmie, Saradoc, and little Merry make an appearance in this thoughtful tale.

The Luster Of Snow by Auntiemeesh
This exciting story is a work-in-progress, and is up to five chapters now. I hope that it will have many more! Pippin goes off alone for a walk in the beautiful, snowy woods and comes to grief. Thank goodness Eglantine sends Paladin out to look for him! The descriptions are very well done, and the characters are all spot on, including some original characters that I like very much. I also like the loving relationship that Pippin has with his family. I am really enjoying this story. I hope that Auntiemeesh updates quickly!

Frodo Lad: Arrival by Mews1945.
This is the first of a series of warm and loving stories about Frodo after he comes to live with Bilbo at Bag End. The characterizations are spot on, and the descriptions of Frodo’s new life are so vividly painted that you can see them all in your mind. The rest of the series can be found at West of the Moon: each one is a gem.

Tenderness by Mews1945
Written from the POV of a wonderful OC named Loefel, a wounded soldier who helps the King and a healer to care for the Ringbearer, who is ill in Cormallen on a bitter cold day. Beautifully drawn characters, and a tender, loving tale that will move you to tears, and linger long after you have read it.

The Decoy Hobbit by Storyfish
This is the author's very first LOTR story, though if it hadn't been mentioned in the author's notes I'd never have guessed. Told in the first person, from Pippin's viewpoint, it shows the battle, and the time of Pippin's recovery, in a way that captures Pippin's voice remarkably.

Upon a Field of Gold by Dana.
The story takes us through Pippin's recovery, as seen from Merry's viewpoint, and it'll tear your heart out and warm it, all in the same story.

Come and Catch Me by Storyfish
Cormallen again from Merry's POV, told through dreams and memories and flashes of real-time in a way that draws you in, weaving dreamwebs around you as you read.

Five Years Old by Dreamflower
This is such a sweet story! It is Pippin's fifth birthday and he can't wait for Merry and Frodo to arrive! I loved the little glimpses of Pippin interacting with his various family members; his mother, sisters, father, Frodo, and especially Merry. There were several parts that I particularly enjoyed, one of which was Pippin knowing that the carriage was coming before anyone else, and another was Eglantine watching the three lads together, seeing them from her pov. There are bits of background in this story that appear in Dreamflower's stories set in the future, in particular Pippin's insecurity about gift giving -- it was really fun to see that here, for the first time in Pippin's life, knowing from reading those other stories that he never loses this habit. Dreamflower has a real gift for writing hobbits, especially the Tooks and Brandybucks, and a certain Baggins, and her characterisation of Merry and Pippin and their close relationship is one of my favourites.

A Merry Beginning by Lily the Hobbit
I discovered this sweet little story from following links when I was poking about the new Wee!Hobbits site. This is a vignette in which Frodo meets baby Merry for the first time. I really liked the details here; the warmth and size of the room, the way that Saradoc interacted with Frodo, and the way that he noticed the changes that came over Frodo when he was becoming acquainted with his new cousin. This little tale has a very comfy-cosy feeling about it!

Remembering by Ancalime
This is a very short ficlet in which Sam remembers Frodo passing over the sea, a year ago that day. Sam's thoughts here are so appropriate, and Rosie is so understanding. It is not overly sad, but has a very realistic sense of surprise at the passing of time, and a muted sort of grief that will never go away. This was written by Ancalime in honour of Nivina, also known as Ethereal Hobbit, one year after her untimely death.

A Message and a Bottle by Larner
This is one of Larner’s shorter stories, and a Post-Quest one that is just so full of hope. Here we learn that there has been a long-standing tradition between Bilbo and Tobobard Took of gifting and re-gifting the same bottle of Old Winyards that was later continued by Frodo and Pippin. When at last old Toby dies, Pippin, Merry and Sam open the bottle and are amazed that the wine is still good after so many years. They get to talking about Frodo, and Pippin thinks of a crazy, impossible scheme to contact him in Tol Eressea and somehow manages to convince Merry and Sam that it will work. This is such a heart-warming story, and one that I would like to believe really happened. I especially love how it is Pippin's optimism that ultimately brings so much peace and joy to so many people.