Expedition of the Barrier Peaks (created by Gary Gygax)

Weapons Data File:
Blaster Pistol:
Range: S 3; M 6; L 9
Area of Effect: 1’ beam
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Speed Factor: 5
Power Disc Drain: 1/use
Rate of Fire: 2/round
Damage 5d6 hp
Save:  unarmored =1/2 dmg; armored = no damage (but save for armor required)

	When found this item is usually folded. It is consists of a u-shaped metal rod with a black rivet on one end of the U and an attached piece of Thick glass mounted in a hinged black frame.  The glass is about the size of a hand mirror. On one side of the glass frame are two raised discs. while the other side has a small wire mesh on a metal rod. The viewing side of the glass is clear, while the firing side of the glass is red.  In the center of the hinge of the black frame is a slot the size of a coin.
	The pistol is operated by turning the tip dial (or disc.) On the viewing side of the screen crosshairs and range figures appear (in an unreadable language)  The second dial is a zoom. Once a target is selected the weapon is fired by pressing the black rivet.
	The saving throw is versus petrifaction.  Armor which fails its save is instantly destroyed.  Each time armor is hit by a blaster the armor suffers a cumulative -3 to each additional save. In the case of a shield with the armor the shield is destroyed and the armor only suffers a -2 penalty. This includes all magical shields up to +3.

Blaster Rifle
Range: S 5; M 10; L 15
Area of Effect: beam or special
Weight: 5lbs
Speed Factor: 9
Rate of Fire: 1/ round
Damage: Disruption or special
Save: all vs. petrifaction (see below)
	As with the blaster pistol it will be found in a folded up shape.  When unfolded it will be about 3’ long. It consists of a jointed metal rods, a curved metal plate, hardened leather  collar and the framed glass of the Blaster pistol without the knobs.  The metal plate rests on the shoulder and it has 3 raised bars (Red, White, Black), a blue rivet on the side facing the color,  and a coin shaped slot above them. Extending above the plate is a jointed metal rod that connects to the Metal framed glass.  The metal plate also has a corded leather color that the arm is looped through. A plain metal rod extends downward form the metal plate ending in a double hinge. The lower part of the double hinge connects to the descender rod, while the upper hinge connects to a lower branch of a u-shaped metal bar with a black rivet on the upper branch of the u.  
	The rifle must be unfolded then the left arm thrust through the collar which automatically cinches tight to offer a firm grip. The strap will only release when the blue rivet is pressed. The black rivet fires the weapon, while the colored bars change the power setting. The blast still comes from the framed screen.
Black- disruption beam:  useable to maximum range, Similar to a disintegrate beam, It will affect up to 6 cubic feet of material when it hits.  Shields are automatically destroyed, while armor and protective devices need to roll a save vs. disintegration or be destroyed.  If a person is hit he must save vs. petrifaction.  A successful save results in 5d6 hp of damage, Stunned for 1d4 rounds. If the save is failed the person is destroyed.
White-Heat beam: effective out to medium range, a wave of heat sweeps out in a 4’ beam and all in its path must save.  Metallic armor reduces saving throw by -7, Shields by -2, All magical pluses are added to the save roll. (i.e. someone wearing platemail +3, shield +3, would only suffer a -3 to save vs. the standard -9.  Creatures failing their saving throw are melted away, while those making their save suffer 5d4 hp of damage and lose 1d6 points of Strength for 1d6 turns due to heat exhaustion.
Red-Flame Plane: effective only to short range. A horizontal plane cuts a triangular are out to 5 yards from 21/2” base.  Inflammable materials within this plane start burning and creatures take 4d8 hp of damage (or 2d6 hp for a successful save.)

Laser Pistol
Range: S 4; M 8; L 12
Area of Effect: Thin Beam
Weight: 1 lbs.
Speed Factor: 3
Power Disc Drain: 1/2 use
Rate of Fire: 2/round
Damage: 2d8 hp + AC of Target
Save: short range: -8; Medium range: -4; Long range: normal, no damage on save

	This appears to be a simple armband with 2 projections both about 6” long. One projection ends in a black leather grip, The other ends in a smooth, cone-shaped red stone.  The pistol is operated by inserting the hand through the arm band (which adjusts to the user) and applying pressure to the hand grip.  A saving throw must be made against petrifaction for each shot.  Each hit which is not saved against has a 10% chance of damaging a member (roll a 1d8, 1=head shot (dead), 2-3=arm or foremember (useless until healed), 4-8=leg or rear member.(useless until healed) (on figuring damage magical bonuses, and dexterity do not figure)  The laser beam will cut through 6” of steel, or 1’ of iron if fired from short range.

Laser Rifle
Range: S 6; M 12; L 24
Area of Effect: Thin beam
Weight: 3 lbs
SpeedFactor: 5
Power Disc Drain: 1/ use
Rate of Fire: 2/turn
Damage: 2d10+ AC of Target
Save: Short range -6; Medium Range -4; Long range normal (no damage on save)

	It is similar to  the laser pistol, just on a larger scale.  The two projections are identical just longer. The grip projection is 8” and the firing projection is 20”.  Instead of one armband the Laser rifle has two. The second is located near the elbow. The 2nd armband extends to form a point on one side.  There is a glass crystal on the section connecting the two arm bands. A smooth rope comes from the rear portion of the arm band connection section. This rope is connected on the other end to mail coif and visor.  The visor consists of thick smoky pieces of glass mounted in a frame.
	To fire effectively, a persons arm is extended into the metal armbands and grasps the hand grip the coif and glasses are placed on the head.  The glasses project a ghostly image of what the rifle sees through its camera eye.  If the laser rifle is used without the camera all saves are made with a +2.  Each hit shot acts the same as the laser pistol as far as chance to damage limbs.  The metal cutting rate is doubled so It can punch through 1’ of steel or 2’ of Iron.

