Season 6 (2004-05)

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Prod# Airdate Notes
6040 11/5/04 Natasha Haymon (30) vs. Danny Souri (22)
Contest organizer for $1,000 - contest money. She entered a $1,000 bikini contest at a Celebrity car show and heard the announcement for a thong contest. She didn't want to enter until Dan said she would win money no matter what. She says two lesbians entered and got gross, so he changed the rules. He says he was bored and decided to have the contest. She was with 3 guys who pushed her into it. For the second round he had a skin to win contest. Rafia Haqque is her witness and says it was supposed to be just regular people, but it was all professional dancers. He says she was out of her league. Mathis doesn't understand how this all happened at a car show. She went down to her bra and thong and was supposed to win something, but came in second and got nothing. The winners split a $500 gift certificate. She said everybody is a winner, she supposed to get $300 and wants pain and suffering money. She had to keep calling him and couldn't get a hold of him. You can't force him to give a gift so her case is dismissed.
Tameka Wiley vs. Karim Murray
Ex-boyfriend for $1,200 - damage to her car. She started dating him after a few years, but he denies it. She says he went to jail for domestic violence after catching his wife cheating. He bragged about it and she got smart about it. They are from Detroit and Mathis says Detroit women would cut him if he did that and has Detroit women in the audience to prove it. She says he left a message that he would damage her car and the next day it was damaged. She has pictures of damage with sexual phrases keyed on her car. He says they never dated, only talked on the phone. Jamela Murray-James is his sister and says he is a hard working, single parent. He says his ex-girlfriend is in the audience, but she won't say anything. She has a witness report who saw him there and he did threaten to damage the car the same night it was damaged. She plays three messages of him making threats. Even though she claimed they only dated a month. He admits it on the tape. She wins it all.
Tara Lovato (19) & Debbie Lovato vs. Brianna Najar (19) & Arista Boddie (20)

Former friends for $490 - cell phone bill. They used to drink and do drugs, but stopped when she got pregnant. She got Bri a phone under her name and if she paid it for 6 months she could get it in her name. But after 3 months she didn't pay it, so she turned it off. Brianna says she was moving out and made an agreement with her to pay the last 2 months. Brianna paid her $143, still owed $150 and says Tara wanted them to pay the $300 termination fee. Mathis throws Tara's mom out for not shutting up. Tara wins $463.
Robert Buchanan vs. Alice Russell
Former friend for $5,000 - loan. They were friends and he is retired. He loaned her $20,000 from his sons’ college fund. It was an investment for incarcerated kids so when his son got out of jail he would be taught car detailing. Other kids could also get a job. He went to jail, got out and was a cop for 23 years. She says he was a womanizer and had so many young women that he had a heart attack and was married. He says she is a lesbian who made out in front of him. He just talks to woman, but she changes women like crazy. She admits owing him money, but says he has no program. He assured him he does and would love Mathis to speak to his kids. Mathis agrees to do it and Mathis calls her sir by mistake because she is so manly looking and calls her “he” a few more time. He has paperwork that she owes $4,700 and she pays in cash. He wins $4,728. On the way out Mathis shakes her hand and apologizes for confusing her gender.
6041 11/8/04  
6042 11/9/04 Brian Keaton (21) vs. Desmand Chapman (23)
Former classmate for $1,500 - medical bills. They went to high school together, he went to college, Des didn't. They were at a party watching TV and Des's brother came over and slapped his girlfriend's hand really hard. He got up to talk to him and they yelled at each other. He grabbed him and they went outside. He called Des over and he pulled a gun out and hit him in the head with it. He shows the shirts he was wearing that night with the bloodstains. Des says Brian thinks he's better than him. It was his little brother and he went over there to defend him. He says he only punched him, there was no gun. Curtis Keaton is the father who says he wasn't arrested and there was a gun. Brian tried to press charges, but they took off and all the witnesses were on Des's side. Mathis says he needs to follow up with the police. Curtis says he hasn't followed up. Mathis is mad at him for not stopping someone using a gun, there's too much gun violence to allow this. People who use guns can't use their head to work things out. Mathis says Des is obviously jealous and lashed out, but is not sure if a gun was involved. Brian wins $1,500.
Kevin Satler (22) vs. Amber Stephens (21)

Ex-girlfriend for $1,308 - wrecking his car/Counter for $1,000 - harassment. They dated for 4 months, invited her to a friends party and she started dating his friend. She was partying all the time and staying out until 4am 4 days a week. She says he's an alcoholic. He let her use his car to visit her family, instead she went to a bar and got drunk. William Strauss is his witness. She bragged about how drunk she drunk she was, twice over the limit. She says she blew a .19 BAC. It was her 21st birthday, she went out to drink like everyone does. She says he knew she was going out to drink and that his car was safer. She went to the bar from 3pm - 1am, but isn't a drinker. She crashed into a bridge and laughs. Mathis says it isn't funny. The car was totaled. Insurance valued the car at $7,300, the rest was $1,308 for the deductible. She says he harassed her by leaving notes on her car about how he missed her , called her job and came to her job. He would argue with her and did it 20 times. She brings in the notes he left. Mathis reads a note where he is sorry and can't sleep since she ran away with his friend. He wins $1,308 and sentences them both to alcohol treatment.
Randall Rehak (R. Dove) vs. Andrew Saenz

Concert promoter for $3,841 - stealing money/Counter for $2,000 - unpaid work. Randall works as a DJ playing Slo Jamz music syndicated on Sundays. He thought a CD of the songs on the show would be a good idea. So Andy set up a website for him, but the money went into Andy's account. He sold a bunch of CDs and Andy kept all the money. He has a huge amount of paperwork and kisses Doyle’s butt by giving him a CD. Mathis asks where his CD is. Randall says he wants his money, an apology and a beatdown for Andy by Mathis. Andy says he did the all the artwork, but the songs were bootlegged. Randall says he has the rights. He kept the money for not getting paid for the design work. There was $1,500 left and he felt he was owed that for not getting paid for his artwork. Randall says Andy came to him and would do the work for free. He says it took him 15 hours to design the art. The cover is just blue and has a title. He says it was another CD, not that one. Randall says he doesn't owe him money since he got $2 for every credit card transaction. He also has examples of how much CD art would cost. Randall wins $3,747 and gives CDs out to the audience.
Denise Pluckebaum vs. Jerome Harvey
Defendant for $135 - vacation costs/Counter for $500 - harassment. They met in a bar then she talked to him a year later and starting dating. She planned a whitewater rafting trip and he wanted to go. She has an email of this. He says he never agreed to go on the trip and didn't know when it was. He says it was after the movie he broke it off. Deborah Ackles was at the movie in the park with them and she was going with them and he said he was going, to charge it and he'll pay her back. He denies it and says he didn't want a girlfriend and didn't have time. He wants money for her emailing him and calling him asking for money over 100 times and sent Deb to his store. He says they drank 2 bottles of wine before the movie. Stephanie Smythe says she was at the store when they came in asking for the money. Deb admits going there. He has no records or paperwork of anything. She wins $135.
6043 11/10/04 Margaret Blaydes vs. Frederick Schmitthammer
Ex-husband for $175/Counter for $300 - lost wages.
Marsha Frabott vs. Richard Frabott & Hillori Sartin
Ex-husband for $1,147 - threats.
Kathleen Wagner (20) vs. Robert Bozarth Jr. (21) & Kristina Doggett
Boyfriend for $1,894 - property.
Damaris & Mike Morris vs. Gary Schuessler
Child's father for $1,250 - incomplete work on her house.
6044 11/11/04 Deanna Dearwester & Rebecca Davis vs. Melissa Bauer
Cousin for $3,000 - vandalized property. She lived with Melissa and her husband. Melissa says Deanna tried to pick up a 13 year old. Deanna says she had to leave for a week because her husband was in a bad mood. When she came back her stuff was damaged and vandalized. Melissa says she kicked her out because Denna slept with the neighbor's husband and another married man. Deanna says the first guy hit on her, the second one she didn't know was married. Melissa says her 9 year old daughter saw Deanna having sex in her bed. Deanna was supposed to pay $50 a week in rent and didn't pay for the first 2 months. When she finally got money she only gave her $100 and was mad she was spending money on piercings. Deanna cries. Melissa wanted her out because she wasn't staying there and wasn't paying. They bring in a police report that says she refused arrest, but was illegally evicted. Deanna wins $3,000. Melissa says she won't pay and keeps mouthing off and says god won't let whores into heaven on judgment day.
Robert Jackson (31) & Marcie Makinson vs. Melissa Underwood (25)
Ex-roommates for $2,580 - stolen money & refund/Counter for $800 - pain and suffering plus security. He built a big house in 6 months and put an ad out for a renter so Melissa moved in. The Christmas tree was leaning over, Marcie was drunk, wanted to fix it and it felt on her. She wouldn't stop and he wanted to go to bed. He called the police to have her removed and they both got arrested for domestic. He called Melissa to grab his cash and bail him out. She bailed both of them out. Charges were dropped and he didn't get the refund because Melissa kept it. Melissa fell for a guy and wanted to leave. When she left the place was mess. He wants $300 for bail, $280 for damages and $1200 for false charges. Melissa says they were violent all the time and he stabbed her in the hand. He gives a police report that shows her hand with no wounds. Melissa says she used her own money to bail Marcie out, but doesn't know how much money he gave her, which makes no sense. Only knew them 5 days, how could she have a history with them. She says nothing about damages. Tammie Underwood is her witness who saw Robert with another woman. She has nothing to add. Melissa says some other person lived there before her. Her dog visited, but did no damage. Melissa wants $550 for pain and suffering, $250 for security. He produces emails where she admitted everything. He wins $2,580 since she lied.
Heather Kite (20) vs. Lucas Chappell (19)
Ex-boyfriend for $331 - cell phone bill/Counter for $243 - harassment & assault. She says he is a drug addict. He says it isn't true and she tricked him into believing she was pregnant. She got him a cell phone in her name after 2 months and he only paid the first month. She says he made up the pregnancy story and told his mom and got her crazy. He says she kept calling him and pelted him with double cheeseburgers at his job. He tried to get away from her, but she hit him and ripped his jacket. She says she was driving and he pushed her, but admits throwing the burgers to him. Mary Ann Kite is her mom and says he brought the phone back and said he'd pay the bill, but didn't. She has a witness statement to say she didn't toss the burgers. Both of them win $331.
Nikkia Anderson vs. Carla Mapp
Defendant for $3,010 - car damage, pain & suffering. Carla's 13 year old daughter Jacquette stole a donut truck, crashed it into her car and the police caught her. Carla says her kid has been in trouble a couple times, has problems in school since she was 5 and has disorders. Her two other kids are OK, except for her son who hot wires cars, but wasn't jailed. Nikkia brings in statements about her bad behavior - stealing, drugs and guns. She is in juvenile now, but not convicted. Mathis says she was negligent and needs to give her tough love. Nikkia wins $2,010 for damages.
6045 11/12/04 Christopher Lipe (22) vs. Samantha Burnett (18)
Ex-fiance for $2,855 - engagement ring/bed/loan. She denies every dating him, they were friends.
Mary Governale (20) vs. Nathan Woodall (25)
Ex-boyfriend for $2,200 - loans.
Lakessa Dowdell vs. Nancy Bell-Winn
Her aunt for $3,885 - deposit/rent/carpeting. Counter for $3,000 for destroyed property.
Viola Churchill vs. Dave Seals
Model suing agent for $3,410 - loans.
6046 11/15/04 Jason Robinson vs. Brieahna Lanham
Ex-girlfriend for $434 - money owed/Counter for $1,000 - harassment.
Latoya Jenai Huey vs. Corlisa Oates
Former friend $2,200 - damage car/Counter for $1,000 - harassment.
Bill Saylor vs. Patricia Saylor & Mykel Saylor
Ex-wife for $3,167 - attorney fees/bill.
Timothy Wright vs. Kedar Hanna
Former friend for $862 - expenses/Counter for $350 - late fees.
6047 11/16/04 Willie Young (23) vs. Stacy Avaloy (19)
Ex-lover for $1,750 - stolen jewelry & rent.
Dana Nicole Patton (19) & Amber Harris (20) vs. Jamie Harris (27)
Friend's sister for $1,000 - unpaid loan. Counter for $1,000 - pain & suffering.
Rachel Tress (22) vs. Scott Thompson (24)
Ex-boyfriend for $820 - towing.
Amy Nacif (18) vs. Aismara Espinoza (21)
Niece for $5,000 - abuse & assault. Counter for $5,000 - medical bills & harassment.
6048 11/17/04 Rochelle Duran vs. Sara Hargis & Jeffrey Durocher
Former friends for $1,839 - damage to car. She met when Sara was pimping herself on the internet and got $5,000 from a guy online. Her daughter called her PIMP. Sara says met someone online while she was broken up with her boyfriend, but she doesn't sleep with him. Rochelle has checks from the guy. Jeff doesn't know if he was with Sara then. He has trouble remembering things. Mathis says it's not relevant, but is interesting. There is $7,000 worth of checks over a month period. Sara says it was for furniture. Rochelle says Sara kept her in school while Jeff put sugar in her gas tank. Sara owed money on rent and wanted to sugar his tank, they lost a court case over it. She snitched on her for cheating and they fell out. Jeff denies that. Sara has two witnesses who saw him did it. Rochelle wants money for a broken glass table, but Sara says her one year old did it. Rochelle sold her a bedroom set for $100 and Sara never paid for it. The rest is for clothes and a $50 loan. Sara says she bought two pairs of jeans and didn't need any money and Rochelle is just jealous of her. They have a police report and she wins $1,063 for car damage.
