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Juridical Status of the Roman Cities and their Representation in Late Roman Cartography



Adriana  Panaite,

Romeo  Cîrjan,

Romanian Academy at Rome


The late roman cartographical representations that we have nowadays at our disposal are few and preserved only in the form of medieval copies, the only exception being the shield from Doura Europos, discovered in 1922-1923[1]. The historical sources we are referring to in this paper are Tabula Peutingeriana, Notitia Dignitatum, Itinerarium Antonini, the Cosmographia of Ravenna geographer’s, Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum et Burdigalense, Synecdemos, Corpus Agrimensorum, the schild from Doura Europos and the mosaic from Madaba.

Tabula Peutingeriana[2] represents a medieval copy dated in XII/XIII centuries, named like this after its discoverer Konrad Peutinger. He finded it in 1508 in a cathedral, at Worms, and today it is kept at the National Library in Vienna. The scientists who analysed Tabula considered it as being the result of a late compilation, based on an official document from the III century. The latter was derived from Forma Orbis, a world map designed by Agrippa during the Ist century, in the times of Augustus. Generally, today we accepted the fact that Tabula Peutingeriana is a schematically representation of the roman roads, without rendering all of them. This document was connected with cursus publicus[3], the post service from the empire or with annona militaris, through which were sent the supplies for the roman army. Together with this

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roads in Tabula Peutingeriana are also included a lot of cities represented or not by conventional signs, named vignette, about which we shall speak further.

Itinerarium Antonini[4] is another source, but this one enumerates the roads of the empire withought using conventional signs; here may be found lists of roman cities, containing also the distances between them, given in millia pasum, that is roman miles. The adjective Antonin indicates an emperor from the II or III century, meaning Caracalla. This fact is confirmed by the topography of the roads and military bases from Britannia. The hole compilation could be dated at the end of the III century. Most of the researchers connect it, on the one hand, with the reorganization of annona militaris by Diocletian in 280-290 and on the other with Caracalla’s journey in the Orient, from 214-215.

Notitia Dignitatum[5] represented an official collection of roman functionaries set in order according to their importance in the imperial administration. Besides, in Notitia are represented the garrisons and the insignia of military commanders. Just like in Tabula Peutingeriana, for describing garrisons, are used vignette. The document was elaborated during the first decade of the Vth century.

Itinerarium Hyerosolymitanum et Burdigalense[6] is the oldest itinerary to Holly Land and is dated precisely in 333. We are talking about a journey made by christian pilgrims from Bordeaux to Jerusalem. This journey was made using the imperial post service and even if there are not used conventional signs, the source is very important because it enumerates the post stations, mansiones and mutatines, through which the pilgrims were passing. It seems that they were using a map or an itinerary similarly to those of which we are talking in this article.

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Cosmographia[7] was written between 670-700, by an anonymous geographer from Ravenna. This source appears in the form of lists of cities and does not use vignette. The author, most probably Castorius, as it was said, made a lot of confusions between mansiones and mutationes. The researches seem to agree with the fact that this source has completed the informations gathered from Tabula Peutingeriana and Itinerarium Antonini.

The schild from Doura Europos[8] is a combination between list of cities and conventional signs, vignette, belonging to an itinerary around the Black Sea. A part of this itinerary could be covered by water. Because of the fact that Danube’s name is mentioned two times, Istros Potamos and Danubis Potamos, it was supposed that this document had been translated in latin from an original one written in Greek. It had been dated by its publisher in 260, but recent researches place it around 200.

Synecdemos[9] represents a travel guide wrote by Hierocles in the first half of VIth century and it enumerates the cities from every province from the Eastern Roman Empire. There are not used conventional signs.

All this documents from the Late Roman Empire allows us to recreate the image of the substructure of the state, as well as that of the cities and the roads which connected them. As we have seen from this short presentation, our sources are, generally speaking, compilations realized on the basis of older documents –official or not– transmitted until today through medieval copies. This certainly involves addings and modifications which occurred during this process, and, accordingly puts a lot of problems of dating. The chronological terms enumerated above are today accepted by the majority of the scientists, but because of the documents’ complex character, there is not, however, an unanimity.

