Military Units I Have Served in, and Dates...

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August, 1980-May 1981:  Co D, 2nd Bn, 1st Infantry Training Brigade, Fort Benning, GA

April 1983-April 1984:  Headquarters Detachment, 5th Bn, 19th Special Forces Group,

Colorado Army National Guard, Golden, CO

May 1983-October 1986:  220th Military Police Company, Colorado Army National Guard, Golden, CO

March 1987-July 1987:  Co D, 2nd Bn, 1st Training Brigade, USAICS (Army Intelligence Center and School),

Fort Huachuca AZ

July 1987-July 1989:  Headquarters Company (G-2 ASIC), 1st Armored Division, Ansbach, Germany

August 1989-June 1990:  Headquarters Detachment, 201st Military Intelligence Brigade, I Corps, Fort Lewis, WA

June 1990-May 1991:  Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Lewis, WA

May 1991-May 1992:  Headquarters Company (G-2, ASIC), 2nd Infantry Division (Mech), Camp Casey, Republic of Korea

June 1992-January 1996:  Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, NC

Jan 1996-August 1997:  Det. 1 (Military Police), 2125th Garrison Support Unit (Army Reserve,) 81st Reserve Support Command, Fort Bragg, NC

August, 1997-May 1998:  805th Military  Police Company, Taszar Airbase, Hungary and Camp Pershing, Croatia, Operation Joint Guard


November, 1998-January 2002 and January - August 2003:  Support Company, 5th Battalion, 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Colorado Army National Guard, Watkins, CO,/Bagram Airbase and Kabul, Afghanistan

January 2002 - August 2002 and August 2003 - December 2005: Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 115th Field Artillery Brigade, Wyoming Army Natinoal Guard, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Also, deployed to Kuwait from January - December 2004, stationed at Camp Doha, Camp Arifjan, and Camp Buehring (formerly Camp Udairi.)

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