Chapter One
It was yet another long summer day in Korea. The days were hotter and harder than normal; especially for Hawkeye, who because growing up in Maine meant freezing conditions and not temps well past 140 degrees. Some people did not have that luxury of being used to one condition or another. Margaret was one of those unlucky ones, who never became used to one climate; therefore every season was like hell.

It was a long day not because of wounded or O.R., but rather the lack of them. Sure the less wounded the better, but boredom soon took over, and those who were due in Post Op were frighteningly happy to be there.

"Keep an eye out for his uh…his uh…" Hawkeye stumbled. It was unbearably hot today and he wasn’t thinking right.

Hawkeye and Margaret, both being head of their specialties were usually assigned to Post Op together. At first this caused much grief and annoyance for both, but soon they earned respect from the other, and became friends.

The past week had only nine patients, all but six remained those of who had only minor injuries and would be shipped soon. And although there was excitement about being in Post Op with things to do…it was going to be an uneventful day…or was it?

"His broken arm doctor?" Margaret smiled finishing Hawkeye’s thought.

"Uh yeah…damn this heat can't be normal," Hawkeye sighed making notes on the chart, before fanning himself with it. "Continue the…the…" he trailed off.

"Yeah the thing…" The 'thing' neither of them were sure about. It was too hot for anything but sleep or death…the second sounding more humane.

"Hey doc, how much longer am I gonna be here?" One of the patients asked as the two walked down the centre of the Post-Op.

"Later this afternoon, then you can go to a nice air conditioned hospital in Seoul," Hawkeye smiled, thinking of cool air blowing over his body.

"Don't even mention air conditioning in this desert heat. Did they say when it was gonna cool off?" Margaret asked fanning herself with the fan she kept in the pocket of her lab coat. "Around two o'clock," Hawkeye said softly as they walked over to the desk. "Oh thank God." Margaret sighed happily, as she sat down on the edge of the desk. "Two o'clock 1963," Hawkeye said sitting down on the chair. "Thanks a bunch." Margaret said giving Hawkeye a playful, but annoyed look.

After checking their grand total of three patients – two with broken bones and one with a light head injury:

"I know you said don't mention it, but we really need air conditioning in here…a couple of big fans at the most." Hawkeye sighed; the heat was unbelievable. "You know the army. If it can't be packed in two minutes, it can't be here: M stands for mobile," Margaret said bitterly, this time she agreed with Hawkeye.

“Don't remind me, ohhhhhhh.”

As Hawkeye stretched his legs out on the desk, Nurse Able walked in with a determined look on her face.

"Something take your fancy Abel?" Hawkeye asked with his eyes closed.

"Really Pierce," Margaret replied. Able ignoring Hawk's lame excuse for a pickup line, she turned to the unamused Major sitting on the chair beside Hawkeye. "What is it Lieutenant?" "Major, we seem to be running low on penicillin and sulpha," The nurse said regretfully.

"How can we be running low on those? The only action we've seen here are the cockroach races in my bunk…really, the only action in my bunk," Hawkeye said with a sly smile. "Pierce will you shut up!" The heat was really getting to her, not to mention his sleazy attitude.

"And we're out of peroxide," The nurse added. "What will you do now Margaret?" Hawkeye said in a teasing tone. He knew Margaret didn’t peroxide her hair anymore, but he always found time to tease her.

Through the heat, the boredom and just him, Margaret had had ENOUGH.

"Women have needs Captain Pierce, not that you'd understand that…Why can't you just grow up, leave my nurses alone and while you're at it LEAVE ME ALONE AS WELL!" Margaret yelled before storming out of the room.

"I think you went just a little too far Hawkeye," Hawkeye just sits there stunned. "Hawkeye? Doctor?" "I've said more to her than that before and all I got was a shut up…something's gotta be wrong," Hawkeye said, observing what he just witnessed.

