JULY 1941
#July 7 A ____ _____ I. B. 1-155 "The Jap Govt."do not at present
feel compelled to modify their
policy towards the USSR." (JD
*July 24 N ____ _____ ___________ Memo to Naval Aide to the
President re withdrawal of Jap
merchant vessels from the
Atlantic Ocean.
*Aug. 4 N ____ _____ GZ-1 Jap Decisions at Imperial
Conference, July 2, 1941"to break
British-American encirclement and
arm for all-out war.
#Aug. 9 N ____ _____ GZ-4 Preparation for the southward
advance shall be reinforced.
#Oct. 8 A 5693 23220 Tokyo 647 The internal situation here"would
not permit further delay.
Oct. 9 A 5696 23260 Tokyo #83 Area designations in Pearl Harbor
(for spy reports).
Oct. 10 N 5730 23312 Honolulu #41 Dock & Mooring designations in
Pearl Harbor (for spy reports).
#Oct. 10 N 5738 23318 Harbin 129 Promise of American aid
to Russia.
#Oct. 13 N 5779 23421 Tokyo 658 "The situation at home is fast
approaching a crisis."
#Oct. 13 N ____ _____ GZ-9 Crisis in Japan (see JD 5779).
Oct. 17 N 5898 23629 Rome 661 Evacuation of Japanese merchants
from Europe.
Oct. 18 N 5923 23677 Tokyo 682 Resignation of Jap cabinet.
Oct. 23 A 6017 23859 Wash. Nomura submits his resignation. "I
don't want to continue this hypo-
critical existence deceiving
other people . . . As a man of
honor this is the only way open to
me." (This is why Kurusu was
Oct. 27 A 6084 23996 Wash. 989 "The Chief of Staff has sent the
Military Attache some secret
advice. Is this the future policy
of the Government."
Oct. 26 N 6118 24070 Mex. City 422 Sec'y Knox's statement that there
would be imminent action in the
Far East.
*Oct. 28 N 6138 24125 Tokyo 674 Japanese nationals evacuating the
N. E. I.
Oct. 30 6175 24192 Wash. 1004 Talk with Adm. Pratt "Stark
cannot de said to be a 'strong'
individual, Admiral Pratt said.
Nov. 4 N 6238 24322 Tokyo 343 Japanese nationals evacuating the
*Nov. 4 A 6248 24330 Tokyo 725 Counter proposals will be given
in #726 & 727. Conditions are so
tense that no longer is procras-
tination possible. This is our
last effort The success or fail-
ure of the pending discussions
will have an immense effect on
the destiny of the Empire of
*Nov. 4 A 6249 24334 Tokyo 726 Proposal "A" Submitted in Part
to State Dept. on Nov. 7, 1941. "How
24337 have we fought in China for four
years. What tremendous sacrifices
have we made. They must know this
... In any case, our internal
situation also makes it impos-
sible for us to make any further
Nov. 4 A 6250 24338 Tokyo 727 Proposal "B" Never submitted. "A
last effort to prevent something
#Nov. 4 A 6251 24339 Tokyo 730 "Ambassador Kurusu is leaving by
clipper on the 7th. He is car-
rying no additional instruct-
**Nov. 5 N 6254 24373 Tokyo 736 It is absolutely necessary that
all arrangements for the signing
of this agreement be completed by
the 25th of this month. (Of ut-
most secrecy.)
#Nov. 6 A 6302 24439 Tokyo 739 We are sending Ambassador Kurusu
to show our Empire's
*sincerety...To make it sound
good* we are telling the
public... Both the Army and Navy
are pleased. (Note: See JD
Nov. 7 N 6320 24479 Wash. 1040 There is danger that America will
see through our condition. If we
have made up our minds to a final
course of action it would be the
part of wisdom to keep still
about it.
Nov. 8 N 6335 24533 Manila 722 Spy report on U.S. aircraft in
the Philippines and analysis.
Nov. 12 N ____ _____ _____________ "Dissemination to White House."
(This memorandum in Kramer's
handwriting records reasons for
giving original translations to
Pres. Roosevelt (& Sec'y Hull)
after Nov. 12, 1941. Prior to
that time Memoranda forwarding
Paraphrases of important messages
had been furnished.)
*Nov. 12 N 6415 24373 Tokyo 762 The United States is still not
full aware of the situation here.
The date set in message #736 is
a definite deadline. The situa-
tion is nearing a climax ... time
is indeed becoming short.
#Nov. 12 N 6416 24654 Tokyo 763 Germany putting pressure on Japan
to get tough with the U.S.
