More Crew Photos
BT2 Mark Timmons and Mike Timmons BT2 Mark Timmons after the Boilers
BM2 Bob Dobler ( you look alittle tired)
SN Joe Ditucci and SN Bray during an unrep (Hey Joe can you See OK??)
OLD Farts (Then and Now)
Mark Anderson (Doc)
2000 Reunion Chairman
Ed Pitcher
Mark Anderson and Ed Pitcher
Lcdr Mark Anderson at Retirement
1997 (21 yrs in the Canoe Club)
Bob LaForest and Don Bunce
LtoR Bob LaForest, Don Bunce, Merlon Jackson   Subic Bay 1974
Mike Deluna Westpac 1982
Mark Anderson & Mark Timmons
Reno NV Feb 2001
Stan Cooper 2000
Bruce Greer 2001
Craig Stewart, Dan Runyan, Mike Akin
Craig Stewart, Dan Runyan, Mike Akin
March 2001
Jason Elm Taking a break
Mark Anderson & Dan Ruyan June 29
2001 Rudy's 50th Birthday
Joe Damato 2002
JO3 Joe Damato 1977