Forever comrades in arms...
This is dedicated to what I love about M*A*S*H - The ongoing relationship between Hawkeye Pierce and Margaret Houlihan

At the moment...there's a timeline plus pics to be put up...but there'll probably be more up later.
June 1950
(Season 1-3 mixed around)
Hawkeye and Margaret were much the enemy towards one another. She disliked him because he hated the army (and Frank), and he disliked her because she was army (and like Frank). There was a mutual attraction there though. One touching scene when Hawkeye's patient turns sour (Sticky Wicket). 'The Sniper' - "I'm not here for violation purposes." Oh we know you want to...

September 1950
Ahhh - the flu shot! No one can forget that little episode 'Carry On Hawkeye'. They get along just enough to keep the mad house running. This is also around the time that Margaret requests her 2nd or 3rd Transfer and gets totalled tanked 'Hotlips and Empty Arms', it's up to Hawk and Trapp to sober her up for OR.

December 1950

First and foremost: let's not forget THAT kiss in 'Dear Dad'! Also when the Officers Club is built - 'Officers Only'. Their little dance is quite cute! The camp's annual physical (which we only see once) is upon them and Hawkeye has the pleasure of checking-up with Margaret - 'Check-up'. 'Alcoholics Unanimous', Is Margaret's 2nd drinking debut and the 3 of them (Hawk, Mags and Trapp) come up with the charming song: "Come on in, take off your skin and rattle around in your bones" - I would hate to see the hangover.

March 1951
The camp's first taste of a bug-out, when the nurses are evacuated. And also marks the 2nd kiss that our heroes share. Margaret doesn't seem to mind them at all -'There is Nothing like a Nurse'! In 'Bulletin Board' they get awful chummy in the tug-o-war fight. Hawk helps her when she's stuck, and sees to it that she's okay and not injured. A bit of bitchiness on her part here - Margaret only says Hawk's innocent after she doesn't get her way in 'House Arrest'. Hawkeye and Margaret settle their differences when at an Aid Station with Klinger. Margaret is frightened of Snipers and things that go 'bump in the night', so Hawkeye cuddles close to her and they sleep. They aren't as yet 'friends' but are no longer 'enemies', but come back to camp with an almost friendly manner, with a new respect for the other.

July 1951 - Henry dies, Trapper leaves, BJ and Potter Arrive
Probably one of the nicer-friendlier moments is in 'It Happened One Night', Frank tells the two of them to 'carry on'. Instead, the two settle a scared patient and end up picking baked beans off one another. "1942, good year for beans!" In 'The Kids', we see again Margaret's motherly side take effect (first time in 'Kim') when caring for the orphans – “Bite your tongue Margaret, or better yet let me do it!” In 'Dear Peggy', when Margaret takes part in the stuffed-jeep record, one of her first times being playful. In 'Dear Ma', when the foot inspection takes place - not a happy camper! A blast from the past arrives for Hawkeye in the shape of his old girlfriend Carlye. Things start weird, turn great, and back to miserable for Hawk.

September 1951 (Season 5 eps are switched around and takes 8 months...)
The REAL Bug-out happens and the 2 along with Radar are left behind with a soldier who can't be moved. A shame that when in trouble there's always that 3rd person there? She is still his favourite officer in the army! One 'little glitch' in their way to happiness...SHE GETS ENGAGED! To Lt Col Donald Penobscott - 'Margaret's Engagement'. After her break-up with Frank, the 2 get among like a house on fire! Speaking of fire, Hawkeye’s flash burns in 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind', she and BJ are the two that guide him to Post Op, followed by the whole camp. One of the more emotionally challenging times for Margaret is in 'The Nurses', when she breaks down and tells her nurses she's lonely.

December 1951 (NOTE: “A War for All Seasons” I’ve moved so it took place here.)
'The Colonel's Horse' - Margaret's appendicitis is getting worse and she asks for HAWKEYE to operate! He does, she gets better and he promises to probe her chasse every 100miles(?). 'End Run' - Klinger vs. Zale...Margaret's ecstatic with laughter at the end result - she starts to loosen up a bit then. ‘A War for all Seasons’, Margaret uses Hawk as ‘the dummy’ for a fly-boy she met in Tokyo…ends up turning the sweater into a blanket. 'Hepatitis' (after confiding in him about Mrs Penobscott)- "If you say one word" "Oh, I wouldn't, but if I did that word would be magnificent!" "Respect, I expect nothing more and I'll except nothing less". And he does from then on.