"Or it's the heat," Able added. "No, it's us…her and I…I mean…I'll go see what's up. You alright for now?" Hawkeye asked standing up. "Sure doctor," Able smiled as he ran in the direction of Margaret 'He wants her.' Able thought to herself smiling.

Hawkeye was running towards Margaret's tent when the PA yelled “Attention: all personnel, incoming wounded…looks like a light one folks…lets hope that is all. “

'Great!' Hawkeye changed direction and headed towards the ambulance that had just pulled in. He noticed Margaret also doing triage; she looked pissed…VERY pissed.
'Lord please let Charles work with her.' Hawkeye silently prayed.

While remaining a complete professional in O.R., Margaret could let her anger get the better of her. 'Accidentally' stabbing or cutting someone, like she did to Frank.

'God if she had the chance she'd slice me in half.' Trusting that the nurses could handle things, Hawkeye went in to scrub.

Thankfully for Hawkeye, Margaret was assisting BJ; unfortunately for BJ, Margaret was assisting him.

"Metzenbaum." BJ ordered as his ten magic fingers worked on the body lying in pieces in front of him. "Metz" Margaret said sharply, hitting the instrument into the hand of the young surgeon.

"You alright?" BJ asked, still keeping his eyes on the patient and his work. "Keep your mind on the patient Captain.” Margaret told him, she didn’t want to get into anything. "Okay I was just seeing if there was anything I could do…" BJ said trailing off a bit. Margaret was his friend, and he didn’t want to see her upset, in pain, or anything else.

"I'm fine Captain…" Margaret said in a low voice. "I can see that, my head is still scared to pop back up from the biting you gave." BJ smiled, trying to get Margaret to open up a bit. "It's my own problem…I'll sort it out, thanks anyway." Margaret smiled gratefully. "If you're sure?" BJ asked, not buying it. "Quite." "Finished here. NEXT!" BJ yelled as the patient in front of him was taken away and another one was brought and put in his place.

A couple of hours later…

"OW! GEEZ!" BJ yelled in pain. "What is it?" Hawkeye said quickly looking up from his patient. "The scalpel slipped." BJ explained as the blood from his hand leaked into the glove. "Kellye, hold that…” Hawkeye said stepping away from his patient. “Lemme see…ABEL! Get that stitched and bandaged, Sorry Beej you're out of the game." The chief surgeon told his friend.

"Great, Hawk you'll have to take over here." A look of fear went over his face as he recalled how angry Margaret was…how hurt she was. 'Great'. He thought, not wanting to make Margaret mad again.

"You right to hold that Margaret?" Hawkeye asked. "Yes Doctor." Margaret replied sharply, she knew she had to remain as professional as she could. Not replying, Hawkeye walked back over to his patient and quickly finishes up. He might have to go back in later, but he wasn’t concerned about that.

"Okay…" Hawkeye said, slapping off his old gloves and downing new ones. "Scalpel" Margaret said handing him the instrument. "Thank you."

Margaret was reading minds again, and although it was handy, this annoyed Hawkeye, but he let it slide…she was still visibly upset.

'God she looks great in scrubs.' Ever since he first saw her, Hawkeye had always felt an attraction for her. As he told his father, he would make a grab for her, but he didn't know how to do that and salute her at the same time. Boy had things changed since then…

"Captain…CAPTAIN PIERCE!" Margaret said loudly. "What?" Hawkeye asked quickly shaking out of his thoughts. "Scissors?" Margaret said handing him the scissors. "Oh yeah." Hawkeye said taking them from her. "If you can't keep your mind on the patient, you may as well not be here." She said organising her instruments on the tray in front of her. "Sorry Margaret, I was just thinking.” Hawkeye admitted. He wasn’t going to lie to Margaret, she could see right through him at the best and worst of times. "If you wouldn't mind remembering that we ARE operating here!" Margaret said sternly.

