Thank you, Dani!
This means a great deal to me!
Thank you, Dani,
for our Mommy's first gift!
This beautiful gift came from Dani's
outstanding memorial tribute to
Dr. David Johnston at
"St Helens Hero"
Thank you, Vikki, for thinking of our Mommy in our guestbook!  She likes to get attention too, sometimes... (we feel sorry for her)!  hee hee  :)
Thank you, Dani, for sharing this beautiful gift from your wonderful den!
Gotta love HDT quotes!  :)
Thank you so much to
Nancy Carol
for this beautiful gift!
Thank you to
United In Spirit"
for sharing this beautiful gift!
This beautiful quilt square came from Lady Shaishana
Thank you so much!!
The following 2 gift-prizes also came from Lady Shaishana's
"Heaven's Lights...My Dream Castle"!
If you want to have fun while venturing through a virtual journey, this is the place to go!
Thank you so much Fredi,
for this adorable gift!
What a cute little guy!
Thank you so much to
Gene and Linda
for this beautiful gift!
This is a 'must visit' site if you are looking for a great place to chat about Autism!
Thank you so much,
Isn't this sweet?
This was also sent to us from our friend,
Maggie. Thank you!  :)
Click on the picture to send a beautiful rose to your friends and loved ones!
Thank you so much to Deborah
for this awesome gift!
We appreciate your graciousness!
This is another great castle to visit!
Check it out!  You may find a secret or two! :)  Thank you,