The documents which are containing conventional signs belongs to the category of the so-called itineraria picta, which were used in the antiquity by travellers[10]. This itineraria picta are a special type of maps, where there were represented roads, places for rest, for eating or changing the horses. This places are called mansiones and mutationes[11]. Moreover, are also represented relief forms and water courses. This maps

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were used together with lists of cities or written detailed descriptions of the region where the journey was made. The difficulties to date them are determined, on the one hand, by the limitated number of archaeological and historical sources that could be useful for verifying the given informations, and, on the other hand, by modifications and addings from the medieval times. We are talking here about the conventional signs and other graphical characteristics: vignette and personifications of the great and important cities, for example Rome, Constantinople, Antiochia and so on. It was said that they would represented the stations of the post service[12]; according to another hypothesis they would have been the stations for annona militaris[13]; other theories connect these vignette with the simple presentation of cities who laied along the roads or to the illustration of their juridical status.

The last researchers who have analysed these vignette are Annalina and Mario Levi; they had published in 1968 Itineraria picta. Contributto allo studio della Tabula Peutingeriana. In this study, they have made a detailed research of the conventional signs which appear in Tabula Peutingeriana, taking into account other contemporary representations, like those enumerated before, or like the mosaic from Madaba[14] (a VI century map of the Holly Land), the mosaics from church Santa Maria Maggiore[15], dated in Vth century, or the representation from Corpus Agrimensorum[16], a collection of works elaborated by the roman land surveyors, dated in IVth century; concluding the study, they have differentiated 7 categories of vignette: (A) two towers, with 4 subtypes: A1 two towers connected between them by a little building, A2 two towers with separated roofs, A3 two attached towers, A4 two towers attached with another one; (B) temples; (C) Aquae; (D) buildings with parallel elements; (E) “circle from walls”; (F) big vignette, personifications; (G) ports, lighthouses. All of the 555 vignette from Tabula Peutingeriana were classificated in one of these categories; the two researchers excluded the possibility that there could be a connection between these vignette and the juridical status of the cities.

Our research starts from the idea, generally accepted in the scientific literature concerning Tabula Peutingeriana, that the document, in its present form, represents the result of successive reelaborations, beginning from the time of Principate, sec. I-III A. D. We believe that the issues regarding the vignette are far from being exhausted. On the contrary, they can still offer new and interesting elements regarding the reasons who determined the elaboration of this complex map.

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The scientific literature brings into discussion the eventual reports who could exist between the way in which are designed the vignette and the juridical status hold by roman cities at a certain chronological moment. There is no study made on large areas from the Roman Empire which could allowed us to draw some generally accepted conclusions.

In a larger research we shall attempt to examine this problem for the whole Roman Empire. During this investigation we have insisted on two regions which have comparable characteristics from the point of view of the according of the municipal status. We are taking into account the african and rheno-danubian regions, where the municipalization process was developing at the same time, during the I and II centuries A. D.

Using the typology proposed by Annalina and Mario Levi we have arranged on a normal map the vignette and we have tried to observe how, in what measure and on what geographical surface and scale, can be established those criteria and norms appropriate for describing and dating the map. Referring to African provinces we observe, first of all, that are represented only 4 from those 7 categories, already mentioned. Are missing only F and G types. In the case of rheno-danubian provincies are missing E and F categories.

The most part of the vignette are belonging to the A category, with two towers. Specific for African provinces is the mentioning of the status of colonia, for 14 from a total of 21 cities represented on the map. It is very important to notice that, except Rusuccuru (colonia post 209-210[17]) and probably Tacapae (colonia, IIIrd century?), all the others, which are illustrated with vignette from category A1, are awareded with the colonia title not later than beginning of II century A. D. Those colonias are: Cirta (Caesar / Augustus[18]), Sitifis (colonia deducta from Nerva[19]), 4 colonies from the time of Trajan: Rusicade, Mileu[20], Osa (Oea)[21], Leptis Magna[22]. Thysdrus became also colonia

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probably in the times of Caesar[23]. Almost in the same time we have 2 cities from the category A2 which became colonias: Carthagina (Caesar and Augustus[24]) and Utica (Hadrian[25]).