Andrea Campbell-Groves & Katherine Groves vs. Jeffrey Groves (27)
Defendant for $3,000 - unpaid rent. Her son made a website for them, then destroyed it and slandered her on it. He took the site down because he moved out and she was holding his motorcycle. Then he rambles on about it and makes no sense. They bring in print outs of the website where he trashes them and says they are thieves. He says he's doing her a favor by moving into one of her properties. Mathis says something's wrong with him. He admits doing it for a reason. Mathis says he's a gangster wannabe and will bump up the total for $5,000 for slander. Daughter Andrea says he's been in jail 3 times since he was 18. They went into business at home and asked her son to build the site for her in exchange for 2 months of the rent. Both women cry over this. He tried to skip out early without paying, so she held his motorcycle and that's when he flipped out. Mathis says he must've learned all this talk in jail. Jeff says he told her he was moving out and she rushed him out to get the money. He says she was planning on living off his rent and she wanted everything back they gave him - pots, pans, sheets. He says he didn't need his mom, it was her idea for him to move in. He didn't need the money for rent. He said that on the site because of respect. Mathis asks how far would he go for respect - beat her, kill her? He says no and if his witness wants to speak. He says no, he doesn't want to defend him. Mathis says he should be back in jail. She wins $5,000. After he says he has no mom, she can't see the kids again and he's done with her.
Geno Parini vs. Dawn Johnson
Ex-girlfriend for $1,925 - loans. Counter for $200 - pain & suffering. He says she was dating her boss, that's why he dumped her. Months later they got back together. Soon after he caught him with her ex-boyfriend kissing him. She says he wasn't a real man, he was a momma's boy. She has two kids, did date the boss and he stalked her and all her friends. Geno admits he was a sucker. He helped her kids, paid for school and rent and when he didn't want to give her more money she left. She says she didn't pay him because he lived with her. She agreed to pay him back, but doesn't know how much. She signed a promissory note without looking. She wants money for him calling her fat. He wins $1,925.
Sherry Caldwell vs. Margaret Belote
Former friend for $5,000 - unpaid rent & harassment. Counter for $5,000 - pain, suffering, rent and hotel bills. She lost a bunch of weight and it brought young men to her including Margaret's son. Margaret denies that, she raised him right. Sherry says Marg got jealous of her for bettering herself. Mathis says she's not all that and thinks Margaret looks better. Margaret lived with her for a month, harassed her son, told him not to watch TV, his grades went down, he stopped eating and her grades went down. It wasn't working out so she wanted her out. Margaret says she pulled a knife on her to get the key. She now wears the key around her neck for sentimental reasons. Sherry moved all the furniture out of the way and when she came home she cursed her out and wanted the key. The police came and made her leave. Mathis makes them both do a bit of a fashion show and admits he likes them thick. Sherry wants rent for May & utilities. Mathis says it was an illegal eviction. Margaret shows a receipt for $1,500 for three months. Sherry denies ever seeing that. Marg wants the money for hotel bills from the eviction. She wants pain & suffering money for headaches and messing up her head. Sherry was in jail for 4 days, she says it was dismissed. The police report says she made a plea. Margaret wins $2,000.
6049 11/18/04 Danyelle Coleman vs. Margaret Coleman
Her mom for $5,000 - her brother stole her car/Counter for $2,500 - unpaid loan.
Lisa & Joseph Folvarcik (28) vs. Edna Folvarcik
His mom for $579 - stolen checks. Counter for $2,000 - caring for his kids.
Jane Lourie vs. Stefanie Smith (22)
Daughter for $2,622 - loans/Counter for $3,000 - property.
Asia Ross (21) vs. Janeene Bush
Mother for $1,694 - bills.
6050 11/19/04 Jose Ramirez vs. Dona Burns
Defendant for $722 - someone cashed his unemployment check/Counter $160 - unpaid services. He threw a bachelor party and called for a stripper. She says he was a great customer, a regular. Mathis is surprised until he learns the woman is the owner. He paid her $300 for the first hour. They wanted her another hour, but they had no money, so he gave his unemployment check as collateral and would give her $100 the next day. Instead she cashed the check and took off. Mathis can't believe he'd go on TV and admit this. Dominique is the stripper who was there for 5 hours. Jose wanted a ménage-a-trois and she refused. It was $200 an hour - look, but don't touch. She has statements and a contract. Dona gets 50%. She says he owed $1000 and gave her $100 and the $741 employment check. He admits signing the check, but says he tried to cash it and couldn't. He says she was there only 2 hours and paid in cash. He has no evidence of anything. She wins $160.
Brian Ellis (23) vs. Adam Rotella (21)
Former roommate for $1,909 - unpaid rent & bills/Counter for $420 - slander. Brian says Adam was a fall down drunk, got high and watched Sesame Street. His goal was to get higher each day. Adam won't say it isn't true. Brian says the place became a mess - garbage and druggies were everywhere. Brandon Owen is Brian's witness. He lived there, used to be friends and he stole his girlfriends phone number from hiss cell phone. Mathis says Adam looks like Richie Rich. Adam says they were drinking buddies and then Brian suddenly quit. He says Brian pushed him and Brandon. Two days before the rent was due he had packed up and left. He admits it because he wasn't friends with him anymore. He says he was never on the lease and didn't ever make a verbal agreement. Brian says they had an agreement that he would stay until the end of the lease - 3 more months. Mathis says he is only obligated to give him one months notice. He also owes cable for January & February. Adam says he slandered him by posting things about him on an employee website. He's profile name is Iloveweed. Brian wins $708.75. Adam says he loves pot, isn't a pothead and Brian is jealous of his looks.
Tremaine Ellis (23) & Michael Wheless vs. Sandrenna Smith & Raquel Simpson (22)
Former business partner for $3,000 - stalking and car damages/Counter for $3,580. He went into a stripping party business with her and she stalked his nephew. He says she wants him and his money. He doesn't want her though since she is obese and says, "You can't have me." Sandrenna says she did want him and did stalk him for $1,000 he owed him. Tremaine says she tried to dance, but was way too heavy for that. She was supposed to be a partner and not dance. She came over and scratched "He's Next" on Tremaine's trunk. She says the guys were supposed to be security and were all over the women and won't say she vandalized it, but he got what he deserved. Tremaine plays a tape of her admitting she damaged his car. She says she didn't know she was being taped. Then she says her credibility is fine. Her claim was they were to split everything 50/50, but he kept all the money. She doesn't know how much was made. He says the men paid the dancers directly. Tremaine wins $3,000. Outside they talk trash.
Irene Desardi (53) vs. Valerie Boope (53)

Former roommate for $600 - assault & rent/Counter for $800 - assault & battery. They moved in together after working together. Irene says Val came over and pounded her door in and attacked her while her friends watched, didn't help and punched her in the face. Val says she got sent home from work for wearing mini skirts. She'd bend over and her underwear stuck out. Irene says if you got it, flaunt it. Val came home from dinner with her date and Irene asked her son Billy to use her phone. She tied up the phone with the computer. Irene says if you are talking about me, do it to my face. She says Irene stares at an oil painting of herself all day. Leonard Zahler & Kimberly Davis-Tiller are Val's witnesses. He says he broke it up. She says Irene is a racist, makes treats and is antagonistic. Edwin Tremmel is Irene's witness. He says she came to him after the fight, she needed a place to stay and he saw her scratched up. She paid for rent and was illegally evicted. Irene wins $200. Val says Irene came on to her 28 year old son.
6051 11/22/04 Erin Sutton (21) vs. Thomas Conners II (23)
Ex-fiancé for $3,154 - property damage.
Katrina Rodgers vs. Charles McKee
Clothing designer for $3,312 - faulty wedding dresses.
Donna Green (21) & Thomas Green vs. Karina Cline-Thrasher (30)
Former friend for $972 - wedding rings. Counter for $5,000 - rent/babysitting fees/property damage.
Angele Enger (20) vs. Jasen Liebogtt (23)
Ex-boyfriend for $1,698 - belongings/Counter $1,250 - rent/camcorder.
6052 11/23/04 Eric Loncarich & Katie Kirby vs. Brian & Vanessa Davis (17)
Neighbor's daughter for $1,869 - car stolen & damage.
Jamira Yarborough (22) vs. Brian Edwards (18)
Ex-boyfriend for $1,500 - harassment & defamation/Counter for $1,000 - harassment.
Bradley Shean (24) vs. Jennifer Costigan (22)
Former roommate for $5,000 - stolen car/Counter for $3,000 - bills/rent/loans.
Donielle Dumais (24) vs. Carly Martin (25)
Brother's ex-fiance for $375 - bridesmaids dress/Counter for $500 - harassment.
6053 11/24/04 Ruby Smith (27) & Janice Smith vs. Jeremy Carter (25)
Ex-fiance for $500 - harassment. Counter for $500 - mental anguish.
Janice Smith vs. Jeremy Carter (25)
Friend's ex-fiance for $3,000 - wrecking her car.
Beverly Rasmussen (20) vs. Terrah Clark (20)
Former friend for $2,902 - rent/utilities/pain & suffering.
Eric Ferris (21) vs. Michael McKenna (22)
Former friend for $3,000 - golf clubs/Counter for $700 - harassment.
6054 11/26/04 Teens in Court
Jennie & Jackie Doescher (20) vs. John & Samantha Gaffney (18)
Defendants for $5,000 - medical bills. Counter for $2,000 - pain & suffering.
Shannon Searcy (18) vs. Tabitha Weaver (18)
Former friend for $2,500 - personal belongings.
Dana Thomas (19) vs. Victor Pritchett (18)
Ex-boyfriend for $1,213 - cell phone bills.
Edward Heady Jr., Randa & Jade Williams vs. Carla, Ron & Tabetha Tabor (16)
Former neighbors for $5,000 - vandalized property/Counter for $5,000 - harassment.
6055 11/29/04 Jackie Haselwander (19) & Galen Cook (24) vs. Melissa Hufford (20) & Jeremy Haarsager (22)
Ex-boyfriend's girlfriend for $1,500 - vandalized bedroom/Counter for $500 - harassment.
Heather Lewis (23) vs. Jason Classic (26)
Ex-fiancé for $4,000 - unpaid bills/Counter for $4,000 - engagement ring.
MarQuetta Edwards vs. Ebokne Carr
Former friends for $3,000 - assault & menacing/Counter for $3,000 - hitting her daughter with a box of frozen fish.
Nichole Londo (23) vs. David Grabowski (21)
Ex-boyfriend for $2,129 - bills & rent/Counter for $2,073 - property.
6056 11/30/04 Susan & Gillian Baros (17) vs. Jay & Laura Meissen
Defendants for $643 - unpaid wages/Counter for $600 - theft.
Edward Wood (20) vs. Nick Rogers (18)
Defendant for $2,640 - theft of a computer/Counter for $1,000 - defamation.
Clarence McMorris Jr. vs. Martina Goodman
Ex-girlfriend for $5,000 - car insurance/Counter for $4,000 - pain/income tax money.
Wanda Griffin (26) & Joannie Connor (24) vs. Stephanie Fennell (22)
Former friend for $560 - cancelled vacation/Counter for $500 - harassment.
6057 12/1/04 Age-differences
Toni Hardaway (41) vs. Corleano Gatson (29)
Ex-fiancé for $3,600 - unpaid loan/Counter for $3,823 - ring.
Sarah Way (19) vs. Steven Thompson (29)
Ex-fiancé for $2,800 - phone bill & car loan/Counter for $1,800 - rent.
Dalpha Staggers vs. James Supa
Ex-boyfriend for $4,812 - Harley Davidson loan.
Catherine Siebe (43) vs. John Schadowsky (26)
Ex-boyfriend for $800 - loan.
6058 12/2/04 Kayla Cordaro vs. Mandy Mallory & Rick
Neighbor for $378 - damage to fence.
Keith West (42) vs. Ben Nielsen (18) & Victoria Nielsen
For $1,361 - car accident/Counter for $668 - damage to his car.
Connie Haynes vs. Beulah Bryant
Defendant for $1,520 - broken car windows/Counter for $1,600 - emotional distress.
Kathie Shelley vs. Thaddeus Peterson & Denise Taylor-Peterson
Defendant for $225 - false tooth.
6059 12/3/04  
6060 12/8/04  
6061 12/9/04 Jeannie Carrion vs. Eugene Ortiz (16) & Iris Lozada
Neighbor for $400 - property damage.
Michelle Barciz (19) vs. Rebecca Thompson (19) & Amanda Dunbar (19)
Former friend for $869 - cell phone bills. Counter $200 - harassment.
Rod Duncan vs. Christopher Metzgar
Defendant for $859 - dog damaged his car.
Helen McAnarney vs. Duane Price & Anthony Lewis
Tenant for $5,000 - damaged property.
6062 12/13/04 Jennifer Martin (20) vs. Marlina Lopez (21)
Ex-roommate for $1,420 - unpaid rent, car damage & stolen property/Counter for $100 - bed.
Michelle Adams vs. Carl Abraham
Father of her child for $2,000 - car damage.
Dale Wiseheart vs. Joseph Torres
Former employee for $2,700 - unpaid loan/Counter for $2,000 - harassment & defamation.
Raymond Buonemani vs. Shawn & Diane Michael
Former friend for $700 - loan/Counter for $600 - belongings.
6063 12/14/04 Melissa Hines vs. Donna Radwani
Former friend for $2,800 - repoed car/Counter for $2,000 - car payments.
David Zwicke (18) vs. Jeremy Frischmann (18)
Former friend for $127 - bail money. Counter for $200 - harassment.
LaDoris Cotton vs. Janice Riggins
Family friend for $1,864 - cell phone bills.
Hassel & Barbara Coe vs. Scott Callaway
Nephew for $1,900 - loan.