March 1952
'Dear Sigmund' she's playing poker with the guys! Who likes movies? EVERYONE...unless you're at the 4077th in 1952, in Korea! In 'Movie Tonight' that all changes when My Darling Clementine is shown and M*A*S*H becomes one helluva musical!

In May: MARGARET GETS MARRIED! Hugs Hawkeye for helping her and flies off to Tokyo for a week! Frank leaves/Charles arrives.
With Frank gone, Charles there, her marriage already failing, Margaret and Hawkeye (and BJ) start to become great friends. 'In Love and War' they have a drink and talk about what they're gonna do with their ----> relationships. Margaret keeps him and Hawkeye lets her go.

July 1952
This is an emotional 3 months for the pair. It starts when Margaret befriends the camp dog, he is killed and she cries her eyes out to Hawkeye about everything - 'Images'. It gets better when Donald arrives just in time for the Olympics - HA HA they lose! - 'The M*A*S*H Olympics'. Then it's everyone’s favourite episode 'COMRADES IN ARMS', where our two heroes FINALLY get it together (with both intentions), although in a hut and -> under bad circumstances. Hawkeye screws it up, they fight, make up (unfortunately NOT ENOUGH) and: "What are you smiling at?" "I'm not smiling, why are you smiling?" Then Margaret loses her wedding ring, they can't find it and replace it: 'Over hill, over dale our love will EVER fail' - if only she knew that were so true - 'Patent 4077’ In 'Your Hit Parade' she and Hawkeye both manage to piss off Charles - YAY! One of the scarier ordeals for Margaret is in 'What's up Doc?' - is she pregnant? She asks Hawkeye to test her (Oooooh is he the daddy?), and it's negative (phew!). Margaret gets a reality check from best friend Lorraine (Marcia Rodd), and decides to make an effort in getting friends. Best news of all SHE'S DIVORCING THE CHEATING BASTARD! - 'Peace on Us'. With a great big hug with Hawkeye (and a few drinks) all is happy (sorta). Margaret is still bitching about every little detail and still occasionally plays snitch - 'Potter's Retirement'.

September 1952 (Okay so I’m cramming quite a few Seasons together –

In Commander Pierce - "Oh, now they’re my nurses?" "Always ready with the wisecracks" - Potter shoulda given him the keys to the liquor cabinet. 'Our Finest Hour' "Our Head Nurse is really something...Major Houlihan...Margaret...did I mention she's really something?" - ooooooooooh! 'None like it hot' - "I want it!!!!!" - so she was talking about the tub? Hawk's still there with nothing but a towel! 'They Call the Wind Korea' - An injured nurse brings these 2 together a little closer. 'Out of Gas' - heh heh, Margaret faints from the gas, and sweetly Hawk rubs her back to help her breathe – AWWW! 'An Eye for a Tooth' – The practical jokes were great! – They got Charles BIG TIME – YAY! ‘Inga’ – Hawkeye makes an ass of himself, so he and Inga never do anything. Margaret cheers him up by taking him to see Casablanca ‘I’ll buy the popcorn’ - Awww. ‘Hotlips is Back in Town’ – SHE’S DIVORCED!!! YAY! ‘C*A*V*E’ Probably everyone’s 3rd or 4th Favourite H/M Moment. Claustrophobia and fear of loud noises bring out two heroes closer together! ‘I can’t leave you two in the back of anything!’ – gotta love BJ! ‘The Party’ – Hawkeye and Margaret second-guess their parents (Hawkeye’s dad doesn’t leave Crabapple Cove and Margaret’s parents have separated.) and all show up in the end. ‘Are you now Margaret?’ – is she a communist? MARGARET? BAH! After a little ‘photo framing’ *groan*, they hug, glad to be rid of Williams. RADAR LEAVES :( Trick or Treatment: “My my that’s quite a dress you don’t have on there Margaret.” “When will you two ever get out of puberty?” “He’s in puberty, I’m in love” – Hawkeye was right though…WHATTA DRESS!(51)



March 1953

No Sweat
Bless You, Hawkeye
That's Show Biz
Wheelers and Dealers
The Birthday Girls
Where There's a will, There's a War
Hey, Look Me Over
Picture This

If Anyone can help with getting SCREENCAPS - not pics - of these or any other H/M episodes YOU THINK are relevent...please HELP!
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