Minox B

The Minox B is the most popular of all the Minox models and you can easily see why.  They are readily available on the used market, reasonably priced and have the added convenience of  having a built in and fairly accurate coupled light meter (when they are working).  It is also only about 1/2 inch longer than its predecessor, the venerable Minox IIIs.  Ironically, it is the B's biggest selling point that is also its biggest weakness; the selenium photoelectric meter cells do not age well and most of the B's on the used market are no longer accurate.  After giving up on getting a Minox B with a working light meter I decided to settle for a mint condition camera with an inaccurate meter and just planned on sending it off immediately to DAG camera repair (Don Goldberg, probably the most respected Minox repairman in the world) and have it fixed.  WRONG!  While Don told me that he could fix my camera he did not tell me that new selenium cells are not as sensitive as the original cells that came in the Minox B, so after being repaired, the camera's meter had lost between 2-3 EV sensitivity, this from a meter that was never that sensitive to begin with.  Also Don was not able to get my ND filter compensation to work properly either (even after two trips to his shop).  Now, I am an admitted perfectionist, but it really bothers me that I could not get this camera fixed correctly, but that being what it may, I still enjoy using it now and again and I list some galleries below showing what the camera is capable of:

Fantasy Island

Gigabitfilm - Test #2

[More Coming Soon]