6064 12/15/05  
6065 1/3/05 Wendy Schultz vs. Edward Patterson
Ex-boyfriend for $4,988 - unpaid loans & property damage/Counter for $2,200 - kicking him out, spreading rumors & lost wages.
Angela Guerra (25) vs. Kelly Thiebaud (22)
Ex-roommate for $1,350 - bills.
S.J. & Vicki Johnson vs. Valerie Wells
Neighbor for $690 - loan/Counter for $700 - harassment.
Ryan Reeves vs. Gregg Lilienfield
Former boss for $758 - car.
6066 1/4/05 Connie Cross & Jason Jackson vs. Brenda Wire
Daughter-in-law for $1,890 - unpaid loan/Counter for $3,718 - property.
Kathleen Medley (18) vs. Nathaniel Graham (32)
Ex-boyfriend for $1,000 - furniture/Counter for $2,500 - unpaid rent, stolen property & pain.
Craig Acee (17) & Tammy Lanier vs. Craig Barfield & Brandon (18)
Son's friend for $2,150 - car damage.
Erikka Love (19) vs. Chris Taylor (21)
Son's father for $1,456 - medical bills, loans & day care/Counter for $500 - emotional distress.
6067 1/5/05 Shane DeWerff vs. Shane Price
Ex-boyfriend for $1,603 - clothes & dental bills. Counter for $1,120 - destruction of property.
Patricia Birman vs. Amanda Butcher
Sister for $600 - unpaid babysitting fees/Counter for $1,000 - pain & suffering.
Christopher Sherman (26) vs. Kiipp Meminger (24)
Former Friend for $802 - broken car stereo & cell phone bill.
Ronnie Quiggins vs. Adrienne & David Hahn
Neighbor for $805 - damage to garage with BB gun.
6068 1/6/05  
6069 1/7/05   
6070 1/11/05  
6071 1/12/05 Christopher Harding (21) & Colleen Magee (18) vs. Annemarie Ross
Mother for $661 - gas bill.
Norphesa Jones-Draper vs. Joseph Draper
Ex-husband for $2,500 - child support.
Cynthia Bettis vs. Elizabeth Cotton
Ex-roommate for $2,585 - unpaid loan & suffering/Counter for $3,104 - stolen property & bills.
Cheryl Trice vs. Geraldene Coyne
Deceased father's mistress for $1,362 - funeral expenses.
6072 1/13/05  
6073 1/17/05
6074 1/18/05 Lauran Presotto vs. Jaimie Douglas
Defendant for $2,500 - mental anguish from lack of dog/Counter for $4,793 - 7 months of dog care.
Elmer Dennis vs. Robert & Kinshasa Williams-Weddell
Former customer for $200 - slander/Counter for $500 - breach of contract.
Kathy Makino vs. Cheryl Stern & Chad Coleman (19)
Defendant for $865 - bounced check/Counter for $550 - travel expenses.
Ophelia Keys vs. Alfredo Guerrero Jr. & Lucy Perez
Former landlord for $1,200 - security deposit/Counter for $4,000 - harassment.
6075 1/19/05 Meredith Richards vs. Elizabeth St. Clair
Former Roommate for $2,545 - belongings/Counter for $810 - rent, utilities & security deposit.
Charlotte Taylor vs. Anita Howard
Sister-in-law for $5,000 - mental anguish & attorney fees/Counter for $5,000 - medical bills & attorney fees.
Donald Williams vs. Twyla Williams
Ex-daughter-in-law for $1,859 - funeral costs.
Holly Rutkowski (19) vs. Mark West
Uncle for $898 - loan.
6076 1/20/05 Alexis Glover vs. Damon Bruce
Ex-boyfriend for $1,108 - medical bills & unpaid loan.
Nancy Hays vs. Donald Hays (25)
Son for $2,240 - loan.
Andrew White & Laurie Barron vs. Joel Roth
Ex-roommate for $1,554 - damage to room & unpaid bills/Counter for $1,000 - stolen property & car damage.
Debra Perillo (21) vs. Robert Keegan (22)
Ex-boyfriend for $1,236 - damage to car.
6077 1/21/05 Jenny Hall (22) vs. Amanda Grube (22)
Former friend for $280 - phone bill/Counter for $500 - harassment.
Josh Wesner vs. Steven Christofferson
For roommate for $2,977 - rent/damages to property.
Steven Smith vs. Steven Budny
Ex-fiance for $5,000 - for daughter's broken wedding plus pain & suffering/Counter for $2,000 - harassment & ring.
Gabe Ortiz, Jenanne Gotto & Lee Payne vs. Leah Ramos
Former roommate for $1,384 - false arrest & unpaid rent/Counter for $1,163 - security deposit/pain & suffering.
6078 1/24/05 Ashley Owens (19) vs. Jeremey Marshall (23)
Former roommate for $2,580 - damage & unpaid rent.
Pamela Jenkins vs. Titania Martin
Defendant for $500 - broken necklace & furniture.
Daisy Berrios vs. Luis Laboy
Ex-boyfriend for $2,000 - motorcycle loan/Counter for $2,500 - stolen tools.
Evelyn Stewart vs. Chanda Owens
Former friend for $3,570 - damage to apartment/Counter for $4,000 - defamation & security deposit.
6079 1/25/05 Jeff Bruce vs. Laura Hoffman & Abigail Bruce
Ex-girlfriend & her mom for $4,640 - drugs & property/Counter for $5,000 - Rent.
Shonta Pipes (19) vs. Nina Flowers (19)
Former friend for $5,000 - car damages.
Michael Algate vs. Robert Beggs
Former Roommate for $3,209 - gas & property/Counter for $1,000 - property withheld.
Christine Mead vs. Miranda Fesler
Defendant for $250 - lost dog reward.
6080 1/26/05 Vanessa Hooks-Elliott vs. Krystal Brewer
Defendant for $2,078 - broken glasses & car damage/Counter for $1,304 - pain & suffering.
Stephan & Clarissa Smith vs. Elizabeth Wilhelm
Mother for $3,000 - parrot & mental anguish/Counter for $3,100 - stolen property & rent.
Sarah Davis (19) vs. Arnell Ewing (24)
Ex-fiancé for $3,020 - pain & suffering plus phone bill/Counter for $3,000 - harassment & false arrest.
Nicole Rutkowski (20) vs. Melanie Esper (23)
Former co-worker $1,099 - phone bill.
6081 1/27/05  
6082 1/28/05  
6083 1/31/05 Melissa Thomas vs. Jeremy Levine
Ex-fiance for $2,883 - stolen engagement ring/Counter for $3,000 - mental anguish & slander.
Michelle Musilli vs. Rachel & Meghan Musilli (19)
Twin nieces for $3,000 - damage to house/Counter for $800 - mail theft & rent.
Audrey Davis (21) vs. Willis Harris (24)
Ex-boyfriend for $3,000 - cellphone bill plus pain & suffering.
Robert Buchanan vs. Albert Cherry
Neighbor for $10 - not maintaining his lawn.
6084 2/1/05 Nicole Jewell (21) vs. Terry & Katherine Guesford
Former neighbors for $600 - a puppy/Counter for $500 - slander.
Tessa Johnson vs. Stacia Torkelson
Former friend or $940 - car damage/Counter for $250 - car speakers.
Allen Schooler, Jr. (63) vs. Aaren Campbell (27)
Ex-lover for $2,670 - cellphone bill & property/Counter for $2,000 - loans.
Shauna Kirk vs. Kimberly Sanseri
Cousin for $400 - car/Counter for $400 - wear & tear on car.
6085 2/2/05  
6086 2/3/05 Kimberly Breen (22) & Erin Blake (22) vs. Paul Pacifici (22) & Ryan Looney (23)
Former friend for $729 - RV rental loan.
Rolanda Reynolds vs. Angela Drews
Former stripper for $175 - stolen stripping tips. Counter for $200 - harassment.
Jolanta Madeja vs. James Stricker
Ex-boyfriend for $957 - cell phone bills.
Heather Gallardo vs. Marcus Eberhart
Former student's father for $110 - class trip candy money.
6087 2/4/05 Shenee Carter vs. Anthony Murrell
Exotic Dancer for $1,000 - Unsatisfactory services/Counter for $20 - tip.
Ty Durnell (22) vs. Charles Graves (18)
Former friend for $1,500 - crime restitution.
Kevin Owens vs. Monica Sudberry
Former friend for $977 - stolen property/Counter for $1,015 - property damage & slander.
James Burk Jr. (21) vs. Valerie Tilley (20)
Former friend for $1,286 - unpaid loans/Counter for $1,000 - harassment.
6088 2/7/05 Jessica Melton (18) vs. Darwin VonSchirmer (38)
Ex-boyfriend for $1,091 - property & harassment/Counter for $5,000 - damaged vehicle & harassment.
Jessmay Reyes vs. Hilda Reyes
Her mother for $2,310 - rent/Counter for $1,549 - painting, groceries & mental anguish.
Kia Whitley (21) vs. Donovan Bramlett (27)
Ex-boyfriend for $512 - belongings.
Ezra Epwell (22) vs. T.J. Mitsch (22)
Defendant for $2,530 - DJ equipment.
6089 2/8/05 Kevin Kozak vs. Sheryl Walker
Former friend for $1,300 - damage to window.
Chavon Kelly vs. David Richardson
Ex-boyfriend for $1,925 - bail & loan while he was in jail.
Bob Oxler vs. Amri Crosby (16)
Neighborhood teen for $860 - glass & lost wages for assault/Counter for $1,500 - pain & suffering.
Jessica Roberts (23) vs. Sally Richards (28)
Former friend for $1,372 - clothes.
6090 2/9/05 Kimberly Carrasco vs. Sam Parise
Ex-husband for $5,000 - car/Counter for $5,000 - bills & mental anguish.
Lonnie England vs. Chris Frias
Neighbor for $2,500 - unlawful arrest/Counter for $3,600 - harassment & stress.
Stephanie Thomas vs. Kelly Boudreaux
Brother's girlfriend for $1,400 - security deposit/Counter for $1,000 - harassment & pain/suffering.
Elizabeth Curtan vs. Brian Shuster
Ex-roommate for $960/Counter for $500 - emotional distress.
6091 2/10/05 Amy Kolmer vs. Gavin Furino
Former friend for $4,686 - unpaid loans/Counter for $5,000 - harassment.
Erin Catalano (18) vs. Michael Zmuda (20)
Former roommate for $1,160 - bills/Counter for $500 - invasion of privacy.
Jacqueline Sharif vs. William Nero
Ex-boyfriend for $2,500 - unpaid rent/Counter for $5,000 - stolen band equipment.
James & Kaye Prodan & vs. Jontaz (10) & Theresa Stanford
Defendants for $1,148 - damage to van
6092 2/11/05 Shaun Dickey (24) vs. Amanda Scott (18)
Ex-girlfriend for $1,510 - damaged & stolen property.
Art & Andrea Gumm vs. Dwayne Sr. & Dwayne Oros Jr. (20)
Neighbors for $912 - damage to truck/Counter for $2,000 - harassment.
C.R. Toliver vs. Diane Womack-Foreman & Andrea Smith
Defendants for $467 - hotel Bill /Counter for $248 - harassment.
Alonzo Bray vs. Randall Bray (22)
Son for $500 - damage to his carpet.
6093 2/14/05 Martie Camardella vs. Cherry Johnson
Daughter for $5,000 - loan/Counter for $2,500 - pain & suffering.
James Lambert vs. Reginald Scott
Former lover for $218 - bail money/Counter for $300 - harassment.
Jennifer Priefer vs. Clint Gilbert
Ex-boyfriend for $5,000 - bail.
Suzie Namanny & Clarissa Erickson vs. Crystal Kinser (21)
Former roommates for $2,950 - stolen property & unpaid rent/Counter for $2,950 - pain & suffering plus Christmas decorations.
6094 2/15/05 Shannon & Charles Stephens vs. Tina Greenwalt
Ex-fiance for $1,468 - child support & rent/Counter for $1,000 - child's belongings.
Alisia Ogans (19) vs. Markesha Turner (22)
Ex-girlfriend for $1,900 - unpaid loans & rent/Counter for $1,900 - outing her.
Paul Schiff vs. Troy Huff
Former roommate for $300 - unpaid rent/Counter for $1,000 - harassment & defamation.
Patrina Like vs. Crystal Esters
Former Best Friend for $1,520 - cell phone bill & rental car.
6095 2/16/05 Joy Maybin vs. Lisa Berry & Derrick McGowan Jr. (18)
Sister for $300 - nephew ordered porn on her cable.
Joleen Collins vs. Jaclyn Wagoner
Identical twin for $2,338 - loans.
Deborah Scales vs. Joyce Jorgensen
Sister for $940 - tools/Counter for $500 - babysitting fees.
Audrey Scott vs. Serita Scott
Sister for $5,000 - lost ring.
6096 2/17/05 Larry Allen vs. Misty Shaw
Ex-fiancée for $5,000 - false imprisonment & an engagement ring/Counter for $5,000 - pain & suffering. They met in 2001, dated, married and it was all wrong. She was abusive and he shows pictures of scratches on his neck. He has a 2 year old with her and she has 2 kids with another guy who is a drug addict. She says Larry is on steroids and he denies it. She isn't with the druggie anymore, that was years ago. When she was pregnant he threw her over a couch, got an order of protection against him and he can't go near her. The reason they broke up was because he came out and said he was a bisexual. She found gay and transvestite porn on his computer. He denies it and says she's a lesbian. He says she made 'phonious' police reports on him. He brings in the paperwork and admits there was an argument, she called the cops on him and he went to jail. Mathis says he watches too much Law & Order - he keeps using all these legal terms and is not explaining his case. She says there was another guy involved she didn't know. He says she was kissing another guy. She denies it. He wants the money for the engagement ring. He says she sold to her mother. She says he's a drunk. Mathis is sick of him playing lawyer, he keeps objecting, but not explaining. She says he kicked her out and told her to sell the ring because he doesn't care anymore. He admits never requesting the ring back. He says she also owes $2,000 on the car. She says he declared bankruptcy and didn't pay for it anyway. He can't explain it. She says he had phone sex with his niece and told his 11 year old daughter she was a lesbian. She has witness statements and police reports, has black friends and he is a racist and things they all deal drugs. She has a stained paper written by her daughter saying he told her she was lesbian and that he hated all black people and threw them out. He denies it, but he said right there she was a lesbian. Mathis says he knew something was wrong with him. His case is dismissed. She wins $3,000. After he says he'll never see her again.
