MEETING DATES-3-24-99, 5-12-99, 9-10-99, 1-14-00, 3-10-00, 5-12-00, 9-7-00,11-30-00, 1-26-01,3-8-01, 5-8-01

March 24, 1999
On March 24, 1999 the first Mid-Michigan School Social Work Association was held and it was a huge success.  33 local School Social Workers gathered to network, share resources and discuss ideas for future meetings.  Area SSWs included Bay, Arenac, Clare, Midland, Saginaw and Tuscola counties. (Our apologies are extended to those schools who received late notification of the meeting or no notification.  We hope to see everyone at our next meeting) During our meeting, information was shared regarding our mission and goals, future conferences, evalution tools, BIPs and SSW dilemmas.  Suggestions for future meeting agendas consisted of sharing information/resouces, addressing concerns related to our profession and possibly having speakers for selected topics.General consensus of the meeting concluded that we would continue to meet informally 4 times per school calendar year in the morning.  We will also meet one more time this year.  It was decided for continuty and central location purposes, that we would continue to meet at Bay-Arenac ISD.Additionally, schools will take turns facilitating the meeting, unless we merge with the state chapter at a later date and officers are elected.  The primary responsibilities of the facilitator(s) would include ensuring that schools are notified of the meeting date (via mail, fax or phone) and to facilitate the meeting.There was some confusion regarding whether or not the facilitator had to provide refreshments, informational packets, etc. This was done for our first meeting as a "kick off" and to celebrate our profession during social work month. (The gifts were from a previous engagement).  If anyone desires to bring a treat to pass for future meetings, they may do so, but are not obligated to. For our next meeting, please think about whether or not you would be interested in meeting the same day, during the first week of every other month. This may decrease/eliminate the facilitator's respnsibility of noticiation. Example: We could meet at 8:30 am the first Tuesday of- September, November, January and March (Because March is SSW month) or 8:30 am the first Wednesday or Thursday of September, November, February and April.  We may improve attendance if we maintain a structured schedule.  In the meantime, we hope everyone can join us for our next meeting.
     WHEN:    MAY 12TH
     TIME:       8:30-10AM
Michelle Bell
Pinconning Area Schools
On May 12, 1999, the Mid-Michigan School Social Work Association held its' 2nd meeting.  We were pleased to see that Rose City-West Branch schools could join us.  Several people are looking forward to seeing former colleagues at our future meetings. Information was shared regarding issues related to diagnostic proedures associated with the ientification of Autism and ADD/ADHD.  Due to the county-wide increase of autism referrals, meeting participants requested an inservice regarding Autism.  There was also discussion regarding violence within our schools.  JoAnn Peterson attendd a confernce regarding violence and shared a manual she received titled, "School Based Behavioral Assistance Teams".  During our meeting the ISD was able to reprint the manuals which were available for $2.64.It was also tentatively agreed upon that we would continue to meet quarterly as a group at 8:30 am, during the 2nd Friday per the following schedule:
September 10, 1999
October-Annual State Conference
January 14,2000
March 10, 2000-Sociall Worker Month
May 12, 2000
Elaine Demasi from Clare-Gladwin ISD gave a report regarding merging with the state chaptr. She spoke with Phil Barker who indicated that the regions have been re-established.  The division of regions has resulted in the Mid-Michigan area being designated as Region K, which encompasses Saginaw, Bay, Midland, Clare, Isabella, Gratiot, Arenac and Gladwin counties. Elaine stated that Region K and the Mid-Michigan School Social Work Association cover the majority of the same area and that the MASSW inquired if there was an interest in the two groups joining together.  At this time, with the organization of the new region, the officers for Region K would be non-elected individuals who are interested in holding the positon.  Region K will also received "start up" money from the MASSW, as well as access to speakers and increased knowledge of legislative issues.  This merger would promote a stronger regional group.  Elaine additionally added that if our region shows a lack of involvment of local SSWs, the regions will return to the  previously established regions and we will lose our Region K. General consensus concluded that we would merge with the state chapter, and not exclude anyone who does not pay dues from continuing to attend our meetings.  Other counties outside of Region K are also still wecome to attend the meetings.  The following individuals have assumed non-elected officer positions: Elaine Demasi-President, Michelle Bell-Vice President, Dawn Roberson-Secretary and Jeff Davis-Treasurer. Also, although it was initially decided to continue to meet at Bay-Arenac ISD for continuty and to increase participation, Elaine requested rotating meeting locations to enable other counties to participate.