From A3 category are mentioned Igilgili (colonia from Augustus[26]), Cuicul (Nerva or Trajan[27]) and Capsa, the letter being the only city that receaved the colonial status in the III century A. D.[28]

A little differently looks the situation in danubian provinces. First because the names of cities represented by vignette are not accompanied with juridical status; second, because the cities of roman or latin right (municipia or coloniae with honorific title), who correspond to the A category were receiving the municipal status from Flavians emperors to Severian emperors, excepting Dalmatia. Before this period,

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vignette record only coloniae deductae, from Caesar to julio-claudian dynasty, and these are: Savaria[29], Sirmium[30], Emona[31], colonia Agrippinensis[32] and Augusta Trevirorum[33].

In Dalmatia[34] most of the cities received the colonia status during the period of time from Augustus to Claudius. Those are: Salona (colonia founded between 47-27 BC[35]), Narona (colonia before 27 BC[36]), Tarsatica (municipium from Augustus[37]),

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Flanona (oppidum at Plinius, Naturalis Historiae III, 140, municipium in the time of Tiberius[38]), Senia (oppidum at Plinius NH, III, 140, probably augustan municipium[39]), Burno (probably municipium during the reign of Hadrian cca 118[40]).

There can be noticed a few directions for the distribution of the vignette on the map; generally speaking, they are located either along the great highways along the mediterranean coastline (in the African provinces), or along the big rivers, in the danubian provinces. There are still several regions where the vignette are very concentrated: one is on the dalmatian coastline, with an extension in the direction of the middle curses of Sava and Drava, and the others two in the North Africa: one around Carthagina and the second on an aria about 800 km quadrates in north Numidia and east of Mauretania Ceasariensis.

It is still difficult to establish in what manner the Tabula Peutingeriana was elaborated. The differences between representations from Africa and those from rheno-danubian provinces make us believe that there have been used various sources when Tabula Peutingeriana was draft up.

The analyse of the vignette used to designate cities from the rheno-danubian provinces, leads to the same conclusion. More precisely, the compactness of some areas where doesn’t appear more than one type of vignette, for example: A1 for the provinces of lower Danube, also Raetia and Germania Superior, A2 for Pannonia Inferior and Superior and Norh of Dalmatia, determine us to suspect many distinct motives which lie at the foundation of designing this map.

To suppose that the criterion of drawing these vignette would be connected, exclusively, to municipal status, would be exaggerate. First of all, if we take into account only the african provinces, we notice that the list of the cities with the status of municipium or colonia is fat away from being complete; not even for the period between Caesar and the Julio-claudian dynasty the list is not complete[41]. Secondly, it is obvious

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that other types of juridical status such as ius Italicum or ius Latii have no importance for the graphical representation of the routes (itineraria). For example, Plinius in Naturalis Historiae III, 23, 146[42] puts under the indistinct name oppida Claudia 5 fortifications from Noricum: Virunum, Celeia, Teurnia, Aguntum and Iuvavum. It is generally accepted that this term refers to the latin municipal status accorded by the emperor Claudius[43]. In Tabula Peutingeriana 2 of those 5 cities are included in A1 category (Virunum and Celeia) and one in B category (Iuvavum). So it is clear, for this part of the Roman Empire the fact that another criterion for designing the vignette was utilized here. Identically, we have no proof for the use of ius Italicum as a criterion for graphical representations of the cities from the north-balkanic area, specifically for the liburnian communities[44] and the cities from Traianic Dacia[45].

On the other hand, the almost precise correspondence between a certain vignette type and the chronology of the municipal status’ accordance in african provinces and Dalmatia make us believe that, at least for some areas, there have been used official documents belonging to central administration, where there were kept informations concerning the juridical status. In this case, we can suppose that, during the elaboration of Tabula Peutingeriana, at a certain moment there were used also that kind of documents, kept in the capital of empire, by the a memoria office[46].

Taking into account that our investigation in not finished yet, we shall confine only to expose a few working hypothesis. If we take into account the juridical status concerning the cities from those two areas that have been analysed we noticed that the sources used for the elaboration of the map cannot be older than the first half of the III century A. D[47]. An investigation at the scale of the hole empire, beginning from the

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relation between the juridical status and types of vignette used in Tabula Peutingeriana could bring some new perspectives about the conceptions of roman cartography.





