Date 11052004:

Today has been a really special for me! As you can tell from the images i went to the zoo today! The London Zoo to be precise and it was soo fun! I went to with two other people; Marianna and Helena. We saw some really crazy animals today, many of which we had never seen before, and of course we saw some classic animals.

The aim of this visit was really to analyse animals in more detail to aid us in our quest to be better at Maya. Unfortunately it was abit of a rush cos the zoo close at 5:30pm and we got there at 2:30pm. the admission fee was abit of a rip aswell too, it was £13, i suppose if it goes into helping these animals then it's not a waste, but it was still a bit pricey.
We saw these crazy pig type creatures first. These crazy boars had
really insane ears which were really long. When i saw them a sudden
thought came into my mind which was "... ah now i see why
Miyazaki loves pigs so much!". Aswell as the boars there was also
a goat/elk type thing! It was pretty cool cos, this creature came
right up close to me and i got the opportunity to stroke it
(obviously ignoring the "Animals may bite" warning). We then
went on to see the giraffes which had the biggest eyes in the
world ever. As Helena put it they were very feminine eyes .... I
concur! We moved on to the outdoor aviary, too many birds, all
of them extremely colorful. Quickly moving on we went into wat
i thought was the best section of the Zoo. We went to see the
ickle, teeny, weeny monkeys. Now these were brilliant. Tiny
monkeys the size of your palm jumping around. Helena and
Marianna were quick to point out they had funny pointy willies
that resembled twigs hehe! I loved these creatures but i kinda worried that the flash from the camera was actually causing the harm! Now the bugs section was as creepy as it was interesting! I've never been interested in spiders and today has just confirmed by belief that they are pure concentrated evil from hell. Safe to say i did not take any pictures of these vile creatures. Helena displayed a great dislike to the creepy crawlies of this section of the Zoo. Gorillaz and chimps are obvious classic of the zoo, however one cannot help but notice that they always look so miserable and sad. Poor apes, but i did find out they get served herbal tea every
evening, lucky sods, I work my ass off and i don't get served no herbal tea! Unfortunately the Lions had been moved out of the Zoo to another base, but
Tigers were still open. Such big cats looking both as majestic as they are dangerous! We made our way to the Reptilian sections and saw a wide
variety of lizards, turtles and snakes. They all had such pretty scales, you
really want to stroke them, to feel the quality of there scales, though i think
i'd give the vipers a pass. The aquarium was our final section, It was like
reliving "Finding Nemo" all togther. How the oceans hold such an abundance
of beauty is truely a miracle within itself. We nearly got locked in the
aquarium as closing time was fast approaching. Luckily it was just us being
stupid and using the wrong door.
Oh well that was my day trip and i'd have to say i was very impressed! I do wish i had a better camera with me, though i think these images weren't half bad. Unfortunely due to webspace i can't put the full res pictures online. However if you do want any of the full res images then please email me at: and i'll email them to you!