Michelle Bell
Jule VanderMel-Tack presented an inservice on Autism Diagnostics, interventions, and resources were presented.Discussion took place regarding locations for future meetings.  While Bay-Arenac ISD is  convenient for many, it was suggested that meetings take place at different locations.Elaine Demasi discussed why Region E was subdivided.  She noted that if Region K (our new region) shows a lack of involvement, the regions will return to previously established regions and Region K will dessolve.  Elaine stated that Region K is on a two year pilot program and that money will be allocated to Region K based on membership numbers.  Thus,  Region K will need to increase its' membership each year.The group went over propsed State bills including pre and post-expulsion assessment.  SNAP suspensions were also discussed.It was suggested that MASSW create an option for members to pay dues for two or three years rather than annually.  Elaine agreed to take that suggestion to the State meeting. IreneWoods-Tomlinson from Region F was chosen as SSW of the Year.  Elaine Demasi asked for volunteers to screen SSW of the Year nominations from Region K.Jon Wurdock, SSW from Meridian Schools suggested that Region K have an in-service regarding psychoeducational testing. An in-service on Fetal Ascohol Syndrome (FAS)/ Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) was proposed. The folowing meeting schedule for Region K was approved:
October-Annual State Conferrence
January 14, 2000
March 10, 2000
May 12, 2000
Dawn Kanyo Roberson
Attachment-Treasurer's Report
  MASSW check received 9-2-99                                                  693.10
    Beginning Balance       393.10
      Opening fee                               1.00
     Ending Balance                                        392.10
    Beginning Balance     300.00
     Contry Grain                            15.00
    Ending Balance                                         285.00
Ending Balance                                                                    
*Minimum balance required to keep account open is ten dollars.
Jeff Davis
Minutes-January 14, 2000
The minutes for Sept. were presented by Elaine and approved by Kathy Taylor.Elaine opened the floor for discussion of this year's state conference held on Mackinaw Island and announced that the next Midwest conference will be held in Minnesota.  The next MASSW conference will be held at Crystal Mt. in northern lower Michigan next September.Membership- The suggestion for a two or three year membership payment system was presented at the state meeting.  The idea was recognized but not pursued.  The state president expressed a greater concern for building membership enrollment and establishing an updated and thorough list of current members. Money on public relations-the state group met and agreed on using money toward public relations such as newspaper articles, ads, and promotion of March-the month of Social Work.A movement was made by Jeff Davis to form a committee to contact current members and conduct a membership drive in our Region K.  Laura Angera seconded and agreed to assist with this committee.Legislative overview of current issues being covered at the state level-Capitol Services handout was made available and covers the activities of our lobbyist who is tracking bills at the state level.  The Special Education Advisement Council (SEAC) is currently working on: revising IEP forms, administrative rules and lumping together cognitive disorders i.e.;EMI, TMI  & SXI.MASSW voiced concern about voucher system (Kids First Program) and is planning on supporting this program.
Treasurer's Report-New Business-Next meeting March 10, 2000; reminder also that March is SSW month.
Minutes-March 10,2000
The meeting was held at the Howard Johnson's Restaurant in Bay City. 20-25 colleagues took time from their schedules to have a breakfast in honor of SSW week.  This year Region K did not have a SSWer of the year, but rather focused on the improtance of each of the SSWs in the region.  Rita Lepard, consultant and currently medical education co-ordinator at Bay Medical Education in Bay City presented us with a program on stress management and wellness.A short business meeting was held.  An update on business conducted at the State Board Meeting and of current legislative issues was reported by Elaine Demasi. Jeff Davis gave the Treasurer's report. The current balance is $370.39. The membership committee composed of Jeff Davis, Laura Angera and Michelle Bell was thanked for their effort and hard work.  As of March, Region K has increased the membership to 29 members.  This is a 33% increase since last year.  The membership has room to continue to increase as there are many more school social workers in the area.  There is a possibility that there are still a few memberships that will come in March.New business included a discussion of the program for the next meeting.  There was some interest in getting current information on psychotropic medication.  Michelle Bell will find a speaker for the meeting.  Although May is a busy time of the year, it was decided to continue with the scheduled meeting date of May 12 for the last meeting of the year.The election of officers for 2000-2001 will be held at the May 12th meeting.  Members were asked to think about running for office or talk to someone else about holding a position. Karen Keesacker discussed a position in Early Childhood Prevention in Midland Co.  that continued to be funded on a 1/2 time basis.  Elaine Demasi said that she would take the issue to the State Board.Various donated gifts were given to members by way of a drawing.  Each member received an appreciation packet donated and assembled by Jeff Davis, Laura Angera and Michelle Bell.  Agreed that for our March meeting we would have a breakfast.  Discussed potential speakers for that meeting
Old business-Reviewed SSW nomination for SSW of the year, discussed criteria for eligibility-5 yrs in schools, member MASSW , practicing SSW.
Discussed issues/concerns among members-salary discrepancies among MA and MA+30, forming a supervision group, SSW specialist linked to 5yr-full aSSW approval by Dept. of ED, SSW's filling school counselor positions in schools and being accepted in NCA rules and criteria.
More Minutes-click here