Other articles published in our periodicals by Romeo Cîrjan:


Notes sur D. 50,15,1,8;9 (Ulp. 1 de cens.) et le droit italique en Dacie


Zur Rechtsstellung Montanas (Mihajlovgrad, Bulgarien) während der römischen Kaiserzeit



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© ªerban Marin, June 2005, Bucharest, Romania


Last updated: July 2006



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[1] F. Cumont, Fragment de bouclier portant une liste d’étapes, “Syria”, 6, 1925, pp. 1-15; Idem, Fouilles de Doura Europos, Paris, 1926.

[2] E. Desjardins, La Table de Peutinger, Paris, 1867; Idem, De Tabula Peutingeriana accedunt fragmenta Agrippae geographica, Bonn, 1876; F. Philippi, Zur Rekonstruktion der Weltkarte des Agrippa, Marburg, 1880; K. Miller, Itineraria romana. Röm. Reisewege and der Hand der Tabula Peutingeriana, Stuttgart, 1916; Idem, Tabula Peutingeriana. Die Peutingersche Tafel, Stuttgart, 1964; A. and M. Levi, Itineraria Picta. Contributo allo studio della Tavola Peutingeriana, Roma, 1968; E. Weber, Tabula Peutingeriana. Codex Vindobonensis 324, Graz, 1976; A. and M. Levi, Map projection and the Peutinger Table, Coins and History in the Ancient World, Detroit, 1981, pp. 139-148; L. Bosio, La Tabula Peutingeriana, una descrizione pittorica del mondo antico, Rimini, 1983; P. Arnaud, L’origine, la date de rédaction et la diffusion de l’archétype de la Table de Peutinger, “Bulletin de la Societé Nationale des Antiquaires de France” (further BSNAF), 1988, pp. 302-321, those are only a few titles from the rich bibliography concerning Tabula Peutingeriana.

[3] For A. and M. Levi and L. Bosio, see Itineraria Picta, footnote 2.

[4] D. Van Berchem, L’Annone militaire dans l’Empire romain, Paris, 1937, pp. 166-181; M. Calzolari, Introduzione allo studio della rete stradale dell’Italia romana. L’Itinerarium Antonini, “Memorie dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei”, 1. IX, VII, 4, 1966, pp. 369-520; A. L. F. Rivet, The British Section of the Antonine Itinerary, “Britannia”, 1, 1970, pp. 47-67; G. E. Rickman, Roman Granaries and store buildings, London, 1971; P. Arnaud, Les itinéraires de Caracalla et l’Itinéraire antonin, “Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres” (further CRAI), 1973, pp. 123-136; D. Van Berchem, Les itinéraires de Caracalla et l’itinéraire Antonin, in Actes du IX Congrès international d’études sur les frontières romaines, Mamaia, 1972, Bucharest, 1974, pp. 301-308; N. Reed, Pattern and Purpose in the Antonine Itinerary, “American Journal of Philology”, 99, 2, 1978, pp. 208-254; O. Cuntz, Itineraria Romana, 2nd edition, I, Leipzig, 1990, pp. 1-85; P. Arnaud, A propos d’un pretendu itinéraire de Caracalla dans l’Itinéraire d’Antonin: les sources tardives de l’itinéraire de Rome a Hyerasicaminos, BSNAF, 1992, pp. 374-380; Idem, L’Itinéraire d’Antonin: un témoin de la litérature itinéraire du Bas-Empire, “Geographica Antiqua”, 2, 1993, pp. 33-49.

[5] O. Seeck, Notitia Dignitatum accedunt Notitia Urbis Constantinopolitanae et Laterculi provinciarum, Berlino, 1876, pp. 1-227; J. J. G. Alexander, The illustrated manuscripts of the Notitia Dignitatum. Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum. Papers presented to the conference in Oxford, december, 13-15, 1974, edited by R. Godburn and P. Bartholmew (BAR, Supplementary Series 15), Oxford, 1976, pp. 11-51; G. Clemente, La Notitia Dignitatum, in Atti dei Convegni Lincei, 45, Passaggio dal mondo antico al Medioevo, da Teodosio a San Gregorio Magno, Roma 25-28 maggio 1977, Roma, 1980, pp. 39-51; P. C. Berger, The insignia of the Notitia Dignitatum, New York–London, 1981.

[6] R. Chevallier, Les voies romaines, Paris, 1997, p. 59.

