Ahhhh Brighton, the supposed Gay Capitol of the UK! can't see why though, there was nothing particularly gay here! Anyway. Due to the recent fall of Ivan (my nephew) a few days ago,  my parents decided to come and pay us a visit and check up on Ivan. It was a particularly nice and sunny day so we decided to go visit Brighton for a day trip! Now i've heard much about brighton but i've never actually been there before so i really wasn't sure what to expect!
Being 100% chinese the forst thing we did once we went to brighton was to scout out a good chinese restaurant that did Dim Sum. We went to a restuarant called China Palace and i think it did the job really well! Now for a bit of trivia many people think that Dim Sum is a dish within itself! This is not the case. It's actually a range of dishes mainly served from the morning onto the late afternoon. The word Dim Sum literally means Choosing your hearts desire! And with good reason because it's all sooooo tastey however as the trend goes the more exciting Dim Sum is usually the more exotic kind. I particularly like my fried turnip pastes or "Lor Bak Go" ummmmmm yummy.
Once we have consumed our bio-matter and have been fully replenished we made our way to the beach! A PEBBLED BEACH IS NOT A BEACH!!!! Smash the pebbles up into fine grains and then that's about right! Still i suppose i can be thankful that i won't be getting sand down my pants! Now this is the perfect opportunity for ming to get out his nifty camera! It's strange because the you always stereotypically associate the far eastern asian tourist to be camera! Now i don't really understand why this image is so dominant because surely all tourist from all cultures carry cameras with them. I can only hope that when Ivan grows up he's got plenty of images to look at of when he was a baby! I think i only have a couple but back then things were obviously defferent!
- Ivan and his grandad eagerly awaiting there Dim Sum
- my brother Damon pulls off a sinister smile, i know he;s up to something evil!
- forget my brother, what out for my Sis!!!!
- Ivan shows off his scar on his forhead!
- Ivans frist trip ever to a pebbled beach! Oddly enough the pebbles did scare him!
- Aha the photgrapher has become the photographeeee!?
- Okay mings getting abit enthusiastic about the photo's now!