Delaina Holmes (35) & Jerome Holmes III vs. Herbert Gray
Father for $1,383 - unpaid loans/Counter for $1,000 - defamation. She says her parents were high school sweethearts and he wanted her to have an abortion, but wouldn't pay for it and he wasn't the father anyway. She had open heart surgery when she was 5 and he never took care of her at all for her whole life. Herb says his girl cheated on him and then was pregnant, so he questions it. Now when she is 35 he wants a paternity test. Herb says he was too busy going to college to dodge the Vietnam draft and laughs. Mathis says it's not funny. When she was 9 he admitted he was the father and refused to let someone else adopted her. She says when she was 5 he would stalk her and give her money and candy, not knowing who he was. Mom said that would not work. He never paid child support and moved away. She tried to connect with him, but he wasn't interested. She loaned him money, but he says her husband did, not her. He says he couldn't pay her back because he is a teacher and one of his students punched him in the face and he couldn't work anymore. She says they never heard from him. They loaned him the money to pay his car loan. Mathis asks him why he would borrow from her if she wasn't his daughter? He says teaching is the poorest job. The test comes back that he is her father. Mathis says her mom can sue for 18 years of child support. She wins $1,036.50. After she says she wants him to stop defaming her mom and to leave her alone. Herb says he never did anything to hurt her.
Debbie Peterson vs. Jim Yates

Ex-boyfriend for $3,000 - unpaid loan & harassment/Counter for $2,400 - auto parts. They dated off and on for 5 years. She had a Halloween party, he fought with her brother in law and they broke up. Jim says he was drunk and he passed out. He says she got breast implants and the brother in law kept asking about her breasts and wanted to know how they felt, that's why they broke up. Mathis says that's too much information. She says they went on a cruise and he didn't pay his share of $2,500. He admits going on the cruise and to pay it off he repaired her sons' truck. He says 3 months ago she called for money for the dog. Last month she said he robbed her. He says she harassed him. She says her safe was stolen with $60,000 and they couldn't prove he did it, but it has nothing to do with the case. Mathis says it shows a pattern. She says he was the only one who knew the door wasn't wired and where the safe was. She works day care and he kept calling saying he loved her and will wait for her. She got a restraining order on him. He denies it. She produces it and he said he was working on the day care center, so how could she? He bought all the parts and gave her the receipts so he can prove it. She says her son paid for the parts and he paid her $300 on the $2,500. Mathis says there is too much trash talking and nonsense. She wins $2,200. After she says she cheated to get rid of him, but it was a lie. She is engaged now and happy. He couldn't handle the comments on her implants.
Kimberly Petschen vs. Mark Kroeten
Former co-worker for $1,855 - forged check. They met at her job then she left the company to start her own and contacted him. She introduced him to her VIP party friends. She liked him, but he didn't fit in. He says it's a drug deal gone bad. Doyle says they never go good. He says he used cocaine for medicinal purposes and she was the hard user. He made up the medicinal use. Mathis says they are still dope heads if they are rich. She denies it. She says she co-brokered some loans. He says she snorted up all the profits. She says the manager gave Mark her check because he would see her. Then he took it, forged her name and cashed it. It was $1,740. He says they were all having sex in the office and he wasn't a part of it. He says the manager didn't trust her, so they gave it to him. He says she told him to deposit in his account because her credit was messed up. They both signed it and used the money to buy coke. He got some of the coke and she was going to sell the rest. She keeps interrupting and Mathis says that makes her sound guilty, like she doesn't want him to hear. He says he called her to get the money back and she was gone for days on a bender. When he finally got a hold of her she wanted to get the money back that she snorted up. She made it all up and he has a statement from the bank manager saying they were authorized to give him the check. Kim says she is the one who wrote the letter, not the bank. Mathis says enough of the dope stories and dismisses her case. After he says she's a social lubricant full of empty pleasantries.
6097 2/18/05 Gisele Miller vs. Stacy Mangan & Amy-Sue Nance
Former friend for $1,161 - cruise bill.
Krystal Rodney vs. Falana Cole
Neighbor for $5,000 - harassment/Counter for $2,259 - vandalism to car plus pain & suffering.
James Siebens (20) vs. Jesse Greer (20)
Former friend for $3,200 - rent & unpaid utilities/Counter for $1,500 - stolen computer.
Brittany Hartsfield (21) vs. Latoya Daniel (19)
Former friend for $608 - bail money & cell phone bill/Counter for $400 - assault.
6098 2/21/05 Sean Flanagen vs. Melanie Lawson
Estranged wife for $5,000 - burglary/Counter for $5,000 - slander.
Charles Winokur vs. Steven Weisberg
Former friend for $2,500 - stolen computer/Counter for $1,500 - badmouthing him.
Dominque Pippens (19) vs. Jana Hopson (19)
Former friend for $332 - car damages.
Phillip Brandon Hurst (19) & Sean Lawson vs. Christopher Morgan (20) & Stacie Lawson
Defendant for $1,061 - broken car windshield/Counter for $1,000 - slander.
6099 2/22/05  
6100 2/23/05 Angela Karina vs. Louis Roque
Former friend for $676 - broken car window.
Sally Light vs. Maria Karl
Daughter for $2,374 - loan/Counter for $1,000 - property.
Vincent Bell vs. Theresa Dean
Mother of his child for $400 - bounced check/Counter for $1,600 - medical bills.
Jason Kiesau vs. Deon Oden
Former roommate $3,479 - unpaid rent & bills.
6101 2/24/05 Pauline Locke & Willard Steger vs. Larry Converse & Sue Gustafson
Former tenants for $4,160 - unpaid rent & property damage/Counter for $5,000 - harassment.
Kenneth Martin vs. Jeannine Todd
Fiancee for $2,552 - false arrest & cell phone bill/Counter for $2,000 - pain & suffering.
Darryl White vs. Mark Addison
Ex-roommate for $3,086 - damaged truck/Counter for $80 - stolen money.
Christean Conners vs. Connie Clark
Ex-stepmother for $2,795 - stolen ATV.
6102 2/25/05 Kristen Ostendorf (19) vs. Seth Brazina (27)
Ex-boyfriend for $2,917 - car damage, credit card bills & furniture/Counter for $5,000 - harassment plus pain & suffering.
Debbie & Ashley Jade Spriggs vs. Tammara Dunn (16) & Willie Ann Simmons
Neighbors for $1,966 - car damage/Counter for $2,000 - harassment.
Rachel Millspaugh (19) vs. Maria Keith (18)
Former friend for $1,000 - cell phone/Counter for $1,000 - harassment.
Adam Labov vs. Carlos Lozano
Ex-roommate for $3,575 - rent/Counter for $3,000 - storage fees/emotional distress.
6103 2/28/05 Patrick Stephenson vs. Alan Megard
Fiance's ex-husband for $1,332 - medical bills & lost wages/Counter for $5,000 - slander.
Paul McAdams (58) vs. Angela Bryant
Ex-lover for $586 - unpaid loan/Counter for $500 - harassment.
Roger Cones vs. April Wier & Eric Reuther
Former landlord & husband for $5,000 - illegal eviction & car damages/Counter for $4,050 - damages & lost income.
Mary Love vs. Elaine & Xavier Moody (13)
Defendant for $45 - car damage/Counter for $200 - pain & suffering.
6104 3/22/05  
6105 3/23/05  
6106 3/24/05  
6107 3/25/05  
6108 3/28/05  
6109 3/29/05  
6110 3/30/05  
6111 3/31/05 Serafina Bruno vs. Ken Smirz
Ex-boyfriend for $5,000 - unpaid loans/Counter for $5,000 - harassment.
Janice Bell vs. Jamie Fowler
Ex-roommate $3,712 - unpaid rent/Counter for $683 - property & bills.
Deborah Jang vs. Marilou Allen
Former friend for $2,738 - car payment & tickets/Counter for $2,650 - car repairs & defamation.
Darron Webb vs. Robert Clay
Cousin for $800 - bracelet/Counter for $100 - loan.
6112 4/4/05  
6113 4/5/05   
6114 4/6/05  
6115 4/7/05 Jerry Geissler vs. Sheana Geissler
Niece for $1,350 - loan/Counter for $2,000 - harassment.
Tiffany Atkins vs. Ronald Higgins
Ex-boyfriend for $120 - loan/Counter for $350 - assault.
Gail Lorey vs. David Lorey
Son for $1,190 - unpaid fines.
Dionne Simmons & Justin Caver (7) vs. Erica Covington & Shawn
Parent of son who injured her son for $500 - medical & Registration fees.
6116 4/8/05  
6117 4/11/05 Keli Sada vs. David Garcia.
Ex-boyfriend for $3,000 - bail.
Timothy Daniels & Laurence Jahn vs. Theresa Culhane
Defendant for $3,488 - car & belongings/Counter for $1,505 - unpaid car.
Ronita Phillips & vs. Michael Meador
Ex-fiance for $1,146 - rent.
Lashanna Eastes vs. Tanya Dyson
Ex-roommate for $975 - rent & loan/Counter for $1,359 - ticket, security, property & stress.
6118 4/12/05  
6119 4/13/05  
6120 4/14/05  
6121 4/15/05 Kelly Soukal vs. Jennifer Conforti - She wants $5,000 for rent, Counter for $3,000. Kelly loses $100
Daniel Willemstein vs. Amy Simmons & Mark Former - Suing for $606 for a false bench warrant. He wins $270
Shannon Galloway vs. Darwin & Tamara Skinner - Wants $4,740 for car payments, refrigerator and loans. She wins $1,900
Amanda Brittain-Tairo vs. Shawn Stevens - wants $15 for car damage.
6122 4/18/05 Wayne Mishler vs. Jennifer Myers - He wants $1,043 for moving in fees/Counter for $505 - unpaid rent. They met while trick or treating and moved in together after only a few months. He says Jen cost him money when he had to move because of her drinking, but she counters that he has no ambition, pops pain pills, and owes her for rent. Tobias Kayser is his witness. He wins $644.47 
Isidro & Sandra Yanez Jr. vs. Donna Gillespie - Suing Nephew's ex-fiance for $800. His wife Sandra is his witness. The case is thrown out. 
Dorothy & Tracy Hunt vs. Terry Hunt - his brother was supposed to split the rent while he was staying for a couple of months, but he stayed 4 years. They win $590. 
Marlon Finch vs. Arthur & Renee Brown Jr. - former friend for $975 for wedding rings. 6122. 4/18/05
6123 4/19/05 Cathleen Zelmer vs. Mark Zelmer - ex-husband for $5,000 - child support & fees/Counter for $5,000. He threw a CD rack at her while she was holding her son. Curtis Henry is her witness and says he is a drug addict and he helped with child care. She accuses him of molesting her son. Mike Peters is his witness and friend of 29 years. He wins $4,000. 
Janette Terell vs. Erika & Rudy Calderon - $2,500 - unpaid rent/Counter for $2,500 - not fixing anything & stress. He rented to them and they were evicted because they didn't pay, damaged things and grabbed her by the throat. They scratched her car, kicked in her door and broke a window. Erika & Rudy win all the money. 
Wanda Richardson vs. Wayne Goodmond - Ex for $2,957 - damage to car/Counter for $1,800 - house repairs. She bought a house and he was going to split the rent. He said they were supposed to rent. She says he cheated on her. He wants the money for fixing up the place since it's her. She let him use her car and the window was broken out and robbed. She wins $2,100. 
Roberta La Russa vs. Justin Klocke - neighbor for $759 - death of his dog. She says his dog killed her dad's dog. Rennee Ironwing is her witness. The dog was attacked three times and he paid once before.
6124 4/20/05 Robert Quein (22) vs. Arienne Rhodes (21) - roommate for $1,865 - unpaid rent/Counter for $1,865 - rent. He says she wants him, she denies it. They moved in together as friends. She sated Isaac Hanson. Rob's ex came over so she moved out because she was violent and he took her name off the lease. He wants $425 a month for 3 months. He was evicted and she had to pay because her name was back on the lease. She wins $1,300. 
Joseph Danihel vs. Kimberly Walsh - Neighbor for $1,300/Counter for $1,00. Kim's 13 year old son Kyle son kicked her car for no reason. He was looking in the car for something. Kyle is size 18 and says he was disrespecting his mom. She says he assaulted her son and he didn't kick it. Joe has pictures of a giant show print on the car and wins it all. 
Paul Nicinski vs. Laura Schriner - ex-girlfriend for $5,000 - vacation & eviction/Counter for $500 - rent. They met at a 3 minute dating party. He remodeled her kitchen in exchange for a trip to Hawaii. She says he only paid for a third of the repairs. He says he paid it all. She says the deal was for a weekend trip to no specific place. He wins $500 for illegal eviction. 
Joshua Ritz vs. David Grant - friend for $1,340 - rent. Josh says he stayed at his place for 3 months without paying. David Leon is Josh's witness who back him up. David says he harassed him to pay and that he would when he has the money. Josh wins it all.
