Linear First-Order Equations
Solving the Linear equation
Mixture Problems
RL Circuits

            Linear First-Order differential Equations

If a differential equation can be written in the form
then it is a linear first-order equation in standard form.

See Example 1 - 2, pages 499 - 500.

Solving the Linear Equation

The solution of the linear first-order differential equation written in
standard form is
In the formula for , any antiderivative of    will do.

See Examples 3 - 4, pages 501 - 502.
Example 4 is an initial value problem.

Mixture Problems

A chemical in a solution runs into a container holding the solution with a
given amount of the chemical dissolved in it as well. The mixture is kept
uniform by stirring and flows out of the container at a known rate. It is often
important to know the concentration of the chemical in the container at any
given time. The differential equation describing the process can be written as

Rate of change              rate at which              rate at which
of amount               =        chemical          -       chemical
in container                       arrives                      departs

If    is the amount of chemical in the container at time    and 
is the total volume of liquid in the container at time  ,  then the departure
rate of the chemical at time  is




Example 5, pages 503 - 505, shows the solution of the
linear first-order equation
    and    .

RL Circuits

The diagram shows an electrical circuit whose total resistance is a
constant    ohms and whose self-inductance, shown as a coil, is
a constant    henries. A switch at terminals    and    can be
closed to connect an electrical source of constant  volts.

Ohm's law,
needs modification for this circuit.
The modified form is
where   is the intensity of the current in amperes and    is the time
in seconds. Solving this equation, we can predict how the current will
flow after the switch is closed.

See Example 6, page 505.

          next      Euler's Method; Population Models