[7] Fontes Historiae Daco-Romanae, II, edited by Al. Elian and N. ª. Tanaºoca, Bucharest, 1970, p. 579; L. Dillemann, La Cosmographie du Ravennate, Bruxelles, 1997 (ouvrage edité avec préface et notes additionnelles par Yves Janvier, Collection Latomus 235).

[8] F. Cumont, op. cit., footnote 1; R. Rebuffat, Le bouclier de Doura, “Syria”, 63, 1986, pp. 85-105; P. Arnaud, Observations sur l’original du fragment de carte du pseudo-bouclier de Doura-Europos, “Revue des Études Anciennes” (further REA), 1-2, 1988, pp. 151-163; Idem, Un deuxième lecture du “bouclier” de Doura-Europos, CRAI, 2, 1989, p. 373-389.

[9] E. Honigmann, Hierocles Grammaticus: Le Synekdèmos d’Hieroclès et l’opuscule gèographique de Georges de Chypre, Bruxelles, 1939.

[10] For example: Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vita Severi Alexandri, 45; San Ambrogio, Commentarios ad Psalmos CXVIII, V, 2; see R. Rebuffat, op. cit., footnote 20, p. 91; Flavii Vegetii Renati, Institutorum rei militaris III, 6; see A. and M. Levi, Itineraria Picta, p. 30, footnote 31.

[11] S. Crogiez, Les stations du cursus publicus en Calabre: un état de la recherche, in “Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité”, 1, 1990, pp. 389-431; M. Antonella, Appunti sulle mansiones in base ai dati archeologici, in Tecnica stradale romana. Atlante tematico di topografia antica, I, Roma, 1992, pp. 105-113.

[12] A. and M. Levi, Itineraria Picta, passim.

[13] D. Van Berchem, L’Annone militaire, passim.

[14] A. Yonah, The Madaba mosaic map, Jerusalem, 1954.

[15] W. Oakeshott, The mosaics of Rome, London, 1967.

[16] O. A. W. Dilke, The Roman Land Surveyors. An introduction to the Agrimensores, Plymouth, 1971; R. K. Sherk, Roman Geographical Exploration and Military Maps, in Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt (further ANRW), 2. 1, Berlin–New York, 1974, pp. 532-564; O. A. W. Dilke, Greek and Roman Maps, London, 1985, p. 112, p. 210.

[17] A. F. von Pauly, G. Wissowa (editors), Realencyclopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft (further RE), 4. 1, Stuttgart, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 566, nr. 380; M. Euzennat, L’histoire municipale de Tigzirt, Rusuccuru colonia et municipium, “Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome”, 67, 1955, p. 142: “Au début du IIIe siècle, on peut donc affirmer qu’il existe une colonie romaine, sur l’acropole de Taksebt, et un municipe romain, le port de Tigzirt, qui portent tous les deux le nom de Rusuccuru”; J.–M. Lassère, Ubique populus. Peuplement et mouvements de population dans l’Afrique romaine de la chute de Carthage à la fin de la dynastie des Sévères, 146 a. C.-235 p. C., Paris, 1977, p. 244, footnote 104 (colonia under Caracalla); J. P. Laporte, Le statut municipal de Rusuccuru, in L’Africa romana. Atti del X Convegno di sstudio, Oristano 11-13 dicembre 1992, Sassari, 1994, pp. 427-435; see also J. Gascou, La politique municipale de Rome en Afrique du Nord. I. De la mort d’Auguste au début du IIIe siècle. II. Après la mort de Septime-Sévère, in ANRW, 10. 2, Berlin–New York, 1982, p. 310.

[18] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 532, nr. 118, col. 557, nr. 340; J.–M. Lassère, op. cit., p. 212; J. Gascou, op. cit., 1982, p. 141.

[19] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 560, nr. 369; J.–M. Lassère, op. cit., pp. 257-259; J. Gascou, op. cit., 1982, pp. 166-167.

[20] Ibidem, pp. 177-178. It is interesting to notice that there is no mention of Chullu, the third colonia deducta to Cirta. The speciffic evolution of the juridical status of the three cities would have supposed an identical cartographical representation of each of them. See J. Gascou, La politique municipale de l’Empire romain en Afrique Proconsulaire de Trajan à Séptime Sévère, Paris, 1972, pp. 111-115; Y. Le Bohec, De Sila à Gadiaufala: urbanisation et municipalisation dans la Numidie cirtéenne méridionale, in L’Afrique dans l’Occident romain (Ier s. avant J. C.-IVe s. apres J. C.), in Actes du Colloque organisé par Ecole française de Rome sous le patronage de l’Institut national d’archéologie et d’art de Tunis (Rome, 3-5 dec. 1987), Roma, 1990, pp. 296 sqq.

