Or caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of your eye
yet when you looked no one was there.
If you've ever heard the faint strains of music when no musicians were nearby
Chances are you've had an encounter with the Fae.
Often mortals are enticed into the dancing
For a night then step from the round to
Find that a hundred years have
Passed in their own world
Cramps - punishment for annoying faeries
Unexplained bruises - caused by pinching faeries
Infantile paralysis - sure proof that you have a changeling
Skin diseases - impetigo and lice could be inflicted by faeries
Problems with childbirth - faeries may be blamed, as they are also fertility spirits
Consumption - aka tuberculosis, has many causes: eating faerie food,
witchcraft & broken hearts
Yet sometimes when the moonlight is on the water
and the waves break against the crystal columns
of the fairy palace far down in the depths
they can hear her voice, and they know that she
is singing to the fairies in the spirit
land beneath the waters of the lake.
Pranks - Fairies are always up to tricks and pranks
Riddles - Fairies loves to communicate in riddles
Brownies become extremely offended
when offered reward for its service.
Heather - Heather is said to ignite Faery passions and open portals between their world
and our own
Lilac - The sweet scent is said to draw Sprites to your garden
Apple - The bark of apple trees or the fruits themselves have the power to transport a
true-hearted seeker to the Other world
Bluebells - Said to attract fairies to dance in your garden
Elecampagne - Also known as Elfswort, this root can be scattered around the home to attract
the Sidhe
Foxglove - Put a dried sprig of Foxglove in a talisman to keep you surrounded in Faery light
facts please let me know
and i will gladly add it to my page