Marion County Black
Republican Club, Federated
Community Outreach
In view of the every rising need
for jobs, we will establish a protocol that builds unity between the Republican
Party and the African American community to link prospective employees with
- We
will build a relationship with businesses within the county to promote the
availability of jobs.
- We
will host annual or semi-annual Job Fairs within the community, thereby
giving prospective employees an avenue of accessibility to employers, gain
helpful information on how to become employable; submit job applications,
and become gainfully employed.
- We
will establish a data bank to record the information of those who take
advantage of this service and track their employment for six months to
develop a science base analysis to determine what works in keeping
Americans employed.
- We
will establish a job training mechanism that trains prospective employees
on how to fill out job applications, how to write resumes, and how to
dress for an interview.
- We
will establish the name of this job fair community outreach as, Job-Fairs,
Employment-Training, i.e. JET.
The Book
In Florida as of 2002-03, if a student’s
substantial reading deficiency is not remediated by the end of grade 3, as
demonstrated by scoring at Level 2 or higher on the FCAT, the student must be
- We
will establish book donor sites in low-income areas to have books, encyclopedias
and reference books for school aged youth.
- We
will hold monthly meeting with youth in an established site to discuss the
‘Book of the Month’ in the book club.
- We
will document the number of youth served in the book club and the books
- We
will document the donors to the book club.
With the growing number of youth
arrested in Marion
County for sexual
activity at school or on the school property, we will address the issue with a
six -week workshop held in conjunction with the Marion County Health
Department. The workshop is designed for
youth aged 9-17 years of age and does not promote the use of birth control
pills or use of condoms.
- We will establish two sites in low-income
areas to host the Abstinence Workshop for school aged youth 9-17.
- We
will document the number of youth served in the workshop.