Colonel Potter and Charles were both busying themselves with their patients trying to ignore the two. "There's more tension in here then an elastic band." Charles said breaking the silence of himself and the Colonel. "Right Winchester, we're no good if we can't work together people." The older man called out, looking directly at the two who seemed to have more tension between them than anything. "Sorry Colonel." The rest of the session went silently, with only the request and reply for instruments being heard.

"Who’s on Post…-Op?" Hawkeye yawned. "I am, you boys go get some sleep, we're likely to get a lot more casualties in tomorrow," Potter said yawning as he walked off towards Post-Op.

"Hey Charles, could you check on Beej for me, there's something I gotta do." Charles answered with a yawn and a nod, not pondering what that something was about and he walked out in the direction of the Swamp.

Hawkeye discarded his scrubs and stepped out into the compound, his mind on only one thing: Margaret. Walking towards her tent he was silently punishing himself for what he had said earlier. He just hoped she was in a reasonable mood to communicate.

Hawkeye knocked on her door - her light was still on. She had to be awake; he knew she didn’t sleep with her lights on.

"Who is it?" she called bluntly from inside her tent. "Hawkeye; can we talk?" Hawkeye said softly, not wanting to cause a scene. "No, go away!" Margaret yelled. She didn’t feel like talking. "Please Margaret…" She opened the door, still angered by what he said earlier. "What do you want?" "Can I come in?" He asked holding the door open. "If you must." Margaret sighed rushing him into the tent.

Hawkeye walked in and found a seat, in her chair. "Comfortable Pierce?" Margaret asked looking at the man in front of her. "Margaret, sit down…please." Margaret nodded, and sat down on her bunk. "You wanted to talk…so talk." Margaret said sharply.

"I want to apologise for what I said earlier. I'm sorry Margaret. I didn't mean to upset you. I just get carried away sometimes. I need a bigger filter between my brain and my mouth. I also know that there's something else bothering you…you know you can tell me."

"Why do you care? You say you're sorry but why should you give two, no, even one hoot about me? You don't show ANY respect for me, I'm just the butt of a joke here and there." Margaret said standing up and started to pace the room. She had teary eyes, but wasn’t going to allow them to surface.

"Margaret I…"

"NOT TO MENTION using my girls for nothing more than a quick night in the sack."

Hawkeye stood up in frustration; he wasn’t going to take this sitting down.  "Oh come on Margaret, don't be such a hypocrite"

"HYPOCRITE?" Margaret shriek, this time Pierce had gone too far.

“You can't say you haven't had a quick roll in the hay and forget about it the next day!" Hawkeye threatened.

"At LEAST I care about what happens." Margaret shot back.

"And you think I DON'T?" Hawkeye yelled. This wasn’t fair that he was getting everything laid on his shoulders.

"NO…I DON'T!" Margaret yelled back.

"What do you want from me?" Hawkeye asked, holding out his arms. He was angry and frustrated now.

"I want you to respect my girls. If you have to sleep around with them, at least respect them by telling them what you plan to do!"

"Sure I'll do that…but you haven't told me what YOU want?" Hawkeye asked grabbing her hand.

"I want what I told you a year ago…I want AT THE VERY LEAST respect. Respect for me as a nurse…" Margaret started.

"You're the best nurse there is!" Hawkeye shot. He wasn’t lying one bit.

"AND as a person" Hawkeye was silent on this. He had been horrible towards her hadn't he? 'God you're an idiot.' Hawkeye thought to himself.

"I truly am sorry for anything I've done Margaret…and although I may not show it sometimes…I do respect you."

"I guess I'm sorry too…something is bothering me, but I'll work it out - thanks." They both smiled at each other and embrace in a warm hug. As Hawkeye gazed into her eyes, trying to find what was bothering her.

"You know what?" Margaret gazed up at him; Hawkeye smiled without a word, awaiting the answer. "I was wrong last time." Margaret was confused; you could tell it from the expression on her face.

"In all ways, you are magnificent," and he gently kissed her. He pulled back only a fraction, and then…he couldn't help it. Everything he said was true and more. God she was so beautiful.  It was as if he were having an out of body experience, he grab her waist and pulled her toward him.  He kissed her, more roughly then either of them expected; his skin was on fire. He could lose himself in those beautiful red, full lips of hers.