[21] Ch. Tissot, Géographie comparée de la province romaine d’Afrique, II, Paris, 1888, p. 218 indicate the award of the colonia title in the time of Septimius Severus; RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 555, nr. 304.

[22] Ch. Tissot, op. cit., pp. 219-222; RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 555, nr. 303; P. Romanelli, Leptis Magna, Roma, 1925, p. 20; G. Di Vita–Evrard, Municipium Flavium Lepcis Magna, “Bulletin Archéologique du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques”, nouvelle série B, 17, 1981, p. 198, dates the assign of the colonia right “peu de temps avant l’année proconsulaire 109-110”; J. Gascou, op. cit., 1982, pp. 170-171; X. Dupuis, La concession du “ius Italicum” à Carthage, Utique et Lepcis Magna. Mesure d’ensemble ou décisions ponctuelles?, in Splendidissima civitas. Etudes d’histoire romaine en hommage à François Jacques, Paris, 1997, p. 58, footnote 4.

[23] E. Kornemann (RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae, col. 555, nr. 319), dates the beginnings of the Thysdrus colonia in the second century A. D.; L. Teutsch, Das römischen Städtewesen in Nordafrika in der Zeit von C. Gracchus bis zum Tode des Kaisers Augustus, Berlin, 1962, p. 85 (Cf. J.–M. Lassère, op. cit., pp. 158-161); C. Lepelley, Les cités de l’Afrique romaine au Bas-Empire. II. Notices d’histoire municipale, Paris, 1981, pp. 318 sqq.

[24] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 532, nr. 117; J.–M. Lassère, op. cit., pp. 163-164 and pp. 204-211; S.–E. Tlatli, La Carthage punique. Etude urbaine. La ville. Ses functions, son rayonnement, Paris, 1978, pp. 83-109; P. Gros, Le prémier urbanisme de la Colonia Julia Carthago. Mythes et réalités d’une fondation césaro-augustéenne, in L’Afrique dans l’Occident romain (Ier s. avant J. C.-IVe s. apres J. C.), pp. 551 sqq; A. Beschaouch, Territoire de Carthage et “agri excepti”, CRAI, 1997, pp. 363-374; X. Dupuis, op. cit., pp. 61-65.

[25] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 555, nr. 305; P. Romanelli, Storia delle province romane dell’Africa, Roma, 1959, p. 340; C. Lepelley, op. cit., p. 242.

[26] J.–M. Lassère, op. cit., p. 226; C. Lepelley, op. cit., p. 504.

[27] P. Romanelli,, op. cit., pp. 309-310; M. Leglay, Taxatio et autonomie municipale d’après une nouvelle inscription de Cuicul en Algérie, in Akte des IV. Internationalen Kongresses für Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik, Wien 17. bis 22. September 1962, Wien, 1964, p. 226; J. Gascou, op. cit., 1972, pp. 108 sqq; J.–M. Lassère, op. cit., pp. 259-260; C. Lepelley, op. cit., p. 402.

[28] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 556, nr. 330.

[29] Plinius, NNaturalis Historiae, III, 24, 146 (ed. Teubner, 1870): iam tamen colonia divi Claudi Sabaria et oppido Sarbantia Iulia habitantur; RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 545, nr. 218 (colonia Claudia); Z. Kádár, L. Balla, Savaria, 1958, pp. 5-6 ; T. P. Buocz, Adatok Savaria topográfiájához (Angaben zur Topographie von Savaria), “Archaeologiai Értesítõ”, 89, 1962, pp. 181-187; G. Schrot, Zur Colonia Savaria und ihrer Geschichte, “Altertum”, 11, 1965, pp. 158-161; L. Barkóczi, A. Mócsy, Die römischen Inschriften Ungarns, 1. Savaria, Scarbantia und die Limes-Strecke Ad Flexum–Arrabona, Amsterdam, 1972, p. 13; T. P. Buocz, Colonia Claudia Savaria. Ein römisches Siedlungszentrum in Pannonien, “Altertum”, 25, 1979, p. 119-121.