6125 4/21/05 Tim Smith vs. Lisa Alvin - ex-girlfriend for $5,000 - unpaid work/Counter $1,000. He says that his relationship with a client became personal and he got addicted to crystal meth and she kicked him out. She owes him money for work, however she says he never completed the job and has been harassing her. She admits on tape to owing her money so he wins it all. 
Carol & Michael Smith (18) vs. Stephanie & Jack Grieve - niece for $594 - car damage. He let her use his car and she backed into his car in the driveway. She has DWIs and child endangerment charges. They say he's a liar, but he wins it all. 
Monecho McMillion (21) vs. Terry Smith (19) - ex-boyfriend for $2,500 - unpaid rent, bills & pain/Counter $3,550 - car repair. he hit her and went to jail. He wants the money since he lost his job. She wins $1,289.67. 
Twila Perna vs. Thomas Erkstrum - landlord for $721 - deposit/Counter for $805 - unpaid rent. She says he kept her deposit. He says she didn't return the keys. Keith Morley is her witness. Sandy Davis is his witness. She wins $250.
6126 4/22/05 Stephanie Whitfield (21) vs. Molly Trueblood (19) - Friend for $1,151 - rent & damages/Counter for $178 - moving expenses & electric. They were high school friends who became roommates. She moved in and owes half the rent and damages. Christine Trueblood is Molly's witness. Steph wins $695.93. 
Jimmy Baleja vs. Barbara Baela - Wife for $3,600 - possessions/Counter for $3,000 - harassment plus pain & suffering. She says he beats her and he has a court order to get his stuff, but she moved it out. Donald Zub is his witness to the property he didn't get. Barb's daughter Joanne Schulz is thrown out and both win $3,000. 
James & Carol Dugan vs. James Tomaiko - Softball coach for $435 - being kicked off the team/Counter for $635 - their fees. James wants money for training and because they left early. Ohio Pride wants their money back and wanted to go to the nationals, but he interfered and took his daughter Jenna to another team. Both cases are dismissed. 
La Shunda Bolden vs. James Kevin Simpson - Ex-fiancé for $2,704 - loan/Counter for $5,000 - ring. He broke off their engagement because the relationship got violent. She says he didn't pay the loan because she got pregnant by another man 2 months late. He wanted the ring back before he would pay. He wins $2,296.
6127 4/25/05 Nichole Dahlstrom vs. Michael Kennedy - Ex-boyfriend for $2,051 - rent & loans. He says they were using each other and she went on tour with KoRn as a massage therapist. He says she only loaned him $550 and made him sign an agreement that he owed $1,455. She wins it all. 
Britney Silva (16) vs. Ray Adams - Childs' grandfather for $295 - car repairs /Counter for $480 - car. She bought a car from him for $700 and after 2 weeks it broke down. He said it had a butt print on the trunk from her cheating so he wouldn't pay her. Anthony Mattson is her father and witness for Ray. He pays no child support and Mathis yells at him so she wins in all. 
James Queen vs. Breezy Overlin - Grandson's wife for $1,800 - damaged property/Counter for $2,223 - repairs. He rented a house to his grandson who had a Halloween party and trashed the place by spray painting the walls. Valerie Walker is his witness to the damage. She says he is bitter and kicked them out to give it to his other grandson. They repaired all the doors and cleaned the rugs because of pets, changed the locks, fixed the windows and painted. Lori Williams is her witness. He wins $398. 
Kim Samuels vs. Theron Wiggins - Former lover for $447 - loan/Counter for $500 - defamation. They used each other for sex. She got rid of him because BOB treats her better. Mathis asks who BOB is? She says Battery Operated Boyfriend. He worked for his ex-girlfriend to pay off the loan. He is a PI and suing for defamation of character which he can't prove. She wins $380.
6128 4/26/05 Jennifer Avina vs. Brenda Wigginton - Mom for $5,000 - put bill in her name/Counter for $3,000 - not letting her see her grandkids. Brenda was an addict and married 5 times. Brenda says she got off drugs 14 years ago and Jen mistreated her kids, the father spanked the kids when they were 6 months old and abused them. Johnny Avina Jr. is the husband and Jen's witness. Ralph Campa is Brenda's boyfriend who also says they are abusive. John went to jail for hitting her with a hammer. She can't prove any of this so her case is tossed out. Jen wins $1,340. 
Deanna Miller vs. Thomas Tinsley - Ex-boyfriend for $4,383 - stove & a sofa/Counter for $1,115 - car damage. She bought $2,000 in materials to remodel his place and did all the work, then left him 2 months later. She bought him a stove and a sofa he was supposed to pay for. She also moved in 4 snakes and 45 hamsters. He admits he owes her for the sofa, but paid the rest in cash. Tina Mitchell is her sister who also helped him. He says Deanna left him out of the blue and took his stuff. Deanna wins $1,198.90. 
Susan Bennett vs. Shelly Simmons - Daycare Client for $1,000 - defamation & harassment/Counter for $1,000 - pain & suffering. She took care of Shelly's son Nathan for 3 weeks and he suddenly flipped out. Shelly says Susan threatened him with a belt and spatula. She didn't pay her contract, called the cops on her, she was investigated and lost her business. She can't prove Shelly called the police and her husband admits threatening her. Shelly lost wages and time, but has no proof. Susan wins $12. 
Jason Malik vs. Todd Sipf - Former friend for $946 - computer. Todd is gay and propositioned Jay who is straight. He loaned him $300 to finance a computer. Todd says he bought him a new computer without asking him if he wanted one. He would only pay $150 for an old one. Jason wins it all.
6129 4/27/05 Randall Rolfs vs. Laurie & Charles Maddox - Ex-lover for $3,553 - damaged property & loans/Counter for $5,000 - pain & suffering & harassment. He had an affair with a married woman and left $700 worth of tools at her house and her husband Charles smashed them. She also got $1,620 worth of tickets in his car and put the life insurance in her name, but they were only together 2 months. She says his dog trashed her blinds, door, rugs and hope chest. Charles says he's a homewrecker. Both win $750. 
Brenda & London Everett vs. Darla Garver & Charman Wheeler - Neighbor for $5,000 - dog attack & medical expenses. She went to Darla's house to pick up a cell phone charger and her pitbull attacked her. Her daughter Ashley Anderson was there. She threw her show at the dog to chase it away, but it came back and bit through her foot. She wins $5,000. 
Patty Rupp & Ilmars Klavins vs. Rebecca Garza - Brother's ex for $1,374 - loans/Counter for $700. She loaned Rebecca money for bills, $338 for bad credit, groceries, $711 in checks and 5 bills. Becky sold her kids DVDs to buy a truck and spent $188 on school clothes. Becky was her brother shared everything. The brother says he had to separate the bills. Becky says Patty harassed her at work for the money by calling every day. Patty wins all the money. 
Robert Castillo Jr. vs. James Hughes - Former friend for $1,500 - ruined bike. He shows a stunt tape he made. He traded the bike and $500 for James' truck, but he test drove it and crashed it. James took his truck back and lied it was a 1997 model, but really was a 1992. James says it was an even trade. Rob wins $1,500.
6130 4/28/05 Lori Wooge (24) vs. Alisha Bartoli (23) - Former friend for $5,000 - loan for implants/Counter for $5,000 - lies & rumors. Both are strippers and Alisha needed implants for her job. She stopped paying her back when she got crazy. Alisha broke the lease months early because Lori was using her ID for medical fraud. She told strangers Alisha robbed her house. Heath Montanio is Alisha's witness who her it too. Loris admits it and wins $3,800.
Robert Cruise vs. Michael Henderson - Former employee for $4,000 - unpaid wages/Counter for $5,000. He was paid to serve a subpoena to Colin Farrell. The woman suing him, Desiree Bradford couldn't show up so he brings in her sex book to show Mathis. He was supposed to get $3,000 for serving him at the studio filming Miami Vice. Mike says the money wasn't for the subpoena it was for a bonus if he got a paparazzi photo. Rob wins $3,000.
Nicholas Salas vs. Diana Deleon - Ex-girlfriend for $2,500/Counter for $600 - harassment. He saw her in a car with her eeex-boyfriend and stopped them. She says she was drunk and used his credit card to buy stuff for her ex. She claims Nick always came home drunk and beat her. A witness saw him beat her and Nick's witness says she signed a promissory note to pay him $1,500. He denies beating or harassing her  and wins $1,350.
Misty Garcia vs. Jesse Brightwell - Former friend for $1,275 - damage to house. She went on vacation and Jesse had a party. She left her babysitter in charge and told her not to let him him, but he was there before. Amber Hegwald was their live in babysitter. She let him in and he had the party. She wanted them to leave and had to clean it up. Jesse says he was dating Amber and she threw the party. He broke a window, the plumbing was all clogged. Dustin McGeeghan is his witness who says Amber invited them all over. Amber is at fault, not Jesse so Misty only wins $113 for the window.
6131 4/29/05 Neff Ayers vs. Omar Lincoln - suing his gay lover for $2004/Counter for $855 - shoes. 
Suzette Harris vs. Elizabeth Smith - the destroying dominatrix wins $5,000
Michelle Aguirre vs. James Williams -
Shawnna Killings vs. Makisha Miller - The plaintiff sues a friend after co-signing a lease, then getting stuck for unpaid rent and damages, and the defendant says she had to leave when her husband nearly beat her to death.
6132 5/2/05 Montrey Jackson (30) vs. Angela Hemphill (18) - husband's former mistress for $1,150 - damage to her truck/Counter for $386 - She says Angela threatened her and vandalized her truck. 
Lorinda Perkins & Chelsea Begnoche (17) vs. Perry Kiggans (20) & Heidi Begnoche (23) - Loan for $300/Counter for $300. She says he won't pay the loan because he went to jail because of her. 
Katarzyna Augusyn vs. Mark Kulaga - ex-boyfriend for $2,957 - cosigning on a motorcycle. She wins it all. 
Joe Scott vs. Antoinette Freeman (17) & Toni Williams-Freeman - his student for $445 - damage to car/Counter for $400 - harassment. She was crossing the street when she kicked his car. He has evidence of the damage, but she denies it. He wins.
6133 5/3/05 Dean Goodspeed vs. Tina Goodspeed - ex-wife for $5,000 - loans & furniture. She ran off with a male stripper after 15 years of marriage. He loaned her $1,800 and bought her furniture. She says he was obsessed with her and gave her another $800. Henry Johnson is her witness. He wins $2,600. 
Jason & Jeff Schultz vs. Edin Mehurovic (20) & Robert Esquivel - $2,500 for property damage, medical bills, pain & suffering/Counter - $1,288. He came to pick up the couple and fought them. They went in, they fought and Jeff head butted him. Jason & Jeff win $2,500. 
Tiffany Canady vs. Eddie Collins - ex-boyfriend for $1,189 - credit card bills. He says it was all gifts. She said he choked her and she passed out. He denies it, but was found guilty in court. Casey Johnson is her witness. Jeffrey Dallas is his army buddy & witness. She wins it all. 
Leah Petitto vs. Ashley Jones - friend for $4,428 - car damage. She borrowed her car, skidded on the ice and crashed it into a ditch. Nicole Fende is Leah's witness. She wins $2,000.
6134 5/4/05 Amber Casserilla (22) vs. Philip Gray - photographer for $575. She is a model with a website. She says he contacted her as an agent and a photographer. He wanted pornographic pictures and she and her friend weren't interested. She was supposed to get $50 an hour from him to take pictures. He was a pervert because he took pictures while she was changing without her knowledge. He says she is mad because she wasn't able to make money from the pictures. She was angry in the pictures, but she says he told her to be. There are nude pictures of her posing, even though she said there weren't. He says the contract only states she gets paid if the pictures were sold. Her witness Amanda Wuerstle said they could make money from porno, could even blur out their faces. She shows an email where he agreed to set up payment for her. She wins $575.
Eduardo Gonzalez (23) vs. Casandra Solano (26)
- Ex-fiancé for $4,676 - for unpaid loan & cell phone bills. Counter $2,703 for 2 engagement rings. A friend told him she had a hickey on her neck. He confronted her about it and she wouldn't talk and hit him. She says he hit in the stomach at her job, but never called the police. She couldn't call because he chased her and never stopped. Her ex-husband abused her and she laughs about it. He tried to help her because she was crying about the car payment. He loaned her $1,430 for it, he got the money from his dad. She says the father gave her the check and she is paying him back. The check has her name on it, not his. He gave her a phone and agreed to pay it after they broke up. He has a $2,700 bill for it. She says he changed the plan after they broke up without telling her and screwed her. He denies it and brings in the bills. She promised to pay the bills, but hasn't. He paid for the engagement rings. She gave him the ring as a gift, but he had to pay for it. He paid over $500 on them. She says she bought the ring for herself, then gave it to him and she is the one who proposed to him and he wanted the rings. He could have the rings and she wouldn't pay the cell phone bell, so it's even. They both were food servers and he was possessive and wouldn't let her talk to men at the job. Mathis says they have a ring, he can marry them if they want. They decline. She wins $1,423 because he lied about the phone and he kept the rings.
Patrick Doornbos & Hope (14) vs. Kevin Conley (20)
- Suing man for $2,130 for bills from an illegal tongue piercing. He says her tongue got infected. She was at a friends house and she wanted her tongue pierced and Kevin was there and did it. He says she had her tongue half pierced at the party, she asked for help so her pushed it down. Pat says he could've killed her. She was home alone and is allowed to go out as long as she comes home before 9pm. He didn't know where she was, didn't have to tell him where she went, could take care of herself. Mathis says Kevin is the least responsible, the girl is to blame for going to a party. Case is dismissed.
