Minor Magic
High Magic
Manufacturing Magic
Magic Items
Arcane Artifacts
Produce Flame (2nd Level Priest Spell)
Sphere or School:
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:
Fire Elemental (Alteration)
Verbal and Somantic
1 round/level
A bright flame, which gives light equal to a torch, springs forth from the caster's palm when he casts this spell.  The caster is immune to the effects of the flame.  The flame is hot and will cause all combustible material to burn if exposed to the flames.  The caster can use the flame to ignite a fire, or even use it in combat.  The Caster can hurl the flame as a missle up to 40 yards.  The small ball of fire explodes on impact (use grenade rules) in a 3' diameter.  A creature struck by the fire suffers 1d4+1 hp of damage, which a chance of combustion of clothes, and flammable material (items must save vs. fire)  If combustion occurs the person must spend a round extinguishing the flames or suffer additional damage (similar to burning oil)  The caster can hurl one flame per level (only one a round) or until duration ends.)
The perfect use for produce flame is in conjunction with oil, (both a thrown bottle and or a soaked area)  Produce flame can also be used to help start fires (building, forest, pyre, camp)   Produce flame can also help a priest survive in a cold area where firewood is not around. In a pinch produce flame can also be used to cauterized a wound on a battlefield, to help prevent infection and staunch blood loss.  Produce flame is also useful in magical item manufacturing.  The most interesting use of Produce Flame is the caster uses the produce flame to sear his hand print into his servants (not usuable by good aligned characters if the target doesn't want it.)  Another good use is the caster used produce flame to weaken and break  an Ice covered pond, dumping pursuers into the frigid water. and interesting uses for common magical items and spells
and New Spells