She pulled back and his heart skipped a beat, how could he be such a fool, expecting her to give herself to him fully after how he’d treated her.

She walked over to the door and flicked the lock, “Now where were we?”

She closed the gap between them, like two polar opposites coming together, so much pent up sexual tension between them, it was as if they were about to explode.

The scent of their bodies mingled in the air as they hungrily began to kiss each other, her hands were on the back of his head, his hand were on the small of her back, they were as close together as was humanly possible while still standing.

She couldn’t get close enough, she had to feel his skin against hers, oh how she’d wanted this, wanted this for so long. Somehow they’d always meant to end up like this, wild, passionate, on fire.

She backed towards the bed pulling him toward her, on top of her, struggling with his belt. “Damn army shirts!” “Margaret, don’t be so unmilitary.” “Shut up and get this off me!” “Yes Ma’am!”

His heart was beating so rapidly he thought it’d burst out of his chest; he was trying to undress her without just ripping her clothes off. No, a requisition for a new uniform would be a bit hard to explain.

She’d managed to remove his pants and was kissing his neck while running her hands up and down his back.  It wasn’t exactly helping his concentration span. He finally got the last button undone on her shirt, and began to nuzzle her chest. She’d gotten his shirt off also and arched her back as he bit into her collarbone.

“Oh Hawkeye” she exclaimed. She’d decided to wear a skirt that day, being so hot, and he had definitely decided to take advantage of that. He was sick and tired of undressing her carefully and tore her bra off. He hitched her skirt up and ran his hand up her thigh. She was moaning and squirming under him.

“Why, Major Houlihan, someone’s excited already.” “Pierce, take it off, aaah just hurry up!” “Patience dear.” “The only fucking patience I have are the ones in post op.” He laughed at her and undid her skirt painfully slowly.

He was trying to calm down before something happened prematurely. That’d be embarrassing to say the least.

Oh it felt so good, his hands on her, she’d never had a man make her feel that way. Frank wasn’t exactly hot in the sack, half the time he couldn’t even get it up. And Donald, well he was a bit more experienced but not exactly a considerate lover.

“AAH” she groaned again. “Oh Hawkeye…uh…” “Sssh Margaret we don’t need any intruders.” He placed his mouth over hers and continued to explore her with his hands. She had a tight grip on his shoulder blades and was bucking her hips against his hand. She was on the edge and wanted him inside of her before she came.

“Hawk, I want you in me. Please, NOW.” “Okay” he whispered as he entered her and stayed motionless for a few seconds, just to revel in the feeling of their bodies finally joined together.

She groaned and began to move against him, they built up speed and he whispered endearments in her ear as they came closer to climax. She was the first to go and hollered his name. “HAAAAAWWWWWWWWKEYYYYYYEE!!”

At this point neither of them cared how loud they were. It was raw, but in some way still so genuine. He continued to thrust until he felt release. Hawkeye collapsed on top of her and she kept kissing his neck, his collarbone. “Oh Hawkeye, I needed that.” “We should fight more often.” He rolled them onto their sides and they both laughed.

It was like putting two chemicals together that belonged but when joined became a climatic explosion.

“You up for more?” “Are you kidding? I’ve been up for more since October!” “That long eh? I guess a quick nap won’t hurt.” “No way, we’re at this all night, long and hard.” “That’s not the only thing long and hard…” Margaret just hit him and pounced, passionately and heatedly kissing.

Hawkeye responded by kissing her back, just as forcefully and wrapping her legs around his waist. He began to lift her off the cot, trying not to drop her.

“What is it?” She pulled away, thinking there’s something wrong. Hawkeye just smiled and stands up, capturing her mouth again. Suddenly he slams into her, filling her with passion she had only felt once before – not 5 minutes ago. He backs her up hard against the closet, not noticing the indent left from the force, both breathing heavily as their bodies rock together. Hawkeye senses a change in her:

“Everything okay?” he says between breaths. Margaret didn’t respond.

