Tango in Market Harborough
           Isolde  Kanikani makes a welcome return to MkH Tango for a 1.5hr group lesson prior to our Milonga on Sunday 27th September starting at 6.30pm at the Market Harborough Leisure Centre, Price £6.00
Market Harborough Tango is now run by Philip and Anke, Al and Jane,  with regular visiting teachers.  It offers a warm welcome to everyone from complete beginner to experienced dancers and is part of a expanding Midlands Tango scene.

For further details please E-mail      pea2@le.ac.uk
Market Harborough Tango usually follows a 
four week cycle
Week 0ne
Lesson with Al
Week Two
Lesson wlth Philip and Anke
Week Three
Revision lesson
Week Four

Wonderful dance floor and fully air conditioned  at  Dance Studio Market Harborough Leisure Centre
Northhampton Road Mktt Harborough
Sunday Evenings

Beginners 6.30 - 7.15pm.

Improvers 7.15 - 8.00pm.

Social Dancing 8.00 - 9.00pm

Prices 5.00 per person, Classes and Social Dancing
Social Dancing only from 8.00pm £2.50

Monthlly Milonga 7.00 -10.00pm, including food £5.00


Visiting Teachers in 2009

Isolde Kanikani

Stefano Fava & Alexandra Wood

Jenny & Ricardo from Edinburgh

Visiting Teachers in 2008

Ruth Zimmerman from TangoMango
Octavian Janner from London
Stefano Fava & Alexandra Wood www.tangoinaction.com
Leroy Cornwal London
New  Tango Link to NeoTango in Northampton

What is Harborough Tango like? Well, we have many web pages devoted to this that you will find on the side menu of this web page, but in a few sentences what we aim to be is: fun, sociable, elegant, relaxed, musical, free, controlled, comfortable Argentine Tango.
Tango is like all human knowledge. The more you learn and know, the more you find out that there is yet to learn and to know. How wonderful is that?

You can enjoy tango immensely during the first hour of your contact with it, but it can take you a lifetime to master it. Typically we are finding that people in the Harborough Tango community can get to an Intermediate/Advanced level of dancing after 1 year of dancing once or twice a week, having done one or two tango courses and a bunch of drop-in lessons. More importantly, the warm,social nature of the group means that you can really enjoy social dancing very soon.

Our classes are 'drop-in' classes so people turn up when they can. There is no beginning and end of a course - it is a rolling curriculum. Some people phone, all enthusiastic but fail to show a few days later. I do hope those folk do not imagine that they have 'missed the bus'. No way! You are welcome whenever.
In general, the classes we run always deal with the serious basic issues that dancers at all levels need to work on. These are balance, connecting with the partner and understanding the concept of axis. We are not into show dancing but work towards competence in a social setting. Any beginners turning up for the first time will have no problem joining in.


An Invitation to YOU

More ab
out Tango and Our Teaching Philosophy

A useful new book,
"A Passion for Tango".  New helpful insights into our dance.

Thoughts after a trip to Buenos Aires

Our Tango Heroes

Our Tango Links