Arthur Curel
- Age: 26 (in Terran years)
- Occupation: trying to be an Ethnologist
- Former Occupations: recently finished his education
- Laran: no Comyn gift, but quite receptive to such
- Politics: He is against Terra's imperialism. He tries to help
minorities. Dislikes liberalism.
- Personality: friendly and quiet broad minded. But resent to
speak about my past life and my problems. Controversed and confusing for
whom try to understand him.
- Abilities: He can write French, a forgotten Terran language.
- Weaknesses: I can be very impulsive when I am irritated. I
like women too much...
- Combat training: Unarmed combat: poor
Armed combat: poor.
I'm against blasters. I prefer sidearms like the long sword. Looks
terrific when fighting.
- Horseback riding: that not that I fear horses, but I keep
clear of riding one...
- Appearance: 1.75 m, green magnetic eyes, dark hair, arrogant
- Other Information: I'm a Terranan. (nobody's perfect ...)
I've been studying on Terra for several years. I'm on a trip to visit a
planet where people are living as in the Middle-Ages on Terra.
- E-mail: Arthur_Curel@excite.com
- ICQ # 38234613