Instead she wraps her arms and lags around him tighter and tries to force herself more onto him. Hawkeye goes back to kissing her, wanting to make this last as long as possible. For who knows what the morning holds?

“OHHHH GOD HAAAAAWKEYYYYYE!” She screamed. He smiled, if she were screaming this, why wouldn’t she be enjoying it? They pressed their heads together, gazing into each other’s eyes. Both expressing the need for relief. Hawkeye speeds up the pace, it was becoming painfully slow for the both of them. Margaret responds with loud moans as she digs her nails into his flesh.

“SHIT MARGARET!” Hawkeye yells in pain…or pleasure? She wasn’t sure. His familiar hazy smile said the latter.

They were almost at the edge, pulsating with every thrust. For Hawkeye, this was the best sex ever…not that it was just sex. Margaret was taking control at times and then let him do so. No other woman had ever done that, it was one or the other…never both. Margaret was lost in the feeling. The feeling of him – Hawkeye Pierce – his hands, his scent, his…hands, EVERYTHING! Never had a man made her feel like this. She would melt every time he looked at her, or flashed a smile her way. He did care after all…why else would he be here? Her mind came back to the present.

She lovingly bit into his neck as he nibbled at her ear. That did it. For all the passion, the tension, everything that was built up inside. Margaret screamed as she spasmed “OHHHH MY GODDD HAWWWKEYE!!!” “HOLY SHIT MAAARGARET!” Hawkeye screamed as he too spilled everything he had. They collapsed on the floor, neither one of them being able to speak. Hawkeye ran his hands up and down her spine as her panting slowed down.

“Fuck, Margaret…” “I thought you just did” “That was…OH MY GOD!” “You were pretty good yourself.” “Just…good?” Hawkeye was trying to slow down his breathing. “Fucking great!” “Good…I’m glad I fuck great!” They both just laugh and kiss sweetly. Hawkeye picked her up and they lay back down on the cot.

“More?” he said with in an almost agonizing way. “Not just yet. Phew…God you really wore me out” “And we’ve only been here…I don't know how long!” “And we’ve got the whole night to go!” Margaret says with a devilish grin. “Oh yeah!” Hawkeye complies with one of his own and they kiss…again.

Breaking the kiss, Margaret rolls to lie on top of him, circling his chest with her fingers.

“What’s wrong?” Hawkeye asked, sensing that something’s not right.

“What are we doing?” Hawkeye held back a spluttered laugh. “I thought that was pretty obvious by now.” Margaret rolled her eyes at him “I know WHAT we’re doing…” and with a devilish look she added “and who…but what is this? Are we a couple or what?” “If I knew that, I’d tell you…”
“I just don’t want everyone well…bitching about it, but I also don’t want…” “Another Frank” “Exactly”

“Margaret, who cares what they say, or think. What’s important is that we’re together…as cheesy as that sounds…” Hawkeye wasn’t ready to tell her he loved her…he wasn’t sure himself.

“Mmmmm yeah.” Hawkeye looked at her. “What?” “Your scent…you smell good.” Hawkeye just smiled…she looked content…she looked happy just lying there on him…HIM! “So do we tell them?” “No…I don’t care that they know or not, but they can find out their own way.”

“But are we a couple?” Margaret wanted to know.

“Yes” Hawkeye answered happily.

“I’m sorry, I’m ruining the moment aren’t I?” “Well these questions have got to be asked sooner or later…plus I’m spent,” and with an evil grin, “for the moment.” “Yeah, you REALLY wore me out.” “Glad to be of service.”

“I mean, WOW…no-one has ever done that with me…” “Well I’ve never done that with anyone either.” “And, wow that was sooo good” “I didn’t think I’d have the strength to do it,” Margaret glared at him. “I MEANT, that all my strength goes to one place…it’s hard trying to think and screw against a wall at the same time…blood runs fast…but not that fast.” Margaret just laughed at this. “So what now?”

