I was deployed to Haiti in September of 1994 as a part of Operation Uphold
Democracy. Initially, I was assigned to the Joint Special Operations
Task Force (JSOTF) J-2, which deployed from Fort Bragg, NC, to Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, but after we got to Haiti in late September, my Battalion, 3/3rd
SF was re-activated in-country and we set up a Forward Operating Base, FOB-33,
in the Northwestern Haitian city of Gonaives. I was there until our
battalion was relieved by elements of the 1st Special Forces Group in February,
Above: The North-central Haitian town of Desdunes,
January 1995.
Below: Me standing on the balcony of the old FOB33 building, inside Gonaives
(NOT the one pictured above,) Sept. 1994. I believe I was watching
a street demonstration when this picture was taken (I normally didn't carry
my rifle out to the balcony, but in this picture, I have it.) (photo by SFC Vince Burgan)
Above: Riding through the Northern Haitian town of Limbe, Oct 1994.
Below: 1 January, 1995, Standing on top of the Haitian fortification known as La Citadelle, built by King Henri Christophe in the early 19th Century (shortly after the Haitians successfully revolted against the French) to thwart an anticipated invasion by Napoleon. (which never happened)
Above: View from the top of La Citadelle, looking Northwest toward Cap Haitien
Below: Shaking my hand is my then-Commander, Capt. Herb Bilewski (Commander of the Military Intelligence Detachment, 3rd Bn, 3rd SFGA) . Occasion is my promotion to Staff Sergeant (E-6), which occurred on 1 January, 1995, and was conducted in the courtyard of La Citadelle. Photo by SSG (now CW02) Tony Domeier.
All images © by Martin Albright, 1998-2001. All rights reserved.
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