Minox IIIs

The Minox IIIs is probably my favorite Minox camera ever made.  It is tiny, basic and has the best lens Minox ever produced (The COMPLAN lens with curved focal plane).  It is a joy to use even though it lacks a built-in light meter.  I find the Minox B's to be just that much bigger and with light meters that are not sensitive enough to be of much use (ok, any light meter is nice to have).  For daylight situations the sunny-16 rule works quite well and in low light situations I think you are better off using a small good quality cds handheld meter.   I think the III looks nicer than the IIIs since it doesn't have the PC-flash dimple on the end, but it also doesn't have the built-in 4X neutral density filter found on the later IIIs which I find very handy (the III and early IIIs have both an orange and green filter, while the later IIIs have a neutral density and a green filter).  I don't use a flash with my Minox cameras so the PC connection doesn't do me any good.  My favorite films to use in my IIIs are Kodak Technical Pan film and Agfa APX25, both films are capable of giving results good enough to be mistaken for 35mm work.  Of course I use other emulsions too.

Below are links to photos sets shot with my IIIs:

TechPan - Connecticut 03.09.00

Saturday Night - Nogales (TMax 3200)

[more coming soon]