*Nov. 17 A 6541 24854 Hsinking #2 Manchukuo-Soviet Relations. (It
(Appended to would impossible for us to fight
#1) the Soviet Union unless something
unforeseen happens. The Kwantung
military command is restraining
the forces there from any rash
action. The Soviet is also endea-
voring not to antagonize our
**Nov. 17 A 6553 24877 Wash. 1090 Nomura's swan song. (Nov. 14,
& 22. 24857 1941.) The policy of the Ameri-
& can Govt. in the Pacific is to
25139 stop any northward. They are
contriving by every possible
means to prepare for actual
Nov. 17 A 6638 24878 Tokyo Reply to Nomura. (The fate of our
Empire hangs by a slender thread
of a few days. I set the deadline.
There will be no change.)
*Nov. 22 A 6710 25138 Tokyo 812 There are reasons beyond your
ability to guess why we wanted to
settle Japanese-American
relations by the 25th, but if the
signing can be completed by *the
29th, we have decided to wait
until that date*. This time we
mean it that the deadline abso-
lutely cannot be changed. *After
that things are automatically
going to happen*.
Nov. 26 A 6801 25322 Tokyo 2319 Should negotiations collapse...we
will completely destroy British
and American power in China. Keep
absolutely quiet the existence of
these decisions. (Circular to
China Net-Nov. 14, 1941.)
#Nov. 26 A 6841 25344 Tokyo 836 Telephone Code (see JD 6890)
Nov. 26 N 6850 25392 Tokyo 2354 Winds Code -Morse (Nov. 19, 1941-
*Nov. 28 N 6875 25432 Tokyo 2353 Winds Code -Voice (Nov. 19, 1941-
Appended to J19).
JD 6875 (Singapore version of the Winds
Code. (N. E. I. (Thorpe) version
of the Winds Code. (N. E. I.
(Foote) version of the Winds Code.
Japan-U. S.=East Wind Rain.
Japan-U. S. S. R.=North Wind
Japan-British=West Wind Clear
(including N. E. I.).
Nov. 28 N 6890 25443 ______________ Washington-Tokyo Telephone Con-
versation Nov. 27, 1941 (2327-
2334 EST)-The South, southward
matter. A crisis does appear
imminent. Regarding negotiations—
do not break them off. We have a
crisis on hand and the Army is
champing at the bit (See JD 6841.)
#Nov. 26 A 6891 25435 Wash. 1180 Our failure and humiliation are
6869 25436 " " complete.
#Nov. 28 A 6898 25445 Tokyo 844 The United States has gone ahead
and presented this humiliating
proposal (of Nov. 26th). Negoti-
ations will be de facto ruptured.
Do not give the impression that
negotiations are broken off.
Nov. 30 N 6921 25496 Tokyo 857 Make one more attempt. Please be
careful that this does not lead
to anything like a breaking off
of negotiations.
#Dec. 1 N 6939 25545 Tokyo 2436 Destroying codes with chemicals.
*Dec. 1 N 6942 25556 Berlin 1393 Ribbentrop said "It is essential
that Japan effect the New Order
in East Asia without losing this
opportunity." "Should Japan
become engaged in a war against
the U. S. Germany, of, course,
would join the war immediately."
Foreign Minister Ribbentrop
requested that the contents of
our talks be kept a strict
**Dec. 1 A 6943 25552 Tokyo 985 The conversation between Tokyo
25553 and Washington now stand rup-
tured-broken. Say *very secretly*
to Hitler and Ribbentrop that
there is extreme danger that war
may suddenly break out between
the Anglo-Saxon nations and
Japan, and this war may come
quicker than anyone dreams. Will
not relax our pressure on the
Soviet, but for the time being we
would prefer to refrain from any
direct moves in the north.
(Nov. 30, 1941.)]
Note: Coded message forwarded by
Com 16 as GYROF 010001, 010014,
or 010027.
Also forwarded from London as
Admiralty #104 and #105. Admir-
alty advised "Tokyo to
Berlin #985 of immediate interest
*Dec. 1 A 6944 25554 Tokyo 986 The Imperial Govt. can no longer
25555 " " continue negotiations with the U.
S. The proposal presented by the
U. S. On the 26th contains one
insulting clause. It is clearly a
trick. *The U.S. has decided to
regard Japan as an enemy*. (Nov.
30, 1941.)
Dec. 2 A 6974 25572 Hsinking 781 In the event that war break out
with England and the U.S. persons
to be interned: (a) British nat-
ionals, 339; (b) American citi-
zens, 81; (d) Nationals of the
Soviet observed to be obnoxious
characters with pro-British and
American leanings are to be
suitably taken care of.
*Dec. 1 N 6983 25605 Tokyo 865 To prevent the U.S. from becoming
unduly suspicious we have been
advising the press and others
that the negotiations are con-
tinuing. The above is for only
your information. (GY Log #6428.)
**Dec. 1 N 6984 25606 Tokyo 2444 The four offices in London, Hong
Kong. Singapore, and Manila have
been instructed to abandon the
use of the code machines and to
dispose of them. The machine in
Batavia has been returned to
Japan. (GY Log #6432.)