[30] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 546, nr. 223 (colonia Flavia).

[31] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 529, nr. 100 (34 B. C.); RE Suppl. 11, 1968, s. v. Emona, coll. 564-565 (J. Šašel); V. Šribar, K absolutni kronologiji najdb iz zgodnje Emone (Contribution à la chronologie absolue des fouilles de l’Emona du Ier siècle), “Arheološki Vestnik”, 19, 1968, pp. 452-453; L. Plesnièar–Gec, Urban characteristic of Emona based on new discoveries, “Archeologia Jugoslavica”, 13, 1972, pp. 45-50; C. M. Wells, Emona and Carnuntum. Evidence for the start of Roman occupation, in Roman frontier studies, 1969. Eighth International Congress of Limensforschung, Cardiff, 1974, pp. 185-187; L. Plesnièar–Gec, Aquileia ed Emona, in Aquileia e l’arco alpino orientale. Atti della VI Settimana di Studi Aquileiesi, 25 aprile-1 maggio 1975, Udine, 1976, pp. 119-132; J. Šašel, Zur verwaltungstechnischen Zugehörigkeit Emonas, “Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae”, 41, 1989, pp. 169-174; L. Plesnièar–Gec, Urbanizem Emone. The urbanism of Emona, Ljubljana, 1999, pp. 8-10; Z. Mráv, Die Gründung Emonas und der Bau seiner Stadtmauer. Zur Ergänzung der Inschrift AIJ 170 B=ILJug 304, “Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae”, 41, 2001, pp. 81-98.

[32] RE 4. 1, 19000, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 543, nr. 196 (51 AD); H. Schmitz, Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, Köln, 1956, pp. 53-59; O. Doppelfeld, G. Biegel, J. Bracker, Das römische Köln, 1. Ubier-Oppidum und Colonia Agrippinensium, in ANRW, 2. 4, Berlin–New York, 1975, pp. 720-722; U. Süßenbach, Die Stadtmauer des römischen Köln, Köln, 1981, pp. 12 sqq; H. Hellenkemper, The Roman defences of Cologne-Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, in Roman urban defences in the West. A review of current research on urban defences in the Roman empire with special reference to the northern provinces, based on papers presented to the conference on Roman urban defences held at the Museum of London on 21-23 March 1980, London, 1983, p. 23; W. Eck, Agrippina, die Stadtgründerin Kölns. Eine Frau in der frühkaiserzeitlichen Politik, 2. Auflage, Köln, 1993, pp. 77-80; R. Haensch, Von der Eburonen zu den Agrippinensiern. Aspekte der Romanisation am Rhein, “Kölner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte” , 32, 1999, pp. 117-120.

[33] RE 4. 1, 1900, s. v. coloniae (E. Kornemann), col. 544, nr. 198; E. M. Wightman, Roman Trier and the Treveri, London, 1970, pp. 39-43; C. M. Ternes, Die römerzeitliche Civitas Treverorum im Bilde der Nachkriegsforschung, 1. Von der Gründung bis zum Ende des dritten Jahrhunderts, in ANRW, 2. 4, Berlin, 1975, pp. 334-335; H. Wolff, “Civitas” und “Colonia Treverorum”, “Historia”, 26, 1977, pp. 204-242.

[34] L. Bossio, L’Istria nella descrizione della Tabula Peutingeriana, Padova, 1975; Idem, La Dalmazia nella descrizione della Tabula Peutingeriana, in Aquileia, la Dalmazia e l’Illirico. Atti della XIV Settimana di Studi Aquileiesi, I, 1985, pp. 40-57.

[35] RE I A-2, 19220, col. 2004, s. v. Salona (N. Vuliæ); M. Suiæ, O municipalitetu antièke Salone (Sulla municipalità dell’antica Salona), “Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku”, 60, 1958, pp. 39-42; J. J. Wilkes, Dalmatia, London, 1969, p. 221.