Needler Pistol:
Range: S 1; M 2; L 3
Area of Effect: 1” diameter or 5’ pattern
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 4
Power disc drain: not applicable
Rate of Fire: 1/burst a round
Damage: 1-6 /needle
Save: special

	This looks like a bottle strapped to a number of tubes. The base of the bottle (the handle) has a silvery lid with a knob in the center.  The handle is bound in black leather and silver.  From the top of this, a broad metal band encircles a number of tubes. Out one end sticks 3 large projecting tubes. While the other has but a single tube. With a small hole in its end.  There is a fluted knob on the side with a line across its top. There are two markings above the fluted knob a small dot and a big O.
	The pistol operates by point the single tube at the target and squeezing the handle. After each burst the 3 tubes in back will pump air creating a slight suction.  It the knob in the base of the handle is twisted and pulled, a compartment will open for the needler clip.  It will seem to be a small drawer, and clips appear as small lacquered boxes. The clip will not open except by smashing it.(rendering it useless)
	The butt-loading clips holds 10 cluster cartridges.  Each cartridges holds 10 needles.  The selector switch on the left can be set for narrow or broad pattern.  On narrow pattern, the target will take from 1d4+4 needles. On broad pattern any one in the 5 foot radius will each take 1d2 needle hits. ( effects a maximum of 5 creatures.)  The damage taken by each needle depends on the targets AC. (suffer 6 hp if AC is 6 or worse, Suffer 5 hps if AC 5, Suffer 4hp if AC 4, suffer 3 hp if AC 3, so forth. If the target has AC of 0 or better they suffer no damage. (at medium range the number of needles striking a single creature is reduced by 2) (at long range the number of needle striking a target is reduced by 4. On broad range their is no penalty for range, but it is only effective up to medium range.
	*optionally you can make a character roll a d20 for each creature (regardless of AC) if a roll of 1 is made on the d20 the target takes 12 hp of damage and is permanently blinded in one eye (unless it regenerates) do to a needle striking an eye. 

Paralysis Pistol
Range: S 2; M 4; L 6;
Area of Effect: 60 yard cone 3” diameter
Weight: 1 lbs
Speed Factor 4
Power Disc Drain: 1/ use
Rate of Fire: 1/round
Damage: Total paralysis or slowed movement
Save: special

	This looks like a glass retort with a pimpled surface and a black handle on one side. Inside the bottle may be seen threads, wires, globes, and a rod. The broad end of the bottle has a rounded metal plate with several brass prongs sticking out of it. A small number of sparks will shoot from the golden ball at the narrow end by the ray is invisible. If the small button in the handle is pushed the raised disc on the handle will pop open revealing the spot for the power disc.
	The pistol is fired by squeezing the handle , pointing the broad end of the pistol toward the target.
	The paralysis will last 3 turns at short range, 2 turns at medium range, and 1 turn at long range.  A successful saving throw at short range indicates the paralysis will only last 2d6 rounds. A medium range a successful saving throw means the target is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, and slowed for an additional 1d4 rounds.  Slowed creatures struck by another paralysis ray are paralyzed for 1 to 3 turns depending on the range. At long range the Character is only slowed for  1d4 rounds.

Range: 8’ maximum + strength point
Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere
Weight: 1/2
Speed Factor:  special (4)
Rate of Fire: 1/round
Damage: by type of grenade
Save: special
	These are the size of a large apple or similar fruit. indented all around for better throwing.  They are smooth except for two rivets.  A large and small one. Around the large rivet are 3 markings in an unknown tongue.  (this sets the time of explosion 3,4,5 second delay.  The second button must be depressed given 3 rounds then depressed again. This activates the grenade. Now when the grenade is thrown the arming pin springs out in 2-5 seconds and the missile explodes.
	Determine hits using the grenade like missile chart.
Grenade types
Red-explosive: 1d6+4hp of damage to all within blast radius (save vs. petrifaction for 1/2 damage)  All within in the blast radius are stunned for 1d4 rounds, and deafened for 1d4 turns.  All within in 20’ radius are stunned for 1 round and deafened for 1d4 rounds. If enclosed in a container the explosion also sends out shrapnel in a 20’ radius. All within this range suffer 1d10-1 hp of damage. (0 means that no shrapnel or damage was taken)

Green-Gas, Poison:  All breathing creatures within 10’ must save vs. poison or die.  Those making their save will be nauseated and unable to engage in combat for 1d6 rounds.  The cloud will persist for 6 rounds in a stagnant area, it will last for 2 rounds in a normal area, and disperse in 1 round in windy conditions. The grenade cannot be used effectively in real windy situations

White-Gas, Sleep:  All breathing creatures within 10’ must save vs. poison or fall comatose for 1d4+1 turns.  Those saving must make a 2nd save even though no longer within in are on the following round (the gas is filled in the victims lungs) If the 2nd save is successful the person suffers no effect.

Black-Incendiary:  All creatures within the 10’ blast radius take 2d6 hp of damage (no save) and all materials within the area which are inflammable are set ablaze.  Next round and for 1d3 rounds thereafter, each creature originally within the blast will continue to burn for 1d6 hp of damage from residual chemicals.  Each skin of water will reduce the damage by 1 point.  If burning targets are immersed, or and extinguisher is used the residual burns are prevented.

    Source: geocities.com/masdrg