Ayesha Brown vs. Martese Cotton
- Ex-boyfriend for $4,950 - unpaid bills. Counter for $500 for a vacation. They dated for 3 years and she didn't go to college because of him. They were supposed to get married. He denies holding her back. She got a credit card for him when she was 18, didn't talk to her parents about any of this. She had him sign a note to pay it back. He says she didn't have money for him, guys said she looked like Ashanti, she was with multiple guys. She says he cheated, had a kid with another woman and she went to his house and caught him with a woman. Chad Brooks is his witness who says their relationship was rocky and he saw her out with 2 other guys. He says all the bills aren't his and he is paying the minimum balance every month. The contract says he agreed to pay all the bills in full. They went on a trip and she was supposed to pay $500. She says they only went to Chicago. He keeps talking to Ayesha and ignores the judge so his case is dismissed. She wins $3,000 because he admitted to that much.
6135 5/5/05 Ashley Landrum (19) & Jessica vs. Constance & Almeda Gillum (22) - Roommate for $2,094/Counter - $1,500 pain & suffering. Ashley says she was eating cereal and Almeda says it was her bowl and punched her in the face and broke her glasses. She threw mugs at her and Almeda looks and acts crazy in the court. Ashley wins $1,700. 
Dorothea & James Cross vs. Joe Cross - ex-partner for $4,991 - loan/Counter for $5,000 - loss of business. She let him borrow money. He says she took money of the business account and left. Mom wins $500. 
David Wright (Smooth Operator Justin Dream) vs. John Potok (The Champ) - friend for $900/counter -for $5,00 - property damage. They are both wrestlers. Joseph Potok is John's witness. David wins 9 days pay at $100 a day. 
Jeannie Leconte vs. Scott Wagner
- ex-boyfriend for $1,455 - car damage & phone bill. He crashed into something causing $855 in damage. She paid the security deposit, but didn't move in. He had a DWI so she shouldn't have let him drive. Jaime Stockwell is his witness. She wins $830.
6136 5/6/05 Exes in Court 
Donya Quinn vs. Michael Smith
- Ex-boyfriend for $1,330 - unpaid cell phone bills. They broke up, then got back together. He found out she was married, had no idea. He says she gave him the phone to check on him. She says he owes 3 months of bills. He gave it back July 4th and they fight about it. She wins $1,089. 
Cassandra Ruggiero (21) vs. Brian Warren (27) - Ex-boyfriend for $410 - loan/Counter for $170 - shoes. She's a stripper, paid for drinks, loaned him $250 then $50. He says it was just a sexual relationship and she came over and stole 3 pairs of his shoes. She admits stealing the shoes. He wrote her a check and it bounced. She wins $202. 
Michael Vasquez vs. Margaret Niemeyer - Ex-girlfriend for $4,500 - moving expenses & property/Counter for $5,000 - harassment & slander. She says he beat his mom and broke her fingers, then attacked her daughter. He was beat, went to the police because she evicted him illegally. He couldn't get his stuff out of the garage. She admits it and says he called her job, stole her mail and told her friends at the post officer she was selling drugs. He wins $2,488.
Erik Szymanski vs. Luke Van Rodyen - Ex-lover for $784 - DJ equipment & loan/Counter for $2,000 - unpaid rent. Erik cheated on him, loaned him equipment and $100. Luke tried to teach him how to DJ and he said keep it. Erik's witness is Dean Brandt. Luke says he let him stay rent free. Both cases are dismissed.
6137 5/9/05 Micah Beshada (20) vs. Ashlee Lawal (19)
Former friend for $554 - hitting her with her car. They went to a party, drank vodka, then went to a bar and she backed out into her. Micah's witness Andrew Martin wasn't there. Ash admits to hitting her, but doesn't think she should pay it all. Micah wins it all. 
Catherine Manchester (19) vs. Jeffrey Pecore (19)
Ex-fiancé  for $1,500 - withholding property/Counter for $608 - engagement ring. She picked out a $700 ring, but he bought one at Wal*Mart for $108. He was supposed to make payments on it, but bought crack with the money. He denies it. She moved out and won't give his stuff back. He says she kicked him in the groin after he pushed her. She threw the ring away so Jeff wins $108. 
James Bailey Jr. vs. Birungi Ingram
Tennant for $3,121 - rent & utilities/ Counter for $1,120 - property. She went to jail for assaulting her husband. She says James wanted sex, but she didn't like him and likes Judge Mathis. He evicted her, but she had no lease. He wants 2 months rent and water bills. He wins $731.33. After she hugs Mathis and hits on Doyle. 
Kristen White (21) vs. Chris & Amanda Odom (23)
Ex-fiancé  for $1,561 - unpaid bills/Counter for $750 - harassment. She moved in with him and were engaged, but found out he was engaged to 3 other women so she left him. A month later he was married and had the cable bill in her name and didn't pay it. He also has credit card bills, 3 Tom Hanks DVDs and cologne of hers. He says he doesn't have it and she harassed him and his wife Amanda Odom by emailing and calling. Kristen wins it all.
6138 5/10/05 Jennifer Dick (21) vs. James Zoldak (29) - Ex-fiancé for $1,373 - bills & car damage/Counter for $1,200 - rent. She moved in with him after a month and she asked him to marry her. He used her credit card and damaged her car. James says she was immature. She also got a vacation voucher from buying a ring he took and she hit the house with the car. They did things for each other and he wants the rent money. She left and paid the last months rent. He wins $1,200.
Jennifer Schmitz (19) vs. Jessica Riley (22) - Roommate for $600 - security deposit/Counter for $841 - unpaid rent. Her dogs ate her stuff so she got a new roommate and moved Jess's stuff out. Rob, then Dan moved in so she moved out and wants half the security. Jess says Jen is a spoiled rich girl. Jen says Jess introduced her to pot. Jess says Jen moved out without notice. $600 went toward rent, but she signed a paper saying otherwise. Jennifer La Masse is Jen's new roommate who backs her up. Jen wins $600. 
Rebecca Sacco vs. Manny Reese & Jessica Gissa - Former friend for $500 - ring payment. She put the ring he was buying in her name and he was making payments until he lost his job. She wins $500. 
Lance McNack & Kelly Goldberry vs. Travis Grant - Roommate for $4,000 - car repairs, unpaid rent & bills/Counter for $1,500. Lance says he lived with him for 6 months rent free because he lost his job and had nowhere to go. Travis took their car and wrecked it on the south side of Chicago. He was a bad judge of character and Travis took off and he never saw him again. Travis said he was stabbed and tried to escape, but crashed the car, went off a cliff and was in the hospital. He never called the police and has no hospital report. Lance wins $4,000.
6139 5/11/05 Cynthia & Kristy Cichos (17) vs. Marc Jenswold (19) - Daughter's ex for $1,919 - stolen money/Counter for $1,000 - harassment. Diane attacked her at a party, forced her to sign a check and was convicted of forgery. Mom says they ripped her off by stealing he ATM card. Marc denies stealing the money claiming Kristy took it all, then he admits he used the card twice. Mom gave him money so he wouldn't beat her daughter. He says Cynthia stalked him and called in the middle of the night. His witness Diane Jenswold confirms this. Cynthia wins it all.
Sarah O’Bradovich vs. Landon Hedges - Ex-boyfriend for $774 - property damage. They were together 2 years, he drank all the time and was a bartender. He cheated, they fought about it and he punched her. He denies is saying she hit him with keys and kicked him in the balls. he damaged her wall and didn't pay it yet. He also scratched the inside of her car and loaned him $100 to pay for her birthday present. He admits to the loan, but says he let her ring up a $150 bar tab as a gift. Joshua Hendrickson is his witness and says she beat him. She says she bought a dog and he was supposed to split the $500 dog bills. She wins $740. 
Carl Pannell vs. Kenneth Smith Jr. - Former friend for $2,278 - medical bills. They fought over a spades card game because Ken was cheating. Carl caught him, cursed him out, slapped him and they wrestled and Carl's shoulder got dislocated when they fell. Ken says he cheated as a joke, but Carl flipped out. Carl has his bills and wins it all. 
Anna Henrichsen (20) vs. Michael Greeno (23) - Ex-fiancé for $740 - credit card bills/Counter for $740 - harassment. She says he stalked her and stole her bike. They got engaged when he was in jail and he sent his sister Andrea Greeno to break up with her for him. He says she threatened to get pregnant and he didn't want a kid. She got him a credit card and he didn't pay the bill. He says she stalked him after they broke up by following him and coming to his house all the time and stole his bike as ransom. She denies it and wins $300.
6140 5/12/05 Jennifer Gilmore (20) vs. James Northrup (20) - Ex-boyfriend for $860 - gym fees/Counter for $2,000 - harassment. They dated 2 years, he went to jail, then they got back together. They fought outside his house and she scratched and bit him. He was supposed to pay $120 in gym fees and his friend needed a car, so she sold it to him for $500. He has paperwork saying it was a gift. She cries and the police report says she attacked him and stole the watch she bought for him. Lisa Marchinda is her witness who says he stabbed a guy and he mouths off. She wins $120. 
Lois Habersham (48) vs. Sandra Steele (64) - Roommate for $5,000 - stolen property/Counter for $2,133 - stolen property & damage. She moved in Veronica and Sandra hated her. She called the cops on Sandra for beating her. Veronica Krauts says Sandra pushed her, broke her tailbone and now she's in a wheelchair. Sandra changed the locks and left for 4 days. She kicked the door in and Lois fought with Michelle and went to jail and they took her stuff. She never got anything. Then she says she got the bed, didn't get it, then got it. Both cases are dismissed.
John Fraczek & Son vs. Dan & Daniel Welch (16) - Suing friends for $1,639 - stereo. Their house was egged by Dan, the police arrested him, but he didn't apologize. Dan says they were just hitting random houses. It's the sixth time they've taken him to court for taking the stereo. He was going to pay $500, but didn't. Now it's on his record, but he still has to pay. John wins $1,639. 
Donna Miller & Tiara Johnson (23) vs. Willie Johnson - Ex-brother-in-law for $169 - bounced check. He wrote a check for his daughter's birthday for $50 that bounced. Donna gave her the $50 and the fees were $72. He hung up on her when she called him. Diana Trace is his witness who says they screwed up. Donna wins $72 and counseling.
6141 5/13/05 Desmond Hill vs. Alice Patton - Ex-fiancé for $1,100 - engagement ring/Counter for $1,060. He starts out kisses Mathis' butt. After dating 2 weeks he proposed and she accepted. She locked him in the bedroom and nearly broke his back. She was already married and he had a fiancé. He took $60 from her account. Steffani Conrad is her witness who says he harassed her and left messages trying to get her back. He wins $433. 
Wanda Benley vs. Linda Pilon - Former friend for $5,000 - false arrest & legal bills/Counter for $4,714 - medical bills. She threw a check on the ground and she attacked her. Linda says she is a drunk who attacked her over $125, borrowed $600 from her, gave her $250 and she came over for $400. They already went to trial for this and it was thrown out. Wanda hit her through the door, was arrested and broke her arm. Wanda won and wants her lawyer fees, but it isn't malicious just because she won. Both cases are thrown out. 
Roxann Thompson vs. George McGhee - Ex-husband for $5,000 - he broke her leg and held her hostage/Counter for $5,000 - unpaid bills. He fixed her place and she says he trashed it. They got divorced, she got a restraining order and they got back together 2 years later and he broke her leg. George says she broke 3 pairs of his glasses. She broke her hip and it came out. She was on the floor in a heap and he wouldn't call 911 and locked her in the house. She had to call a locksmith to get her out, but never called the police. They lived together a year and she didn't split the bills. She plays a tape of him admitting it. Both cases are thrown out. 
Michael Holmes vs. Zikomo King - Former friend for $125 - breaking his lock/Counter for $125 - harassment. Zikomo was drunk, came over and smashed his door knob with a hammer and broke his lock. They kept his $99 security and charged him $25 in court costs. Zikomo lived upstairs and he came over to hang out. Mike said to get lost or he'd shoot him, so he ran upstairs, grabbed a hammer and ran back down to break the lock so he couldn't get him. Mathis says he was so in fear of his life that he went back to the exact spot where he was threatened with bodily injury? Zikomo admits he was drunk. Mike wins $125.
6142 5/16/05 Rachel Becker vs. Matt Cholewa - Ex-boyfriend for $3,000 - telling her mom she had STDs/Counter for $2,000 - harassment. He threw her down and they wrestled on the lawn. He's a midget who says she was cheating on him. He kept calling her to find out what she was doing. He owes her $800 for a car and she paid for a trip to Florida on her credit card. He said she would pay for the rental car, but he couldn't drive it. He paid for the condo. Melinda Becker is her mom who offers no help. He says she harassed his friends and they don't like him now. He told her mom she had STDs so she wins $2,000. 
Latoya Roberson (20) vs. Kevin Harris (24) - Friend for $3,000 - hospital bills/Counter for $3,000 - licking his boyfriends ear. He hit her thinking she was a man. The bouncers pulled him off and threw him out of the club. He agreed to pay her medical bills instead of going to jail. Shelby Arnold is her mom who was witness to their contract. Shari is his witness to the licking. He wants the money for pain & suffering and says she had no injuries. She has pictures of her wounds and wins $1,520. 
Jonathan Lee vs. Don Delgado - Ex-girlfriend's father for $2,150 - loan/ Counter - $2,150 - stalking & harassment. He dated Don's daughter 3 or 4 times and dumped her when she wouldn't be intimate. He loaned him $1,200 for rent & bills, $400 for moving expenses and another $350 for bills. Don admits to living with his daughter and borrowing $2,100, but he works for room and board, not money. He has none. Don says Jon harassed him for money by calling his job every month. Jon wins $1,600. 
