1. 1997, Honour from Head of LAN as Employee of The Year (Pegawai Teladan) for the Best Loyalty, Dedication and Performance. |
2. 1997, Honour from Bambang Trihatmodjo, Chief Coordinator of GOLKAR for West Java Region, for Efforts of Supporting and Winning GOLKAR in the 1997 Election in West Java Region. |
3. 1998, Honour from Head of Education and Training Division, LAN West Java Regional Office, for The Best Facilitator in "Training on Essay Writing for Public Servants". |
The Handout Title is "Dasar-Dasar Penulisan Karya Tulis" |
4. 2003, Honour from Chairman of Indonesian Student Association in Japan (PPI Jepang), for The Best Essay Performance in the 50th Years Celebration of PPI Jepang. |
The Essay Title is "Revitalisasi Peran Organisasi Voluntir dan Pembangunan Bangsa di Era Baru: Sebuah Otokritik dan Refleksi 50 Tahun PPI Jepang" |
5. 2004, Honour from Head of LAN, for The Best Essay Performance in the Essay Competition Celebrating the 59th Years of Indonesian Independence Day and the 47th Years of LAN. |
The Essay Title is "Pematangan Birokrat Muda Sebagai Faktor dan Aktor Kunci Dalam Reformasi Birokrasi" |
6. 2004, Honour from Head of Education and Training Division, LAN West Java Regional Office, for The Best Facilitator in "Training on Institutional Arrangement of Local Government". |
The Handout Title is "Pendelegasian Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah Kepada Kecamatan dan Kelurahan" |
7. 2004, Honour from The President of The Republic of Indonesia, Satya Lancana Karya Satya X Tahun, for 10 Years Loyalty and Dedication as Civil Servant (Keputusan Presiden No. 026/TK/2004). |