[36] RE 16. 2, 19335, 1751, s. v. Narona (M. Fluss); J. J. Wilkes, op. cit., p. 248; N. Cambi, Antièka Narona. Urbanistièka topografija i kulturni profil grada (Ancient Narona. Its urban topography and cultural features), in Dolina rijeke Neretve od prethistorije do ranog srednjeg vijeka. Znanstveni skup Metkoviæ 4-7. X. 1977, Split, 1980, p. 151.

[37] M. Fluss in RE IV A-2, 1932, col. 2410, s. v. Tarsatica; A. Degrassi, Le inscrizioni di Tarsatica. Origine e sito del municipio romano, in Scritti vari di antichità, II, Roma, 1962, pp. 936-940; J. J. Wilkes, op. cit., pp. 487 sqq; L. Bossio, op. cit., pp. 85-86; N. Novak, Prilog prouèavanju municipaliteta antièke Tarsatike (A contribution to the study of the municipality of the ancient Tarsatica), in Umjetnost na istoènoj obali Jadrana u kontekstu europske tradicije. Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog u Opatiji u svibnju 1992 (Kunst an der östlichen Adriaküste im Kontext europäischer Tradition. Akten des wissenschaftlichen Treffens in Opatija im Mai 1992), Rijeka, 1993, pp. 53-56.

[38] A. Degrassi, Fianona–il sito della città antica e recenti scoperte, in Scritti vari di antichità, II, pp. 895-901; J. J. Wilkes, op. cit., pp. 487 sqq.

[39] RE 2 A-2, 1923, col. 1460, s. v. Senia (M. Fluss); J. J. Wilkes, op. cit., pp. 487 sqq.

[40] RE III. 1, 1897, coll. 1068-1070, s. v. Burnum (C. Patsch); J. J. Wilkes, op. cit., p. 295.

[41] T. R. S. Broughton, The Territory of Carthage, “Revue des Etudes Latines”, 47bis, 1969, p. 267; H. G. Pflaum, La romanisation de l’ancien territoire de la Carthage punique à la lumière des découvertes épigraphiques récentes, “Antiquités Africaines”, 4, 1970, pp. 75-117; J.–M. Lassère, op. cit., 1971, pp. 211-248; J. Gascou, Note sur l’ évolution du statut juridique de Tanger entre 38 avant J. C. et le règne de Claude, “Antiquités Africaines”, 8, 1974, pp. 67-71; A. Beschaouch, Territoire de Carthage et agri excepti, CRAI, 1997, pp. 363-374.

[42] ed. Teubner, 1870: oppida eorum Virunum, Celeia, Teurnia, Aguntum, Iuaum, omnia Claudia, Flavium Solvense.

[43] G. Alföldy, Noricum, London–Boston, 1974, p. 84; A. Chastagnol, À propos du droit latin provincial, in La Gaule romaine et le droit latin. Recherches sur l’histoire administrative et sur la romanisation des habitants, Lyon, 1995, pp. 97-99; R. Wedenig, Epigraphische Quellen zur städtischen Administration in Noricum, Klagenfurt, 1997, pp. 14-17.

[44] Plinius, Naturalis Historiae, III, 21, 139 (ed. Teubner, 1870): Ius Italicum habent eo conventu Alutae, Flanates a quibus sinus nominatur, Lopsi, Varvarini, inmunesque Asseriates, et ex insulis Fertinates, Curictae; Cf. G. Alföldy, Municipes Tibériens et Claudiens en Liburnie, “Epigraphica”, 23, 1961 [1962], pp. 53-65; J. J. Wilkes, op. cit., pp. 487-492.

[45]D. 50, 15, 1, 8-9 (Ulp. 1 de censibus): In Dacia quoque Zernensium colonia a diuo Traiano deducta iuris Italici est. Zarmizegetusa quoque eiusdem iuris est: item Napocensis colonia et Apulensis et Patauissensium uicus, qui a diuo Seuero ius coloniae impetrauit.

[46] O. Hirschfeld, Die kaiserlichen Verwaltungsbeamten bis auf Diokletian, Berlin, 1905, pp. 334-338; A. Pascal, L’origine, la date de rédaction et la diffusion de l’archétype de la Table de Peutinger, BSNAF, 1988, pp. 302-320; J.–P. Coriat, Le prince législateur. La technique législative des Sévères et les méthodes de création du droit impérial à la fin du Principat, Roma, 1997, p. 255.

[47] A. Pascal, op. cit., pp. 302-320.