Fairy Pic's

Gilbert Williams

   Faeries are irrational
   poetie, absurd, and very
   very wise.
   Faeries lead us astray
   to show us the way.
   Faeries hide what you 
   want and reveal 
   what you need.
      Taken from Good Faeries Bad Fearies  

Gilbert Williams

        Faeries take us to a
        land where wisdom is
        inseparable from whimsey
        and where leprechauns 
        dance with angels.
           Taken from Good Faeries Bad Fearies

John Atkinson Grimshaw

     A broken tear falling 
     Into a shatterd pool of dreams
     She still holds onto his borrowed heart
     Walking up a winding road
     She looks down into her soul
     Realizing she's alone, out of control
     She leaps into the air
     Fairies take her into their arms
     She cries
     She opens her eyes
     Swims away

B Froud

        Take me o wise one from the sun, to carry
        my heavy heart and foolish pride. Cleanse
        this unborn spirit and wash upon it the
        wisdom of infinity. Take thee glorious hands
        and embrace the fragile mind of one who reaps 
        the sorrow of a thousand. Climb the highest
        peak of excistence and let me fall from there
        for only then will i grow wings of faith to
        drifton the eternal light of my pure being.
            Dwayne Paynter

T Thompson

        Faeries say that there 
        is nonsense in dogma
        and sense in nonsense.
        Faeries trip you up
        to give you a new 
        perspective on the world
           Taken from Good Faeries Bad Fearies

J.C Christensen

        She walks on clouds of disbelieve
        To drift to a lonely place
        To be herself once more
        Before the dawn of day........
            Dwayne Paynter

T White

        Faeries are resistant
        to all definitions.
        Fearies express themselves
        with high seriousness
        and low humor.
        Faeries express the hidden
        vibrant life of the natural world.
           Taken from Good Faeries Bad Fearies

B Froud

         The time has come for the cold winds to blow
        Light hides its face so the darkness can grow
          The last leaf has fallen from a now barren tree
         Birds spread out their wings and begin to flee
        The green has gone from the hibernating land
        While the tender rain has shown its last hand
        Once plentiful food a memory now long gone
        Even the hardiest creature's start to move on
            Terry M Mckenna 

B Froud

        See her dance on the
        leaves of life
        Paging through the 
        memory of the unknown
        Spread her wings to
        fly through this
        Broken it lies beyond
        the light
            Dwayne Paynter

B Froud

            She lives inside her glass cage
            So fragile and yet so safe
            But shattering silence...Does break
            So she sleeps through the quake 
            He slowy speaks of change
            When all she knows is strange
            And the distance...will tell
            stained glass in heaven shines on hell
                Anthony Paynter

B Froud

         Lady of all beauty i see
         in front of my eyes
         The presence of her gives
         me this and more
         I grace myself when she walks on
         clouds and flies in wings of gold
         Shall the soul of her
         ever rest where the
         mortels walk or shall it
         be a legend of beauty?
            Dwayne Paynter       

B Froud

        Faeries are not a fantasy
        but a connection to reality.
        Faeries are seen not by the
        eyes but through the heart.
        Faeries tell us that small
        things can hold great truths.
        Faeries are both luminous
        and illuminating.
            Taken from Good Faeries Bad Fearies



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