Mary Kilburn vs. Alan Kessler - Employment recruiter for $3,500 - breach of contract/Counter for $5,000 - defamation & lost wages. She says Alan told her to show more leg and cleavage during interviews to get a job. He said says she was frumpy then. She still signed the contract after that and paid him $3,500 and got no interviews in a month. He says there is no guarantee. Elizabeth Carpenter formerly Ryan says she went to Allan's officer and got nothing. Roger Miller is from Alan's office and says everyone signs a form stating no guarantees. There are no forms and Alan says Mary stole them. She wins $3,500.
6143 5/17/05 Ryan Malanoski vs. Crystal Berkemeier - Ex-girlfriend for $844 - filing a false restraining order. Counter for $5,000 - pain & suffering. She was married, they had an affair, then he dated her cousin. She got mad and went to Ryan's house and had threesome with another girl in Indiana. She said he taped them without her permission and wants the tape back. He showed it to her cousin and friends in October 2004. He says they came to him to tape them. There was another guy there. He says they all wanted to be taped and he knows why. He says no one wanted the tape since it only went 15 seconds and the battery died. Mathis says the whole thing doesn't make sense and he is lying. She says she has two kids and couldn't take off from work. When questioned she laughs and acts goofy so Mathis dismisses both cases.
Christine Mullins vs. Trudi Taylor - Fiancé's ex-girlfriends for $83. Christine says she changes her men every 3 weeks. She kicked out her boyfriend 3 years ago and Chris dated him and she has her kids because the boyfriend won custody. She brings in a tape of Trudi's house to show it's a disaster. Trudi says she couldn't afford the kids and he didn't pay child support. She gave the kids up because it was best. Trudi says Christine is a crack addict and left her kids alone for 24 hours. Trudi's daughter had a fundraiser and they ordered items and didn't get them all. The items were only $37. She wants the rest in court costs. She won't get those. Trudi admits to owing $28.50. Sue Lauck is the fiancé's sister. She also ordered items she didn't get. Terry Briggs is Trudi's boyfriend. He says Trudi is a good mother. A shouting match ensues between all 4 people. Mathis says she did the right thing by giving up the kids since she was sick and he gives Christine $40 out of his own pocket. Outside they almost fist fight.
Dante Craig vs. Mounet Newton - Ex-fiancé for $4,457 - furniture. He says she was a stripper when they met and he didn't mind. They had 2 kids and she still stripped. She says he already had another woman pregnant. The other woman watched the kids while she stripped. He says they got evicted twice and moved in friends that were ex-cons. He says he was the only one working while she moved her family in. He furnished the whole house with his money in 2003. They broke up because she disrespected him and kicked him out on his son's birthday. She says it isn't true, but isn't sure when his birthday is the 15th or 25th of July. She says he never came for the furniture. He's in another court for child support. She said they were to split the furniture. Later he said he didn't want it because two fat lesbians had sex on the couch. He brings in a video of them arguing about the furniture. Dante wins $3,457 for the furniture. Mathis wants them to behave better for the sake of their kids.
Philipp Tsipman vs. Kenneth Chase - Former candidate for $3,900 for not getting paid. Counter for $5,000 for lost income and theft. Phil worked as a campaign manager for Ken. He says he didn't pay him, was abusive and lied. Ken's treasures is his witness and backs him up. Phil says he didn't pay other, got violent, but didn't hit him. Ken says he only worked for him for a month and then ran away. Ken said he did hire him, gave him a chance, but when he brought in a consultant people he couldn't handle it. Phil didn't get enough funds or volunteers. He was a Republican with no money who lost against a 30 year incumbent. Phil says he wanted to take a 2x4 to his candidate. Ken denies the threats. He didn't pay him because he left. Three months later he called back to return items, but wouldn't give him back until he got the money. Phil says he ran another campaign and came in third. Ken says he wouldn't pay him since he did lousy. Phil wins $3,900.
6144 5/18/05 Rose Russo-Hoquist (42) vs. Matthew McCarthy (29) - Ex-boyfriend for $4,712 - property damage/pain & suffering. Counter for $4,700 - withholding his belongings. They met on Valentine's day 2004 and he moved in a month later after his mom kicked him out for stealing. Mathis says she doesn't know the man after a month. She plays a tape of him saying she's going down and he'll blow her up for the restraining order. After 5 months he was taking drugs, beating her, stealing from her and writing bad checks. He talks fast and doesn't want to answer the questions and sounds like a dope addict. He says she left the checks for an emergency when she went away. He was investigated and cleared. Mathis tells her to be quiet because she was a fool to let him move in for a month. She has police reports, but didn't file charges. She loved him, was afraid of him, still hasn't filed charges, just wanted him out. He says it's all a lie, it is all because he left her. She has a portfolio of photos for damage. Mathis says this isn't a pity party, she hardly knew him. She has a 6 year old too. He admits to breaking a window, but he paid for it. Micah Dore II is his witness. He admits to using marijuana, but says it's medicinal for his migraines with a prescription. Mathis says the migraines are because of the dope. Rose's daughter Kiley says he is on meth. Matt says she has his stuff and was arrested for it. Rose says they delivered all his stuff to his house. He wrote a list, says his dad wrote it. He loses. She wins all.
Brooke Stevenson vs. Kristina Post
- Former roommate for $1,193 - unpaid rent, utilities and stolen goods. She let her move in to help her. Turned out she was a drug addict. They found a crack pipe and baggies in her room. She says her boyfriend broke into her room and admits to being a crackhead, but has gotten help. Brooke says she's still an addict, with a drug dealer boyfriend. She denies it. Brooke wanted her moved out because of the drugs, says she moved her in to rescue her, but wasn't responsible for her, so wouldn't get her into rehab. She says she moved out 12/31. All her stuff is there and she hasn't come to get it. There are crack pipes there, so she wants her to bring a cop with her to get them. She is afraid to that because she doesn't want to get in trouble. She damaged her stove, stole money, left her things there. She admits running away and was afraid. Mathis says just because she is in recovery now, doesn't excuse all she did before. She has to go to outpatient care for six months and pay for everything.
Margaret Williams vs. Duval Thomas - Ex-husband for $4,000 - wrote a bad check for his son's funeral. They've been together since she was 15. She got pregnant, but he left when the son was 2. He was killed in a drive-by at age 23. Duval didn't pay child support until the kid was 15. He says she didn't file for child support and was in rehab. He never saw his son from age 7-14, says they moved away and he couldn't afford to see him. Mathis says the majority of kids with problems have no father. She wanted help for the funeral and his new wife kept jumping in just like she's doing in court. She said the check was $2000. He agreed to pay half of the total costs which was close to $10,000. Duval says he didn't write the check, his wife Teresa Thomas wrote the check without his knowledge. He stopped payment on the check after he found out. Teresa laughs at the witness and Mathis kicks her out. Tina Brown is Marg's sister who says he complained about being the pallbearer. He complained about the funeral because the sister took over. They fight so hard and Mathis breaks down and cries. He didn't want to do this, but says the son would be alive today if he had been a part of his life. They win $2000.
Matthew Kirichkow vs. Steven Elisius - Friend for $499 - boat engine. Counter for $5,000 for negligence. He let Steve borrow his boat. He found out he had bad karma - burned his house down, burned his yard up, crashed a lawnmower. He was by the dam in the boat and got sucked into the dam. Jeremy Elisius is the son and he has a big patch on his face from getting hurt at work. Mathis says he must be cursed and wants him out of there. He then hears a big thump and is worried. Steve admits being at the dam and the motor gave out, he tried to paddle, the boat got sucked in and threw him out of the boat. He was fighting and went through the dam as the boat flew out of the water. The boat had a big dent, his hand was smashed. Matt says he knew how to operate the motor. He told him only to choke the motor once, not twice. Steve admits to doing that, but he didn't tell him. Steve says his son repaired the boat. He is suing for motor, but Steve says it's 45 years old. Steve says he paid $167 for equipment Matt lost, he also lost $1,100 worth of fishing equipment. Steve wants pain and suffering for almost dying. Both cases were thrown out.
6145 5/19/05 Ashley Reilley (18) vs. Efrain Pantoja (22) - Ex-boyfriend for $2,410 - vandalized car + unpaid rent. Counter for $300 - property. They started dating when she was 15. She moved in with him when she was 16. She took care of the house, paid half the bills and they lived together for 2 years. On Valentine's day she prepared a romantic evening and went to pick him up and they fought. She drove away and he jumped in the car, ripped the headliner out, threw the keys out, kicked her door and bent it. She had to rig the car door with seatbelt to close it. He says she beat him, hit him with a 2x4, spit on him and put cigarettes out on him. They fought all the time. He says he needed a few minutes to get ready and she flipped out. Three days earlier he moved out and denies causing damage. She wants 1/4 of the rent $169 and a cellphone bill. Her witness Ashley Tillotson says he kicked the door out, so it didn't bend back. She has a cell phone in his name and the bill was $200, he says he paid her in cash. He wants his ring and medallion back. She brought it in to give to him. She wins $661. Afterwards he gives her the jewelry back.
Charles Murray vs. Julia Bocock
- Former friend for $1,000 - unpaid loan. He was working undercover as a volunteer to buy tickets in a lottery scam against old people that Julia was running. Nicole Waters is her daughter and says he's a crack addict who shot his gay lover and went to prison for 2 years and is a snitch. That's why he was undercover. He says she's a crackhead and went to prison. She denies it. He says he bought cocaine from her. He loaned her $850 in 2001 for rent. He says she's a snitch too. Mathis can't believe these old people are crack dealers. She says the detective involved in the case stole $80,000. He wants interest for the rest of the money. She says she was working for him cleaning his house to pay the loan and caught him doing crack and left. She says she worked off $300 worth and paid him $500 in cash. Mathis says they are all crazy and gives him the $850 to get rid of him.
Steve Polcyn vs. Henriette Lepp - Former housekeeper for $3,050 - stealing from him. Counter for $3,000 - defamation. He says she stole money from him for plastic surgery. They had $26,000 in his safe and it was gone. They were going to Vegas and didn't report it because he couldn't prove it and besides it was late. He still hasn't reported it. He won $18,000 in Vegas, put $15,000 in a sock, photocopied the dollars and it was gone. He called the police and she brought back $12,500. Even though she made $160 a month, she saved it up. She says it was her money and she brought it back to prove her innocence. He didn't have any serial numbers, but she left the money there by mistake because she was stupid and never went back to get it. Sherry Norrington is Hen's current employee vouching for her. She says she called the police, but has no report. Steve hired a PI to find her. He couldn't even track her down, though she was out all this money. She says there is a long distance block on her phone for 8 years, but no one knows why. Mathis says she is one of the worst liars he's ever had there. He wins all the money and hers is dismissed.
Michelle Gibson vs. Paul Hardges - Ex-roommate for $263 - repairs. Counter for $333 - electric bill. She knew him for 3 years, met at college. She says he was hitting on every freshman in the cafeteria. They lived together for 4 months with a third roommate. He says she partied 24/7 and he couldn't stand it. He's the king, she's the queen. King beats queen. She loaned him $200 to get his 87 Honda Civic fixed. He says he has a different woman every day. She walked around the house in a towel, she'd put his booty on him. He doesn't like that. She denies it. He hasn't gotten around to paying her yet. He says she played music all day and night and caused the bill to be high. She paid for 3 months. He brings in the final bill, but there's no monthly breakdown. They talk smack while Mathis is out. He wins $191.90, so she wins $8.10. After he says he's big and sexy and can't blame her for wanting him.
6146 5/20/05 Sophia Banks vs. Eric Miller & Shenika Bell
Ex-boyfriend for $2,065 - for damaging her car/Counter $2,180 - harassment plus pain & suffering. They were together 3 years and have a 4 year old. When she was in labor he went to McDonald’s. Her daughter says he beats his fiancé in front of her. All 3 of them start talking trash for a while. The fiancé has a high-pitched voice and keeps repeating herself. Eric gets loud and almost hits his woman. He says she denied his visitation for 6 months. She was going to drop her daughter off and they fought. He kicked her car door, then the other door. Security came out to stop him and he was arrested for it. He says he was arrested for a warrant and he barely kicked the car. She shows photos and Mathis says he couldn't have made dents that big with only his foot. He says he isn't a deadbeat and pays child support. He claims Sophia broke out Shenika's windows and didn't want her arrested. Sophia denies it. Eric keeps saying he pays child support. Mathis says that's because he has to, he's not doing anything special, it's his responsibility. He didn't seek custody, that's why he doesn't see her. Sophia wins $500. Outside they talk more trash.
Lisa Damon (24) vs. Michelle Parker (24)
Her twin sister for $3,574 - entertainment center & pain/Counter for $2,465 - harassment & pain. She says Michelle and her fiancé Jason came over to switch couples. Lisa says she didn't know about it and slept with her husband. Michelle denies it. Lisa says in high school Michelle would sleep with her boyfriends. Lisa left her husband and moved her entertainment center to Michelle's. She brought a cop with her to get it. Michelle says she owed her money so she kept it, Lisa's husband was abusive, they did drugs and the center is in her name since they didn't pay it off. Lisa says she paid it off. Michelle says they damaged her phones worth $200 and took a steam cleaner. She is still using one of the phones. The cleaner already had damage when she got it. Michelle used a credit card at Victoria Secret and didn't pay. Michelle says it was $150, Lisa says $90. Michelle says Lisa caused her to lose her job by Lisa calling her boss saying she did work on the side. She has no proof of that. Lisa wins $203. Afterwards Michelle cries that she wants nothing to do with her.