*Dec. 2 N 6985 25609 Tokyo 2409 Hidden Word Code (Nov. 27, 1941-
Dec. 3 N 6991 25644 Tokyo 111 Make your "ships in harbor"
report irregular but twice a
week. (Nov. 15, 1941-J19).
**Dec. 4 N 7001 JD #7001 or #6975 is believed to
be the (missing) translation of
the Winds Message.
*Dec. 3 A 7017 25640 Tokyo 867 Washington burn all codes except
one copy of "Oite" (Pa-K2) and
"L" (LA). Stop using the code
machine and destroy it com-
pletely when you have finished
this, wire back "HARUNA."
Destroy all messages files and
other secret documents. (Dec. 2,
#Dec. 4 A 7029 25694 Tokyo 114 Investigate fleet air bases in
or 111 Hawaii (Nov. 20, 1941-J19.)
#Dec. 5 A 7063 25773 Tokyo 113 Report ships in Pearl Harbor,
Manila Bay, etc. (Nov. 18, 1941 -
#Dec. 5 A 7064 25772 Honolulu 224 Spy report. (Nov. 18, 1941)
*Dec. 5 N 7086 25823 Tokyo 122 In the future report even when
there are no (ship) movements
(Nov 29, 1941-J19.)
#Dec. 5 N 7091 25787 Tokyo 2443 London discontinue use of code
machine and dispose of it immed-
iately. (Dec. 1)
**Dec. 4 N 7092 25783 Tokyo 893 Manchuria will take the same
steps toward England and America
that this country will take in
case war breaks out. American and
British consular officials and
offices will not be recognized as
having special rights. Great care
shall be exercised not to antag-
onize Russia. (Dec. 1st.) [Note:
Intercepted by Army at Fort
Shafter, T. H. Received by Navy
in late afternoon of Dec. 3,
1941, LCT. (GY Log #6498.)]
#Dec. 6 A 7111 25817 Honolulu 222 Spy report on Naval vessels in
Pearl Harbor. (Nov. 18, 1941-
**Dec. 6 N 7143 25843 Tokyo 902 Japanese Declaration of War.
(1-13) (Parts 1-13.) (See GY Log #6619,
6620, etc.)
**Dec. 7 N 7143 25843 Tokyo 902. Japanese Declaration of War (Part
(14) 14.) (Very Important.)
**Dec. 7 A 7145 25850 Tokyo 907 Re My #902-Submit our reply to
the U. S. Govt. at 1:00 p. m. on
the 7th your time. (Urgent-Very
*Dec. 7 A 7147 25854 Tokyo 910 After deciphering Part 14 of my
902 and also 907, 908, and 909,
destroy at once the remaining
cipher machine. (Extremely
**Dec. 7 N 7148 25856 Tokyo 2494 Relations between Japan and
England are on the brink of
catastophe (In Hidden
Word Code.) (See JD #6985.)
*Dec. 10 N 7280 26029 Honolulu 252 The following ships were in port
on the afternoon of the fifth: 8
battleships, 3 light cruisers, 16
destroyers. Four ships of the
Honolulu class were in dock.
(Dec. 5th-PAK2.) [Note: Army
intercept forwarded (by mail?)
from San Francisco.]
Dec. 11 N 7335 26108 Pek. 625 Coincident with the beginning of
the war against Britain and
America (*Dec. 5th*). [NOTE:
Intercepted at Fort Shafter T. H.
Received Dec. 10 1941-see GY Log
*Dec. 8 A 7178 25877 Honolulu 253 There is considerable opportunity
left to take advantage for a
*surprise* attack against these
places. (Dec. 6th-PAK2.) Army
intercept forwarded by teletype
from San Francisco.]
*Dec. 8 A 7179 25874 Honolulu 254 It appears that no air recon-
naissanee is being conducted by
the fleet air arm. (Dec. 6th-
PAK2.) [Army intercept forwarded
by teletype from San Francisco.]
**Dec. 7 A 7184 25866 Budapest 104 On the 6th the American Minister
presented to the Government of
this country a British Govern-
ment communique to the effect that
a state of war would break out on
the 7th. (LA).
#Dec. 8 A 7212 25928 Honolulu 238 Honolulu spy report. (Nov. 28 -J19.)
*Dec. 12 A 7381 26158 Tokyo 128 Honolulu wire immediately move-
ments of the fleet subsequent to
the 4th. (Dec. 6-PAK2) [Note:
Intercepted at Fort Shafter T. H.]
**Dec. 30 A 8007 27065 Tokyo 123 To Honolulu: In view of the
present situation, *the presence
in port of warships, airplane
carriers, and cruisers is of
utmost importance*. Let me know
day by day. Wire me in each case
whether or not there are any
observation balloons above
Pearl Harbor. Also whether or not
the warships are provided with
anti-mine nets. (Dec. 2-J19)
[Note: Intercepted at Fort
Shafter, T. H. Reason for long
delay not known, but apparently
some one fumbled the ball. Note
on translation says: "This mes-
sage was received here Dec. 23."]