Submini Webring Home Page

Welcome to the Submini Webring home page.  The Submini Webring was started in March 2000 by Ringmaster Mark Hahn ( as a means of linking together websites devoted to subminiature photography.  If you have a website that you feel should be added to the webring simply follow the steps outlined below.  

General information about webrings can be found at  

This is a wholly non-profit endeavor, but commercial sites may be included in the ring if the Ringmaster deems their content to be useful or informative to the submini community.

How hard is it to become a member of this webring?  If you already have a website with submini content it is very easy.  The procedure goes like this:

  1. Download the logo at the top of this page and save as sublogo.gif.

  2. Place logo in the same place that your homepage resides.

  3. Follow the link below to the automated registration forms.

  4. Fill out all required forms and submit your request to join.

  5. Wait a minute or two for the automated response email which includes your customized "html fragment."

  6. Place the html fragment somewhere near the bottom of your webpage using your html editor.

  7. You are free to further customize the fragment, but at minimum you must include Next and List along with the Submini WebRing logo on your site.

  8. Wait less than a week for the Ringmaster to verify that you have placed your html fragment correctly in your page and confirm that there is submini content at your site (a quick note to the RingMaster may speed this up).

  9. Your site will then be officially added to the Submini Webring!

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