Amanda Brennan (21) vs. Richard Spalla (30)
Former friends for $2,360 - loans. He says she saw his band Stem and they had sex because she was a groupie. She denies that saying she felt sorry for him because his mom died. They just hung out and kissed. The band wasn't making money so she gave him $865 for an amp on 9/4/03. He was supposed to pay her back eventually. In the winter he had no heat, so she loaned him $300. The same month she lent him $1,623 for a laptop. He paid 7 months on that. He says he never agreed to pay for the amp. His phone broke and she just gave him one. She found out he was dating and got jealous. He paid $420 on the laptop. She wins $1,203 for the computer balance.
Kyle Warner (19) vs. Kaylee Moore (17)
Ex-girlfriend for $2,894 - computer/Counter for $1,000 - harassment & bills. She wanted to have a threesome, so he found a girl on the Internet, but she said no. She found the email and accused of him of cheating. She is keeping the computer since they only lived together 6 weeks. He moved out and said everything he left behind she could sell, give away or whatever. He changed his mind and came back. She denies the threesome claim, saying it is disgusting. After he came back she wanted him to leave. The next day he came back wanting his stuff and she said no. Days later she had him come with the police to get his stuff. He didn't get all his stuff and gave her the computer. He denies it. She says she owns everything he didn't take with him, he agreed to help her out, but had no set amount. He did pay. His witness Tananda Bramlett says she was going to move in with him and said he was planning on bringing the computer. She says he came over to her house 4 times and pounded on the door for a hour, but didn't tell him to stop because she is afraid of all men. He wins it all. 
6147 5/23/05 Jennifer Gay (32) vs. Matt Finney (24)
Ex-boyfriend for $2,200 - unpaid loan. They were together for a year, she has a 16 year old kid. He works construction and moved in with her. She gave him a loan because he's waiting for his income tax check. She came home from work and found a girl in the house in her underwear. Matt says she was a friend of his who he hadn't seen in a while. She spilled a drink on herself and he went upstairs to get sweatpants for the girl and Jen came hone. So they broke up and she won't forgive him no matter what. He wants her back. Mathis says to admit he made a mistake and maybe she'll take him back. She doesn't know though. Matt says the money was for their future, when they broke up it became a loan. He agreed to pay her $1,100 for his truck. Mathis says he must have read "Alibis for Dummies." She shows a letter he wrote admitting he would pay her back. She wins $2,200.
Tasha Fields vs. Shannon Kizer
Defendant for $1,000 - cleaning fees/Counter for $500. They met through her friend Dennis at a woman's only party for romance and sex toys. Shannon brings in a letter that says Tasha was there and had fun. Tasha says she cleaned her bathroom for $20 and never got paid. She also lent her 2 digital cameras that she never returned. Tasha's witness Dennis says the cameras were his. Shannon says they are harassing her, made up lies, have an open case in another court about this and her husband passed a lie detector test and won. Tasha says she is an RN and gave Shannon's kids drugs, but doesn't know what kind. Rick Kizer says something about a rodeo that is irrelevant. Dennis says he loaned her cameras for eBay, but doesn't know why. Shannon says she gave back the camera to the police in April because she only had one. Both cases are thrown out.
Sarah Byer (21) vs. Stephen Mirich (25)
Ex-boyfriend for $1,700 - loans/Counter for $1,500 - false charges & defamation. Mathis thinks he is high. She thought he was weird, when he took her to see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and harassed her friends. He threatened to kill her brother so she filed a restraining order. After 30 days it was dismissed, then they got back together and he moved in. He filed false tax claims so she loaned him $1,200 to pay it, but he never repayed her. He says all he wanted from her was sex. She wanted a kid and family. They broke up and she stalked him. He worked 5 hours a week and got $100 from the Blue Chip Casino - a lot of money. He then got a job at an Indiana State Prison for $50,000 a year - part time. Mathis asks how can a pretty boy like him work in a prison. He doesn't want to go there. He admits to kinda sorta paying her back. He wants money for false charges saying she harassed him, but a judge believed it and filed a restraining order. He couldn't have, she talk him back. He says it was a gift. She then plays a tape of him admitting it was a loan. She wins $1,200.
Andrew & Barbara Thurman vs. Kristopher Young (19)
Defendant for $5,000 - damaged car. Chris is her niece's ex-boyfriend. He was driving while high and hit someone. He took the car without their permission, picked up his step sister and was driving back, not paying attention and crashed into someone. Kris says the police report is false, he never swerved into oncoming traffic and wasn't high. The guy he hit flew out the window and his car flipped. The son wanted to fight Kris and his kid sister stopped him and said it wasn't his fault. He says it changed his life and he became religious. He says his girlfriend Melissa was left the car, their grandmother went to the hospital and he went to pick up the stepsister. The car was supposed to be fully insured, but not for him. He hit the people in the back and the police reports are all against him. They win $5,000. #6147. 5/23/05
6148 5/24/05 David Harper (35) vs. Ashina Hicks (20)
Ex-girlfriend for $4,272 - car & unpaid loans/Counter $3,000 - pain & suffering. They met when she was 17 and he was 33 when he tried to save her from a life of stripping. He found a picture of a guy and she said he was a cousin, but he found out it was a lie. She moved in and he let her drive his car, but she was responsible and abandoned it. She claims he beat her 5 times in front of his 4 year old daughter and she returned the car 8 months ago. He has pictures of damage to the car. She says a drunk driver hit it. He has a paper that is supposed to be an agreement to pay for the car. Alexander Harper is his father who fixed the car and says Ashina told him that her sister kicked it. Her sister Candice Beverly (22) says that wasn't true. Mathis says she should've listened to her parents about David. She starts crying, shows pictures her from the beating and a police report. This happened on 10/24 and he says he didn't hit her and ran to the police station and filed a report before she could. He says he has pins in his arm and can't hit anyone. She wins $54.
Christine Lill (22) vs. Rafael Frausto (29)
Ex-boyfriend for $3,000 - medical bills she paid/Counter for $3,000 - a dog plus pain & suffering. They dated for 3 years and he never took her out. They only went to his place because he was saving money for his future. She says she loved him, but can't explain why. She paid his medical bills and he was to pay her back. He says she paid the bills because she wanted to and he had insurance that covered some of them. She wanted something better so she left him. He says she is controlling, has a violent temper and threw stuff at him every day. He says they the money was pretty much a gift for the bills. Her mother Joanna Lill says Chris wrote him checks against her better judgment. She brings in a promissary note he signed which he claims she forced him to. He bought her a dog for $755 and she wouldn't take it back. She wins $2,396.60
Ben Giaccone (77) vs. Becky Munoz (48)
Son's mother-in-law for $600 - cell phone bill/Counter for $75 - overcharge. He got divorced and hooked up with her, they were like family. He says they dated, but she denies it. He says mentally he is 60 and she is a hot Puerto Rican from the ghetto. She denies it. He calls her Vicki by mistake. She worked near him so he said she could stay with him. He got a second phone for her and said it would only be $25, but the first bill was $125, then $118. She was supposed to pay it, but didn't. She admits moving in with him and staying on his couch. She paid him $125 and moved out a month later. She says the calls were on his phone. She wants $75 back for him over charging her on the bill. He says she never gave him anything. He agrees to give her $25, so he wins $400.
Robby Holman (28) vs. Wendy Whitten (38)
Ex-girlfriend for $3,019 - car loan/Counter for $445 - loan. They dated for 8 years and in 2000 he co-signed on a car loan. They broke up in 2003 because they were going nowhere. She says he dated his mothers' friend who is 45. Mary Poletti is the new girlfriend. They were still dating when he moved in with Mary. She was making payments, but fell behind. He says $1,771 is left on the loan. She wants the money she gave to him when he was in jail in 2002 for a third DWI. He says he never agreed to pay her back and she admits never trying to collect the money. He keeps trying to add up the total on the calculator. He wins $3,061.
6149 5/25/05 Julie Siwinski vs. Amy Harnew
Former friend for $500 - bail money/Counter for $500 - harassment. They were friends for 4-5 years, then Amy changed on her when she started hanging with the wrong crowd. Amy's grandfather died and she went to a bar and started drinking. Julie called Amy's best friend Natalie to come down to support her and she showed up for a fight. Jennifer Huesken is Amy's witness who went to look for trouble with Natalie. Amy says Julie is a drunk. Julie says Amy pukes on her mom. Julie and Natalie fought, Amy came outside to break it up and was arrested. Julie bailed her out and Amy refused to pay. Amy says they came after and won't pay because it wasn't her fault. It already went to trial, but Amy lost and is on probation now. Amy says Julie & Natalie came to her threatening to throw cinder blocks through her window. Julie wins $500.
Carl Piper vs. Melissa Centifonti
Former roommate for $3,100 - rental deposit & harassment/Counter for $5,000 - threats & theft. After 4 months they became roommates. He says she was obsessed with him and would walk around with her robe open, did yoga in front of him and come in from rollerblading all sweaty in tight shorts. She said she lived there too. He found notes she wrote about him in her room. The first time he brought a woman over she got weird, saying she had a crush on him. He said he found a feather on his bed that smelled like sex. She denies it. He then moved all his things into his room to avoid her. She never asked why and told him she was breaking the lease, he threatened him and had guns. He admits that. She says he threatened her life, called the cops, moved out, never went back and he stole her stuff. She wrote a letter saying she owed him $700. She says he took her antique vase, Sex in the City tapes and damaged her board games. She called the police, but refused to have him arrested. He says she moved everything out but the furniture. He wins $1,000.
Charity Elifritz vs. Jamie Kelly
Ex-fiancé for $2,435 - stolen money & medical bills. They dated for 5 1/2 years and got engaged twice. He denies it, but she produces a wedding license. He OD'ed on meth, went to hospital, her son was in the house and got them in trouble. He says he took drugs when he found out the kid wasn't his, thinking he was his for 9 months. They met at a rave and she is chemist now. She paid his hospital bills - $347 for medical and $927 in car payments. After they broke up he took $80 from her account. He says she is just bitter now and denies taking money. She shows bank statements and claims he opened an illegal account for the phone. He says it was the phone companies’ fault. She wins $629 for phone bill.
Curtsie Miller vs. Deidre Lott
Defendant for $2,500 - car damage/Counter for $2,000. Curstie says she was made threatening prank calls to her house. The phone company told her the address, so she went over there because she knew the mother. She says they called her by mistake and Curtsie didn't believe it and kept calling back. When Curtsie got there to resolve it Deidre yelled at her, her car got stuck and then people smashed it and threw paint on it. She got out of the car and ran. Deidre says she drove the car in her yard. Deidre’s witness Luvsharice Lott says she drove in the yard and tried to run them over, so she threw paint to defend herself. They had to pay the landlord $459 for cleaning and damage. Curtsie wins $1,472.
6150 5/26/05 Kathi Magnum & Lauren Magnum (17) vs. Joshua Hewett (18)
Daughter's former friend $2,776 - medical bills. Lauren says she pinched him for fun and he slapped her in the face. Later she wanted to get even and went to hit him back twice and hit him in the eye. He hit her again in the face, cut her lip and broke her teeth. She tries to claim it was self-defense. Josh says they were best friends and she wanted him. He already had an inflamed eye and she hit again. He admits they were at a restaurant and she always pinched him. He said to do it anymore and if she did he would wipe her makeup off because she was insecure so that's what he did. She hit him twice and he told her to stop. Then she hit him a third time and admits to blocking and hitting her. She wins $1,400. After he says she badmouthed him all around school.
Alex Madden vs. Cheris Dirr
Former friend for $2,655 - house keys & loan. They were good friends, but she was selfish. They both went to get tattoos and she got a love tattoo and Cheris got the word 'aggression'. They only knew each other for a year. Cheris says they only were friends because their boyfriends were friends, they weren't really friends. Lyndsey Minnix is Cheris' witness. Alex gave her a loan in 2003 of $3,000, but her story is all over the place. She was supposed to pay her what she could when she could and tried not pay attention to it. She then says she gave her $2,980, but she paid back only $500. Cheris says she gave her $960 because she needed $1,000 for financial aid and paid her back $400. She also has her house key because she let her dogs out. She took out a loan to give her the money. Cheris says Alex kept $2,000 and the money was supposed to be for school - books and stuff. The whole thing is sketchy, so Alex gets $1,000.
Felicia Pettway vs. Robert Johnson, Jr.
Former friend for $3,000 - party expenses & deposit. Counter for $1,000 for slander. He was a line dance teacher and they used to break a little (have sex) back in the day until he found out she was married. She denies it. Cynthia Woolfolk is her mom and says she never dated. They were going to have a 50th birthday for her mom and rented his hall. They gave him $995, but the police shut the party down. He says he offered to pay $1,500 to make up for it and throw a new party, but they didn't want him. They also decorated the place. He says they had the party afterwards at his house and they wanted him to pay for everything including clothes for the kids, decorations. He said he would give the deposit back and pay half the food, but that wasn't good enough. The whole thing was about him getting a party center. He was supposed to be the DJ at the party, but was in jail. Mathis says he is a con. They are in Cleveland and he lost business. They win $2,500.
Mark & Irene Ortega vs. Robert & Chastity Harding
Disc jockey client $300 - not being paid. He's been a DJ for 12 years and was hired for their wedding from 5-12pm. They had a consultation because she hired him and found out later that he wasn't good while at her friend Maria's wedding. They requested 6 songs and he only had 4. They show a tape of the wedding where he says he didn't have the songs during the wedding. They said they would do the songs. Mark says they took the list from him and the song titles were wrong or they would have them. Robert had to DJ when Mark disappeared. Mark says he played a Polka and Robert got mad and Rob was a former DJ and wanted to have fun and do it. Mark was paid $100, still owed $250. Mark says they took him outside and said they weren't going to pay him. Robert says he was rude an arrogant. Mark wins $200. #6150. 5/26/05

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