“I thought you said you were spent?” “For you? I’d sell my soul to keep going.” “Someone’s in the mood tonight” “You don’t exactly seem to be hating this either” “How could I? With a body and a…body like that?” Hawkeye always loved a good ego boost.

“How about we take this body for another workout?” “Only if I can be the driver?” “What did you have in mind?” Hawkeye was anxious to know what Margaret had in mind…he always wondered if ‘Hotlips’ was more than just sex…what were her desires? Her fantasies…he nearly came just from the thought of it.

Margaret leaned closer to him and whispers, “How would you like to test the cot?”

“Oh?” “From your…reaction…” she was gesturing below his waist “I’d say full speed ahead Captain.”

Margaret quickly flipped them over so she was in charge. She was gonna ride him like no one else had been ridden before. Margaret grabbed his hands and pushed them above his head as she climbed onto him. Slowly but still enjoyable, she started to ride him, keeping at an even pace. She started to speed up, but still wanting this to be as enjoyable as possible. Hawkeye freed himself from her grasp and puts his hands on her waist, pulling her more onto him. She leaned onto him, her hands on his shoulders, speeding up with every thrust. Margaret moaned with delight, losing control of everything.

Suddenly Hawkeye flipped them back, so he’s in charge. Quickly he starts pumping, in and out. “OHHH GOOOOOOOODDDD HAWKEYEEEEEE!”

Faster and faster they speed up, sweat dripping from every inch of their bodies – it was after all, summer. Hawkeye captured her mouth in a hungry kiss, expelling all the passion they had kept bottled up for years. “I…know…you…were gonna…be…in…charge…but…this…is…much…much…oooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!” Hawkeye couldn’t finish; his mind was on one thing and one thing only. Margaret pushed herself higher so he was hitting the right spot, it became much more enjoyable for the both of them. Hawkeye continued to speed up even more, both panting and moaning loudly – who gave a damn about anyone else? Tonight was theirs.

Suddenly they hear a crack in the cot, it was after all getting quite a workout. “We may need another cot after this.” “Cot? Oh yeah…I was thinking more the cupboard.” “That can wait.”

Margaret really wanted him to finish; she was aching, in pain. He rolled them off and onto the fallen blanket and continues on the floor. The restraint of a cot made it much free-er as the couple literally rolled around the tent. Items crashing to the floor, neither of them noticing.

Both were very close to the edge, almost screaming out in agony. Margaret dug her nails into his flesh for fear of losing the pace.

With a few final thrusts, Hawkeye spills his load “OOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK MARGARET” as Margaret orgasmed

“SHIIIIIIIIIIT HAWWWWKEYYYYYYYYE!!!” and the two collapse as they had done just half an hour before.

Neither could speak…they were worn out like never before. Hawkeye ran his fingers up and down her spine as she slowly calmed down her breathing.

“I…you…wow!” Margaret was becoming extremely tired. The OR shift hadn’t been too busy, but on top of Post Op Duty it was a killer.

“You, magnificently, marvellous, manic, major Margaret are…wow.” “You’re pretty wow yourself heavenly, hectic, hot, Captain Hawkeye.”

“And you’re also one tired Major.” “Well Captain, that was all your doing.” “Doing eh?” “Mmm hmm” “I would offer to do more, but…” “I know, don’t say it.” “There is something I can do, would you like me to demonstrate?” “Wouldn’t want it any other way,” the ‘couple’ giggle and kiss, passionately, yet softly. “Mmm. I like what you do.” “I like what you do too.”

“Mmm…” Margaret was slowly drifting off to sleep as Hawkeye was slowly stroking her head and back.

“Night heavenly Hawk”
“Night my marvellous Margaret.”

And the pair drift off to sleep, on the floor of Margaret’s tent, dreaming of the other and forgetting about tomorrow…er…today.