Now Shipping! Masten Gregory: Totally Fearless







Welcome! This website was created to honor and remember one of the most extraordinary and underrated drivers who ever lived. A short bio that I wrote on the Kansas City Flash first appeared on Atlas F1's Internet site in July of 2000. To view the article, click here:  A modified and improved version of the Atlas F1 article appeared as a feature article in issue number three of Historic Motor Racing magazine.

For those interested in learning more about Masten's life and racing career, I have recently self-published a biography on Masten and the book can be purchased at  To order, click here

Be sure to visit my Audio Clips page. This page contains audio clips which were taken from rare interviews conducted with Masten in the 50s and 60s. All you need is a Real Player (which most Internet users have) in order to download and play back the clips.  If you have trouble hearing the audio clips, be sure to check your volume controls.


Did You Know Masten Gregory was David Letterman's Favorite Driver?



Masten Anecdotes:

"Suddenly there was an almighty howl of sound, a blast of wind, the whole car shook, and Masten went steaming past like a bat out of hell. He was well out in the lead with the Lister-Jaguar all sideways, his arms crossed up and fighting the steering. I remember having a sudden twinge of shock and thinking 'To heck with this, if this is motor racing I'm going to give up now.' It really put me off. I didn't think anyone could drive a car as quickly as that."--Formula One Legend Jim Clark commenting on Masten at the 1958 Spa Grand Prix sports car race in 1959.

"You remember, at Indianapolis two years ago he started thirty-first and in half an hour he was lying sixth. Anybody who blows off twenty-five Indy drivers in thirty minutes is serious, and he's not thinking much about what he's going to have for breakfast tomorrow, either." -- Boris 'Bob' Said, commenting on Masten's 1965 Indy 500 performance in a 1967 interview.





Date last updated:  04/16/05 

Copyright © 2003  by Michael J. Cox.  

No part of this website can be reproduced without permission

Photo in banner courtesy of Anthony Boynton