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In Britain Ted or Teddy is an abbreviation of Edward;  Teds or Teddy Boys are British rock and rollers who derive their name from the which the affect.  This manner of dress had begun as the badge of upper-clas student at Oxford and Cambridge,  but post-war working-class British lads,  thumbing their noses at their parents' belief that you sould keep to your station in life,  adopted the elegntly tailored draped coat of the Oxbridge set.  But the kids listened to American rock and roll,  and when their heroes came to Britain to perform they must have been somwhat taken aback by what has ( until the Japanese joined in ) always been a distinctly British phenomenon - groupes of lads all clad in long jackets in rich fabrics whti the collar in a constrasting colour.  Individually tailored  a great expense,  a drape jacket or SUIT is every Teddy Boy's most prized possession.  Like the mod's parka,  the drape was popularized by the fans rather than the musicians - who only adopted the style when various rock and roll revivals took hold and groupes such as Showaddywaddy looked for inspiration not to the dress of the original musicians but to the fans who had never hung up their drapes  -  Ted Polhemus / Pop Styles